Undercover 2

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Summery: Getting settled in

Warning: Smut

"Alright Gibbs your a petty officer and Y/L/N you work from home" you and Gibbs heard Fornell explain "our killers name is Ned Hidgon he kills newly weds and he doesn't like younger women marrying older men-"

"Why" Gibbs interrupts.

"I was just about to say....he doesn't like it because his ex-wife Aunica Kampmeyer left him for an older man who is a petty officer and our profiler suspects he has obsessions with women that have Y/N's build......multiple bodies that resemble Ms.Kampmeyer have been found" Fornell tells you.

"So if we have all that why don't we just get him" the unknown FBI agent speaks up.

"Because we don't have enough evidence to......if we did we wouldn't be going undercover" you explain.

"Exactly so the address is already in the GPS there's food, and newly wed things already in the house" Tobias says handing 'Alek' the keys.

"If someone-"

"Yeah yeah if someone asks why we only have two bags make a sob story we get it can we go now" you interrupt just wanting to get away from the known FBI agents gaze as he checks you out.

"Sure" Tobias says.

×lil time skip to when your at the house×

"I'm just saying honey lets have fun tonight" Gibbs says as he pulls into the driveway. Gibbs gets out and rushes over towards your car door, he opens it for you and helps you out. Shutting the door behind you he puts his hands on the hood of the car successfully encasing you in.

He presses his lips to yours and you immediately get butterflies. You know it's just for the undercover story but you can still pretend it's not........right?

You should say Alek Johnson but who cares Ned can't read your mind.

Gibbs cups your face with his hands and both of your lips move in sync. You won't believe it but Gibbs swipes his tongue against the seam of your lips and you gladly let him in. He doesn't have to know you'd let him do anything to you.

"If your gonna have sex I would wait till ya get inside at least" Fornell says in your ear.

Gibbs pulls away slowly pressing one last peck to your lips and your a blushing mess at what he says next.

"Gotta save the fun for later"

He pulls away fully now and goes to the trunk while you to unlock the door.

"Hurry up Al I wanna take a shower" you yell to Gibbs.

"Mmm will I be able to join you" Gibbs practically purrs while walking past you into the house.

×another lil skip (sorry)×

Your all settled in now clothes all put into drawers and your sitting on the kitchen counter while holding a beer when you hear a knock on the door.

Gibbs looks to you and you look to him his lovely blue eyes meeting your lovely e/c (eye / color) eyes. You look away just as fast and jump off the counter walking with Gibbs to the door.

When he opens it he wraps his arm around your waist his hand resting on your hip.

"Hi I saw you guys and I couldn't remember if you've been around here....are you the new neighbors" the strange man asked.

"Uh heh yeah we're new around here" Gibbs says pulling you closer to him in a protective manner.

"Beautiful ring you got there...." the man says looking at your left hand "I'm Ned...... Ned Hidgon I live across the street" Ned says holding out his hand for Gibbs to shake suddenly your scared. From the crime photos you've seen this guy can get pretty gruesome.

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