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Summary: Gibbs comes home to you sleeping on the couch with you're dog

Warnings: None

Jethro had had a long day at work and was looking forward to cuddling with you.

When he got home he expected Kato to be sleeping in his kennel and you waiting for him on the couch.

However this was not the case when Gibbs got home he was met with you sleeping on the couch cuddling with Kato.

"Kato off" he said in a stern voice.

Kato usually listened to Gibbs but this time Kato didn't move he just lied there with your arm wrapped around him comfortably sleeping.

"C'mon man I'm jealous she's mine" Gibbs says loud enough to wake the dog but he's careful not to wake you.

"She. Is. Mine." Gibbs repeats in return Kato just growls at Gibbs.

I mean after all Kato was YOU'RE dog.

He only listened to Gibbs because he saw him as the alpha male.

"That's it you won't move I'll make you move"

Gibbs walks into the kitchen and grabs Kato a treat..... Yeah Kato loves you but its a whole new story when treats are involved.

"You wanna a treat c'mere boy come get the treat" Gibbs says enthusiastically.

Kato's head perks up at the word TREAT.

Kato gets up off the couch and starts walking towards Jethro.

"That's it c'mon" he says in a smoothed over voice.

Once Kato is close enough Gibbs slides the treat across the floor sending Kato farther away from you.

Gibbs takes the opportunity and shuffles quickly but quietly towards you.

Once he's seated next to you he starts placing open mouthed kisses to you're exposed shoulder (your wearing Gibbs' sweater and it's big on you hence your shoulder is exposed).

You stir awake still too tired to open you're eyes once Gibbs knows you're conscious enough he places a sweet, passionate, and loving kiss to you're lips.

"Hello to you too sir" you say as Gibbs started kissing your collarbone.

"C'mon let's get to bed I'm not sleeping on the couch" he says.

"Or are you" You joke.

"Don't" he warns as he's slightly pushing You into bed.

"Mm if you were ever to sleep on the couch I would get too lonely and go and snuggle up to you" You say reassuringly.

"Good" is all he says.

°Just a little time skip cause I'm lazy :)°

"Good night sweetheart" Gibbs whispers tiredly.

"Good night Jethro"

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