"Will you be mine"

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Summary: You got drunk and confessed a little something to Gibbsy.

Warning: DRUNK READER (and Gibbs gets slapped).

You were celebrating the tough break through with the NCIS team.

And it so happens to be you were wasted. Absolutely gone... Out of this world wasted.

"You should stop drinking" you turned around to see a very Special Agent Gibbs.

"Aaaaannd why should I listen to you Gibbs"

"Because ya gonna have the worst hangover in the morning" he explained.

You decided you were in no shape or form able to argue right now so you did what any alien from area 51 would do.

You slapped him, and you slapped him good.

Well that's what you thought. Gibbs only felt a slight sting.

"Ow" he exaggerated. "Well I guess I'm goin' home now" you said as you tried to walked out of the bar.

"Yeah and exactly how do you plan on doing that" Gibbs knew you had taken a taxi here and he walked here.

"I aheha don't know but I'll figure it out" you said as you walked out of the bar and into the cold air outside.

"Mhmm sure what's you're address"

"Wherever you are Gibbsy"

"Don't call me Gibbsy" you turn around and look at him. You walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek where you slapped him.

"Fine Leroy let's go"

"Don't call me that either"

"Then what's it gonna be Gibbsy" you gesture to you're right "or Leroy" you gesture to you're left.

"Or" he says sternly

"ALRIGHT Gibbsy it is" you turn back around and start walking in a random direction. With 'Gibbsy' close behind.


"What what happened" Gibbs sounded concerned though you didn't bother to mention.

"Are you trying to get in my bed Gibbsy"

"What?! No of course not" he put his hands up to say 'I surrender'.

You turn back around and kick at the ground. "Damn" you said.

"Wait are you- are you disappointed" Gibbs asked.

"Well yeah kinda of if I ever wanted to sleep with someone it'd be you" you explained bummed out. "But you don't like me so I might as well go drink away my sorrows" you said stumbling past Gibbs back to the direction of the bar.

"Wait hang on" Gibbs said grabbing you're arm "I never said I didn't like you........... In fact I would love nothing more than to kiss you right now but you're drunk"

"Aww so Gibbsy does like me" you said a little more cheerful but you're words still slurred.

He chuckled at you're words and gave a lopsided grin "Yes Gibbsy does like you In fact Gibbsy loves you but he's gotta wait till morning to find out if Y/N is telling the truth"

°Time skip to morning°

You woke up head pounding. You stretch your limbs and you're satisfied with the pop they produce.

You walk into you're bathroom and turn on the shower 🚿.

"Nothing like a shower with a terrible hangover am I right" you said to yourself.

°Time skip to when you're out of the shower°

You walk into you're kitchen wearing only a big T-Shirt because no one else is here- wait there's something-someone-oh shit.

Why is he here
What happened last night
Did I have a one night stand with my boss
No I woke up in my bed he's sleeping on my couch
He has rule 12 he would never
He looks so cute when he's sleeping
Stop he doesn't like you
But why is he sleeping on my couch
Okay relax

You walk up to Gibbs he looks so relaxed. He's always looks so grumpy.

You can't help but run you're fingers through his sliver hair.

Why is his hair so soft

You keep running you're fingers through his hair. That's until he groans and opens his eyes slightly.

You stop touching him and his hair.

"Mmm why'd ya stop" he's sound a little disappointed.

Why is you're morning voice so hot sir I-

He interrupts you're thoughts by grabbing you're hand and placing it in his hair again.

You assume he wants you to continue what you were doing before so you continue running you're hand through his hair.

"Do you remember last night" he asks as he closes his eyes at you're touch.

"No I don't-" you're cut short of you're sentence with memories from last night. You remember slapping him, confessing you're feeling about him and oh shit calling him GIBBSY. You also remember him confessing his feelings.

Yes Gibbsy does like you In fact Gibbsy loves you but he's gotta wait till morning to find out if Y/N is telling the truth

"I'm so sorry Gibbs I slapped you and oh my god I slapped you"

He chuckles "Yes you did indeed it didn't hurt as bad as you think it did you know you are actually really weak when you're drunk" he says sounding amused.

You stop running you're hand through his hair he opens his eyes at the sudden loss of warmth.

"Yeah you want some coffee cool I'll make some coffee"

You stand up and go to you're coffee machine you start brewing a cup of coffee.

You feel a warm presence behind you. You know it's Gibbs but you're too awkward to turn around and continue this conversation.

"I have a question for you ma'am"

"I might have an answer" you say deciding to play along with his little game.

He puts his hands on you're waist and turns you around to face him.

Oh shit

"Will you be mine"

Fuck fuck fuck it's Valentine's day today play it cool

Next thing you know you're lips are on his.

Not that cool
But there so soft

He doesn't hesitate to respond. His tongue swipes across the seam of you're lips. You don't hesitate to let him in.

You're not gonna pass this opportunity up you pull away and jump up on the counter.

His hands find you're thighs and you're running you're hands through his hair. He pulls away when the oxygen is at an all time need.

"Happy Valentine's day Gibbsy"

"Happy Valentine's day sweetheart"

Hi guys my eye caught onto Special Agent Gibbs and I realized there's not many FanFics of him and hence today is Valentine's day I wanted to dedicate it to Gibbs X Reader.

Happy Valentine's Day my loves 💙

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