His Smile

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A/N: i know i haven't written in forever BUT i just never thought my writing was good enough, until recently i realized that practice makes perfect so i'm back at it again. and i'm terribly sorry for the long wait. and i know this is very short but please forgive me, i'm slowly dipping my toes back into the writing realm <3

His smile. It could light up the darkest of rooms. Anytime you looked at Gibbs and saw his smile, all of your problems, stresses, inconveniences little or small seemed to melt away.

The way his blue eyes crinkled at the corners, the way his dimples appeared, the way his face lit up. All in which made you smile in return. Whenever you saw Gibbs smile it made you give a smile back. Whether you were conscious or not that you were giving a smile back, it was there.

His smile made you feel warm, the joy it brought you to see him so happy. Gibbs doesn't smile much, so when he does, it's like an angel has graced the Earth in the presence of his smile.

Plus, he looks damn good with a smile.

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