Undercover 3

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Summary: Ouch

You woke up naked in bed. The sun beaming into the room your in you register that your not in you own room and start to breath more erratically.

"Hey hey it's okay" you hear a voice filled with sleep rumble from behind you. That's when you register the arm wrapped around you waist, your back against his front, and his sweet pink magical lips on your bare shoulder.

You shift your body around to come face to face with one Leroy Jethro Gibbs staring right back at you.

Your eyes meet his icy blues. Your brain is flooded with memories of last night.

The kissing, the holding, the hand holding, the eye contact, the 'i love you's, the sweet sinful ecstasy, and the cuddling after.

"Good morning" you say sleepily.

"Good morning indeed" Jethro replies kissing you softly. He rolls on top of you, his arms around your waist, and he begins kissing your neck. Not roughly but softly, and sweetly.

"We gotta get up....and you gotta go to work petty officer Alek Johnson"

"Hmmm lemme think here..... Stay in bed with you all day.......ooor go to work and act like an idiot running around calling random people sir....yeah I'd rather stay with you" He says between kisses.

"Yeah me too but we have to catch Ned Hidgon than we can stay in bed all day" you reply as your pushing your hand against his bare chest for him to get off you.

"Fine" he whispers flatly.

Once your both downstairs, comms in, and eating pancakes that Jethro gladly made you both you hear.

"Eventful night eh guys"

"Actually yes Fornell very eventful filled with kisses that only Gibbs can give so don't be jealous buddy" you spit out before you can even stop yourself.

That earns you a surprised look from Gibbs and a complete internally shocked Fornell to shut up.

"Alright well I gotta go run around a building like an idiot see ya Y/N" Jethro says kissing your temple.

"Yay time for boredom am I right Tobby" you says referring to Fornell.

"First off its Fornell or Tobias Second don't ever call me Tobby again Third off I'm not boring to talk to you just don't have good taste" Tobias says annoyed.

"Nope but she tastes good" you hear Gibbs say in the comm and your immediately filled with serotonin.

"I literally can't do this" you both hear Fornell say.

You hear a window break from upstairs.

"Wait guys shut up I think someone's here" you say like your in a horror movie.

"Yeah right Y/N/N" you hear Tobias joke.

"No I'm being serious" you whisper.

"I'm on my way back now" you hear Gibbs say frantically followed by screeching tires.

Next thing you know your mouth is covered and your eye sight is filled with blackness.

×*cue the sociopath* Time skip×

You wake up cold and your head pounding.

"Hello pretty little lady" you hear a voice say.

"What do you want" you yell out.

"For Alek to feel the same pain I did when Aunica left me except it's permanent" Ned says as he steps in front of you.

"Pfft Alek doesn't feel pain" you say thinking about Gibbs and the rest of the team.

"We'll see about that or at least I will" he laughs sinisterly "I know you feel pain".

He says as he kicks you.

You cough violently at the unexpected kick.

"Uuuh haha you bastard" you say as you regain your breath.

"I may be a bastard but your a dead women and I can live with that"

"Alek doesn't care about me you think he'll come looking cause your wrong"

He grabs your face tightly and makes you look at him.

"Well then I'll have my fun now" he says.

After multiple beatings and being raped at least twice you don't know you've lost count you hear shouting.

"NCIS COME OUT OR WE'LL COME IN" you hear him shout.

"Help" you scream as loud as you can only to be slapped.

"Shut up" Ned whisper yells at you.

Then multiple shots rang throughout where ever you are. You see Ned drop and your just sitting there wondering if this is a dream.

"I'm here I'm here it's okay I got ya" you hear Gibbs frantically say pulling you close to him as you begin to cry.

"I'm so sorry hun I'm so sorry I let him take you" He says.

"Ru-rule six" you manage to get out through your whimpers.

"I know I know" he says kissing your head,rocking back and forth, and brushing hair out of your face.

As Gibbs and you progressed into the future you got married and had a beautiful son Jethro and you named Alek Jethro Gibbs. You both grew old together and eventually died together only 2 hours apart. Both of your legacies were.remembered at the NCIS naval yard as 'Best Agents'.

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