Chapter 15

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Tolken spread out the map as I got closer and I looked down.

"You need a militia. He will be waiting for you there and his guards will be waiting too. I will get one together as the rest of us await the light to return." He said. I nodded and he ran off. I saw the star on the other side of the world.

"Can you come back to help?" Candy yelled to me. I nodded and sighed. This was going to be dangerous.


The next morning, a militia and I were saying our goodbyes just in case we didn't make it. I waited and sighed as the militia got closer. I was really concerned.

"Ready?" I wondered. They nodded and we headed off. It was no sooner than that is when I heard my men start falling like weeds. Arrows flying pass my head and I didn't know how to save my militia. It was too hard to turn back when you were trying to save so many others.

I didn't hear my men any longer and I knew I let them down. My eyes met with a warriors of the opposite army. I skid to a top and was surrounded. Why does this happen?

"Come on. Just do it." One said behind me. I breathed and felt them through the earth and I ducked and tripped the men behind me. I twirled around on my back and shot fire out my feet to make the others fall back. I got up and put ice down.

I pushed the buttons on boots and skated until I got a safe distance. I saw the light from a mile away and kept going. But I saw a huge crowd including Loki near that light. About sixty men.

Oh geez. I am so dead now. I skid to a stop and crept to the light. I got closer and Loki turned to me as I came to the light. The light was a sun drop frozen into a necklace.

"Well, glad you made it." Loki smirked.

"I'm not here for entertainment Loki. I just want to get the necklace and leave." I replied.

"It's not going to be that easy, let me tell you." He smiled. He held up his hand and I gulped. He put it down as a signal to strike. I ducked many weapons and grabbed one of the guards necks and snapped it with one arm. I used lightning to shock about half of the group to death.

Soon, it was down to me and Loki between the necklace and me. He didn't have any weapons and he charged me. Hand to hand combat it is. He evidently trained as well and I felt like I was out matched.

He was using his trickery and I was super scared. He used a kangaroo kick and knocked me back on the pedestal that held the necklace. It flew in the air and Loki charged for it.

I held my hands out straight and together as wind knocked him back into a tree. I heard a groan and the necklace fell on me. I felt a burning sensation and a light beam went to the sky.

I screamed at the pain and the sun appeared in the sky as the black cover of the darkness pulled back to reveal the light. The sun drop went to the sky and it exploded to complete the process. I felt the necklace sink in my skin.

"It will be safe there." A voice said in my head. I knew it was Ophia and Xavier's voice. I smiled and looked at Loki. I went to him and held onto him.

He woke up and looked me straight in the eyes. I smiled and he sighed.

"Another fail." He said.

"Not totally." I said.

"I guess not. I have you. What could be better." He said. My stomach filled and he grabbed my face. He brought it closer and our lips met. It aroused me and I kissed back. It was so amazing and he pulled off.

"I wanted to change and I certainly never wanted you hurt from the moment I saw you. I love you Aaliyah and I will do anything to have you be mine forever." He said.

"I feel the same way Loki." I replied. He smiled and sat up.

"Aaliyah." Candy came toward me. I smiled and I hugged her as the others approached. Thor was about to grab Loki when I turned around.

"Stop." I held out my hand.

"He needs to face trial." Thor said.

"No he doesn't. He is okay and is going to stay on Osias." I said. He was shocked and Loki smirked.

"But-" He started.

"Look, I only told Candy this because she would understand what love is. I like Loki a lot and if he is willing to stay and remain peaceful, than so be it. I don't want my life without him." I said.

"I respect that." He bowed. I sighed with relief and Loki came to me. This was sure going to be different after today.

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