Chapter One

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"Aaliyah, darling. Time to get up. You have softball practice." My mother tapped my shoulder. I groaned under my purple sheets and covered myself up. My two evil seven year old brothers came in and jumped on my bed.

"Get up sis. Softball is soon." They said in unison. It sickened me so to hear cleverness in their voices as they talked together. I had to get up before they dared to spill water over me or worse, pull off the covers. That was a big no no in my room.

I kicked off the comforter and sheets and glared at the twins. They sprinted out the door and my mother smiled.

"I can't wait to leave this house." I grumbled.

"You will be able to when you go to college in two months." She told me. I sighed and sat up in my bed. I went to my closet and got out a pair of long shorts and a cut off t-shirt. I pulled back my copper brown hair(with one blue highlight) and looked in the mirror.

I was skinny and about 5'7". My hazel eyes examined my hair and made sure no bumps were in it. Once I was satisfied, I tied on my tennis shoes and grabbed my bat and glove. I grabbed an apple before snatching my keys for my car.

"Remember to get bread when you come home. The chore list will be up when you get home. You father and I will be home late from work. You know what to do. Just don't argue with your brothers." My mother told me right before I shut the door. I got in my car and my cleats were in the passenger seat, as always. Something in our backyard forest was watching me but it seemed to not come out.

I slipped out of my car and the figure was gone. Who would want to watch me? It freaked me out. I got back in my car and drove off to practice.


My brother's were sound asleep once I got home that afternoon and I rolled my eyes. Those two were always sleeping. I looked at the list of things I had to do but something caught my attention in the forest. It was that figure that was watching me earlier. I decided to change to get my mind off it.

"Aaliyah!" My brother yelled up the stairs. I sighed and clenched my teeth to keep from screaming at him. I peeked out my door to see him in front of my door.

"What Jason?" I asked.

"We're hungry." He told me. I put up my finger to hold on and I grabbed my cloak, my necklace and my dagger. I grabbed my belt that held my dagger holder and I went downstairs.

"What's that for?" Jaden wondered, picking up my dagger. I snatched it from his grip and put it down.

"Don't touch my stuff." I growled. He rolled his eyes and I looked up the pizza place's number. I ordered pizza for the boys and sighed as I put down the phone.

"I will be back. I am going into the forest. If your not in bed by the time I am back, your toast." I glared.

"You're going to be gone for five hours?" Jaden gaped.

"So? Just make sure to do the chores. I promise I will be back." I told them. I tied on my cloak and put the dagger in the belt. I hooked the necklace around my neck and went out the back door. There was darkness beyond my eye, even though it is light out. I reached for a tree but it seemed like a wall was in my way. An invisible wall. I tried punching my way in but that just hurt my hands more than I need. I flattened myself against it to see inside.

Then the wall moved magically and I fell forward. I caught myself before severely hitting the ground and glanced back to see...nothing but trees. What? Where was my house?

"What just happened?" I gulped. The forest was quiet except for a few noises further on in the forest. It was pitch black so it scared me that something could pop out at me. I stepped forward and there was a rustle in the bushes a few feet away from me. I clunched my dagger and threw it.

"Hey watch where your throwing!" It said, standing up. It wasn't a regular person but it was some half being.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"My name is Tolken. The protector of the Princess who is gone." He came in my view but all I saw was an outline of a centaur. I gasped and he handed me my dagger.

"And who might you be?" He wondered as I put my dagger back in my holster.

"Aaliyah. Have you been watching me?" I asked. I saw his ears perk up and he silenced me. I heard hooves coming rapidly closer.

"Get on my back, my dear. I will explain everything as soon as your safe." He instructed. I climbed on his back and he rode off.

"Stop them!" A voice said behind us. I looked back and saw figures holding weapons, ready to strike.

"How can you see?" I asked Tolken.

"Living in the dark for years have changed my eye sight. But it would be nice to have light after 100 years." He responded. I heard arrows zoom by and Tolken handed me something.

"I think these are yours." He told me. I touched them to feel the bow in my hands. The arrows were in a holder and I put them on my back. I loaded up the bow and made an estimated guess on where the enemies were. There was a grunt and I suspected I hit him or her.

"Nice shot." Tolken complemented. I smiled and we came up to a village, secured by loads of centaur guards. I jumped down and he whispered something in the guards ear.

The door was opened and I followed Tolken. I got to see him fully now and it was unbelievable I climbed on him. His feet was a Clydesdale type horse and I gulped. His hair was black and his human body was pretty strong.

Everyone was staring at me and whispering to their friends. It made me uncomfortable.

"Um, Tolken. Why is everyone staring?" I wondered. He didn't answer. He just watched the path in front him and I bit my lip. We went up to a house and he led me inside. There was a woman centaur and a little kid centaur.

"Get her some food. She looks famished." Tolken told the woman.

"I'm Jennifer and this is Kendall." The woman introduced. I smiled and she sighed, walking off to get me food.

"Sit. We need to talk." Tolken told me. What is going on?

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