Elevator Confessions

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Summary: We love the elevator one way or another.

Warnings: Just a little heated kissing.

It was late and you had enough of waiting for Gibbs. "Alright buddy let's go." you say walking up to Gibbs' desk and pating his shoulder. Surprisingly he gets up slips on his coat and heads towards the elevator with you close on his heels.

You slip through the doors and you're descending you're way. That's until the elevator chugs to a stop. You look at Gibbs.

"Really I'm tired and wanna go home flip the switch back." you say curtly to Gibbs looking at him expectantly.

"What'd You mean I didn't touch it."

"Ha ha you're hilarious." you say sarcastically.

“The elevator must have malfunctioned. I'll try to call Mcgee, we won't be able to access the controls from here.” He mumbles out, while tapping away at his phone. “No service. Typical.” Sighing, he shakes his head at the situation taking place.

You feel your whole body tighten, heart beat starting to increase, erratically thumping against your chest, palms heating up, fear and worry coursing though you. “What...what do we do?...how do we, oh go-" You choke out, words not forming, your words and mind hazing in panic. Your breathing becoming turbulent at the possibility of being trapped inside these four metal walls, with no evacuation plan.

Looking over at you, Gibbs takes a few seconds to evaluate your current state. Becoming aware of your shallow breathing and shaky fumbling hands, Gibbs gives you his full attention, hands resting on your shoulders. Firmly but calmly he assures you, “Y/N, listen. Look at me, look here at me, Y/N,” You timidly lift your head and meet his comforting gaze, eyes rapidly blinking. “Everything is fine. It's just an elevator malfunction. Mcgee and the rest of the team will receive an alert that one of the Elevators is unresponsive when they arrive, okay?” He tries to sooth you, softly rubbing your shoulders. “You need to slow your breathing.”

“Gibbs. I know what an anxiety attack is, that isn't helping!” you cry out, starting to feel faint from the amount of oxygen you were taking in. You heard what Gibbs said, albeit just. But it wasn't helping, it felt as if the walls were pulsing, taunting you and almost as if they may begin to close in on you, at any given moment.

“What does help?” he asked, asking himself more than you. He rubbed his forehead with one of his hands, mind working like clockwork, before quickly looking at you again for a split second with an idea forming, closing his eyes again, taking a deep breath.

Opening his eyes, he looks straight at you, taking your face between his hands, quickly leaning in and pressing his lips firmly against your own. Stunned, you stop breathing for a moment, taking in what was happening, blinking in disbelief. Before you have time to register it completely, he pulls back and studies you, mouth turning up slightly at the corners in relief.

“It actually worked...I am extremely sorry Y/N, believe me, I am. But it worked...?” He breathes out.

Confused you ask him “Wait what? What worked?” You realise you are no longer panicking, but then it dawns on you. You're boss Leroy Jethro Gibbs just kissed you?

“The kiss! I had a theory...That...well, that you might hold your breath when I kissed you, thus helping even out the carbon dioxide to oxygen ratio in your body.” He explains.

Responding with a simple “Oh.... Science-y Gibbs” you look down at your feet and brush your hair from your face. So it finally happened and it was just to calm you down...great.

“What? What's wrong?" He looks at you puzzled.

“Nothing, don't worry, Thank you.” Giving him a curt nod and a fake smile, before turning away and walking back to lean against the back wall.

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