Undercover 1

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Summary: Gibbs and you get you're "equipment" for the undercover mission.

Gibbs and you are in the elevator, no you're not scared of elevators it's the mind blowing fact that you have a crush on one Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

And it doesn't help you can feel his eyes burning into the side of you're head. "What" you say.

"What do you mean 'What'" Gibbs says to you. He may be stupid with technology but he isn't stupid with body language. Therefore he knows you like him, he does these things to make you flustered which include: Stare at you randomly, smirk/grin at you, only gets you and him coffee, pairs you up with him, stands closer to you than he exceptionally should, kisses your cheek, kisses your forehead, compliments you on a good job, and he doesn't give you head slaps.

To anyone on the outside view it may seem like Gibbs likes you. You would think that too but you know he has rule 12 Never date a co-worker and (he does these things to Abby just he get her Caf-Pow not coffee but is it pretend it's different) for the love of Dwayne Pride do you discreetly hate him for that rule.

"Stop staring at me Sir" you know how he doesn't like to be called sir, so you're gonna do what Abby did that one Sunday, when he says "Don't call me Sir" you'd say "Yes ma'am".

He huffs out a breath and does that CHEEKY GRIN.

"Don't do that" is all he says.

"Yes sir-y buckaroo"

Oh no that's kinda far "Buckaroo" you idiot

You mentally curse yourself and wish this elevator ride would end already or that you should've just taken the stairs.

Oh and thank area 51 it's over the elevator doors open and you think your finally free of the four metal walls but not before Gibbs pressed his lips to your cheek his lips almost touch the corner of your mouth and you use all your restraint not to turn and just kiss him there.

"Okay hurry up love birds I may have all day but you don't" Abby calls.

Love birds? You think to yourself which just makes you blush even more.

"Okay since we're all spick and spam like ham ooh that rhymed there did ya here tha-" "Abby" Gibbs says.

"Ugh Gibbs you ruined my moment there......anyways down to topic you guys will be newly weds Gibbs your name won't be Gibbs anymore sad I know right your name will be Alek Johnson and since your newly weds Y/N your name won't be Y/N any more and that's really bad and Gibbs don't worry I'm on topic here anyways your name will be Taylor Johnson" Abby says without taking a breath.

"Okay now that's assessed we move to the more important things" Abby motions to another table you and Gibbs follow her.

"These are your comms there super sensitive so no touchy unless your taking them out WHICH MEans at night time you have to take them out and then put them in there case unless when you wake up you wanna have ringing ears then be me guest ANYWHO here's your clothes ma'am" Abby says while handing you your clothes "Okay Abigail" you say you hate being called ma'am and Abby gates being called Abigail.

"Touché Gibbs here's your clothes Gibbs here's also the rings now go scat and change because Gibbs you have zero fashion sense unless your wearing your NCIS hat and coat"

Gibbs chuckles and you and him go to change into your new "outfits" while Abby continues packing your bags.

You walk out of the changing room to see Gibbs waiting for you. He has the box with your ring in it so when you go to grab from his hands and he pulls away your kinda annoyed.

"Okay Gibbs we have dead lines to make so gimme gimme the box"

"Deal" he says giving you the box. You open it and find nothing in it.

"Jethro" you whine.

That kinda came out wrong whoopsie

He gets down on one knee and holds the ring out.

"Marry me" he says.

"First off that's a maybe second off rule 12 third off give me the ring" you say mentally scolding yourself for saying maybe instead no.

"Well some rules are meant to be broken second off no you don't have a choice it's a forced marriage" he says grabbing your wrist not forcefully of course but just enough to make sure you don't pull away. He slides the wedding band on your left-hand ring finger.

Then this silver fox decides to kiss the back of your hand (I'm sorry that a ducky move but I had to make sure you get heebigeebies sjjzhsbsndhsn) your already blushing from his "proposal" and now he damn did it.

I'm sorry this is short but I'm tuning out of ideas I'm also running on 4% so I'm gonna make like The Flash and I hope you enjoyed (screw rule 6 I'm still sorry)

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