Chapter 1

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It was quiet, which is how Momo liked it. Her gloved fingers worked at cracking the lock to the safe that held the desired contents. Careful to not trip the hidden alarms. Adjusting the gear, a click sounded allowing the door to open and the young woman to grin. She examined the contents before stuffing a few into a small black compartment of the bodysuit. There were plenty more things that were free for the taking, but that's where Momo was different from other thieves. Many were greedy and left their mark on the targeted locations, which would only draw attention. Make another heist difficult down the line.

She only took what was ordered so if it were discovered that something was indeed missing it would take them a while to notice. And by that point she'd be long gone to move on to the next one. Securing the contents, she shut the door once more to lock up. Her eyes glanced around to survey the store. There was nothing out of the ordinary, catching sight of the deactivated cameras and grinned behind the mask. All in a night's work as the young woman moved to the exit.

It was cool outside while Momo moved across the rooftops in the cover of night using poles and wooden planks to cross gaps that were too large. Suddenly, she paused in the shadows. There had been a noise over the city life far below. She was no longer alone.

The young woman watched men wearing all black, masks, and limited armor begin to swarm the surrounding rooftops. None seemed aware of her presence before lunging into a deserted city street without hesitation. The sound of clashing metals echoed in the air seconds later. Crouching low, Momo moved across the open space in order to remain out of sight just in case there were any others hanging around. Using all fours, the young woman peaked over the edge. In the dim light the thief picked up the fight below, noticing that those dressed in the samurai-like clothing were battling against some rather large, and not entirely human, creatures.

They looked like... mutants? Was that the right word?

Straight out of the comic books friends of hers would read about X-Men, but these creatures looked like none she had seen before on paper. All were rather talented as they whipped around their weapons to hold back the enemy that clearly outnumbered their four–'person' team. It was rather intriguing. So much so that Momo crept down the fire escape on the side of the building to draw closer, despite the fact it was dangerous. She could be found out and this was not her fight. Nor was there a reason for her being here at all. The young woman had what she desired and there were no weapons on her person to where she'd be of use. However, when the thief decided to carry on her eyes caught sight of a black clad stranger sneaking up on one of the mutants, who's attention appeared to be occupied on holding off four others.

Momo grumbled under her breath only to give an internal sigh. She made sure the mask was securely in place before flipping over the railing. The feet slammed into the man's back causing a rather loud grunt to escape his lips from the contact. The sudden attack rendered him unconscious when he hit the ground roughly.

"That was rude," she spoke to the unconscious attacker in mild annoyance.

Now that she was closer to see the individual's attire, he looked like a ninja based on the design of the metal mask.

Head snapping up the tip of a bō staff pointed directly in her face. It had been positioned inches from the nose, yet paused to take in the situation. Her eyes traveled up to catch sight of the mutant she protected. Now on the same level as them, the silhouette took on the shape of a rather large... turtle? Her suspicions were confirmed when he shifted into the dim street lighting trying to observe her.

"Who are you?" he questioned.

Momo could make out one hand that held the weapon. It only had three fingers, the palm wrapped with old cloth from years of use. The visible skin the thief could just make out looked dark green in color among the shadows, and the round shape on his back appeared to be a shell. Something was strapped to it, seeming to carry various items, while gadgets lined the nearest arm. The mutant wore large glasses to fit his face, a purple bandana circling the eyes where two slits were cut out for him to see. There were panels that circled the stranger's hips over the pants worn in a Japanese style. Something Momo had only seen in texts from the library. The sandals on his feet were in a similar fashion, giving away that he was only sporting three toes. And he was tall. Even if the young woman stood right now, he was most likely a head taller than herself.

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