Late Night

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warnings: probably ooc (sorry), terrible writing, drunk!gibbs.

you  open your bleary eyes, looking around your room. your eyes focus in on the clock and it reads 2:03 AM.

you rub your eyes awake and you're aware that it's raining outside,  then your brain gets a grasp of the banging on your door. you carefully slide out of bed, not wanting whoever is at the door to hear you just yet.

as you sneak down your stairs and up to the door you accidentally step on a creaky floorboard and you silently curse your old house. the banging continues, you stand on your tiptoes and look through the peephole to see.....Gibbs?

you unlock your door and swing it open and your met with a soaked Gibbs.

"Gibbs, what the hell are you doing here?" you say, still exhausted from the day and a little mad that you were awoken from your peaceful sleep.

"I don't know, I just wanted to see you I guess." Gibbs says, but there's something about the way he said it, something about him.

now you're not one to deny that he's a very attractive man, ever since you laid your eyes on him you knew that. but that's not it, he's always been attractive, no there's something else.

"Are you drunk?" you ask bluntly.

"Is there something wrong with me being drunk?" he says, his speech a little slurred.

he wobbles a little bit almost falling, and Gibbs isn't one to get drunk easily. you rush up to him and wrap your arm around him, your flanks meeting in the middle.

"Jesus Gibbs how much have you had to drink?" you say a little worried.

"I'm not sure, just a little." he says, sounding like he's trying to convince himself more than you.

as you drag him inside and shut your door you question "Did you drive here?"

"Nah I walked sweetheart." he says, giving you a dopey grin.

gosh this was going to be hard.

"Alright well," you pause trying to figure out what to do with your team leader.

"I'll tell you what, you're going to take a shower, and while you're in the shower I'll dry your clothes and look for some of my dads old ones I stole from him awhile back. Hopefully you'll sober up in the shower." you say a little rushed, you hope your house is dark enough so he can't see how much his close proximity is effecting you.

"Well it sounds like you're tryna get rid of me honey." he says, stumbling as you guide him up the stairs and to the bathroom for safe measures.

"You would only be half right, I'll grab you a towel." as search for a clean towel your mind wanders.

Gibbs, the man i've had a silly schoolgirl crush on since joined the team 4 years ago, is going to be in my shower, naked, in my house. you know it's wrong, he's drunk for god sakes.

you're immediately brought out of your thoughts when you feel a pair of hands wrap around your hips.

"How long does it take you to find a towel sweetheart." the way his voice rumbles, even though yet again he's drunk and his speech is still slightly slurred, it does something to you.

"Well I have to make sure it's a clean towel, tomorrow, well today actually was my laundry day." you say turning around and facing him.

he's close, very close. closer than you thought. his eyes scan you up and down, he grabs the towel from your hands and he turns around to walk back into the bathroom.

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