"That's Cute"

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Summary: A suspect you're interrogating makes Gibbs jealous and threatens you later.

Warning: Gibbs gets a little jealous and angry and slight assault (Oh yeah king is in this one)

"Well if I knew I'd be getting some eye candy I would've came willingly" the suspect Jordan Newman says eyeing you up and down.

"Oh c'mon honey lemme out of these cuffs so you and I can have some fun" Newman pleads. You lean up against the frame of the double sided mirror.

"That's enough Newman confess an' this'll all be over" Pride says trying to get Newman's attention on him. But he fails miserably.

"Why would I want this to be over when I got Ms.Hottie here" Jordan refers to you.

You know Gibbs is probably pissed right now, you know Dwayne is. But Pride isn't you're boyfriend. You know Gibbs he's an overprotective animal.

"Give it up Newman you're caught" King says sounding more annoyed then before.

"Oh I will when I at least get a kiss from the very Special Agent Y/L/N" you knew what you had do to get him caught completely. You had enough evidence all you needed was a confession.

"And why would I do that" you say. Jordan knew you would kiss him for him to be caught he's been stalking you after all (oh also this Newman guy stalked you but only he knows :]).

"Because you want the confession.... You have everything you need but one thing hence gimme a kiss and I'll give you a confession" you push yourself off the wall, put your hands on the table and lean against them leaning closer to Newman.

"Mmm Leroy is gonna be pissed" Newman says referring to Gibbs. Just inches away from kissing you. You're lips are centimeters away and you pull away.

"Gimme my confession and I'll give more than just a kiss" you say biting you're bottom lip. You can feel Gibbs' eyes burning into the back of you're head but you'll be damned if you don't get you're confession.

"Fine I killed her..... I killed Laura Kyrola..." Newman confesses you smirk and lean in you give his lips a little peck and then slap him.

"Hey! That wasn't the deal" Newman yells rubbing the side of his face. "One I didn't shake you're hand to seal the deal two I didn't say I was gonna have sex with you" you hear Pride shuffle in his seat.

"Oh ho you slimy bitch" Newman spits back. "Ya know I was reconsidering giving you a better kiss than just a peck but you're just a dick" you spat right back at him.

That's where you fucked up big time. Because Jordan got up so quick you didn't see it coming one second you were facing him the next your up against the glass.

You watch as Pride jumps up and yanks Newman away from you. Gibbs came storming in he grabs Jordan from Pride and slams him against the concrete wall to the left of you.

"How do you like it Newman being slammed around" Gibbs practically yells. Slamming him against the wall repeatedly.

Jordan beams from ear to ear. "Oh it's awesome" he says "but I'd like it if you kept going ya know head trauma never hurt anyone" Newman says jokingly.

Gibbs slams him against the wall hard enough where he hits the back of his head he then punches him most likely breaking his nose. Jordan screams out it pain and drops to his knees.

While all this is happening Pride is checking you over making sure you're okay.

"Jethro stop he's had enough" you say warningly. He walks over to you grabs you're arm and practically drags you out of the integration room.

Once you two are in the elevator he switches the emergency elevator button. You can tell he's angry but mostly jealous that you have Newman a peck.

"That's Cute" you jokingly say. "What is" Gibbs asks curiously. "You're jealous of a man who murdered a woman for god knows what".

Gibbs' lips are now closer and you can feel his breath across you're bottom lip. "Damn right I am you kissed him" "Okay actually for a fact I did not kiss him I pecked his lips" you admit but you really love seeing Jethro get overprotective like this and you're willing to take it further.

"Mm his lips tasted nice" you say licking your lips "It wasn't like yours it was almost bet-".

Gibbs doesn't let you finish he has other plans. His lips are fused to you're in a loving passionate kiss.

You're Marine loves you all too much to let you finish that sentence.

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