the little things

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authors note: hey guys, ik i'm absolutely horrible at updating this and i'm sorry for that! but as i've said before, i am, in no way, consistent. but i hope you enjoy, and remember that feedback is much appreciated! much love, enjoy <3

warnings: mentions of throwing up, probs ooc but it's cutesie, gibbs has memory loss (not actually but it is mentioned that he has a hard time remembering things!), and i think that's it, lmk if i missed anything

Gibbs isn't the type to remember big dates like anniversaries, birthdays, and other things among dates you consider important. You know this, and you've grown to accept it.

However, it's the little things that count.

The late nights in the basement with him, where he teaches you how to sand the boat. How he wraps his arms around you from behind and helps guide your hands, how he kisses your neck softly, how he whispers in your ear. Things like: "You're getting the hang of it.", "Good girl, keep going just like that.", "Good job sweetheart.", and many other things along those lines.

Or when he gets home late, tired and exhausted, he slips off his shoes, shrugs off his jacket, and climbs the stairs leading to the bedroom. When he enters the room, he notices you sleeping, and he'll be as quiet as possible when he takes a much deserved hot shower, brushes his teeth, and changes into his pajamas. He'll crawl into bed and burrow under the covers with you. He'll wrap his arm around you, gently pull you closer to him, kiss your forehead softly, and slowly fall asleep.

Or early in the morning, when he wakes up five minutes before he has to get up, just so he can get some extra cuddles. He'll kiss your cheek softly and take in your features, committing them to memory. You'll slowly open your eyes, still tired from the day before. You'll smile softly up at him and he'll make a mental note to try and get home sooner tonight so he can spend more time with you. He'll softly say "Good morning", and you'll say it back.

Or when he has to leave for work, no matter how late he is, he always makes it a point to give you a kiss. Whether you're still in bed, on the couch, in the kitchen, in the shower, or saying goodbye to him at the door. He'll always lean down, and press his lips to yours softly. Savoring the moment and giving you an extra kiss, just for some good measure.

Or when you have a girls night out. You'll call him late at night, and he'll answer, he always does no matter what. You'll drunkenly slur into the phone that you need him to come get you, and he's out the door in less than a minute. He'll help you into the truck, buckle you in, and kiss your cheek before rounding the front and getting into the drivers seat. He'll hold your hand as he drives home, he'll play into your small drunken banter, just so he can see you smile that dopey grin at him.

Or when he holds your hair into a ponytail, rubs your back gently, and talks you through it as your throw up the contents of your stomach into the toilet. He'll tell you things like "It's okay baby." and "Let it out, you're almost done.". He get a washcloth wet with cold water and places it on your forehead in an attempt to cool you down. He'll take care of you and baby you. He'll cuddle you and kiss you, and you'll tell him not to because he'll get sick from you. He'll ignore you and continue to comfort you.

Or when he pulls you closer to him because you're crying on the couch because of a sad scene in a movie. You'll blubber and sniffle, he'll hold you close and kiss your temple. You'll ask him how he's not crying while wiping away a tear, he'll give you a grin and tease you.

Or when he brings you flowers at work. You had a rough morning and he wants to make it better, he'll bring some lunch too. He'll sit down with you, talk with you, and eat lunch with you. You'll tell him you love him and he'll smile softly and say he loves you too.

All in all, Gibbs may not be the perfect man. Far from it in his opinion. But to you, it's the little things that count. So no matter how many anniversaries he forgets, how many birthdays, and how many planned dates gone out the window; You'll love him, unconditionally and wholeheartedly. Because to you, he's perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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