Chapter 28

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Chapter Inspiration: Nobody Know by CHAII


Momo stood in the dojo face-to-face against Master Splinter. She'd wrapped the knuckles and wrists in white cloth like the turtles for further protection and held the similar bō staff to when she faced Leonardo. April sat off to the side to watch the event. Leonardo and Michelangelo had already gone up against their father for their training. The thief stepped up next when beckoned and observed the rat's stance. He too held a bō staff to match her choice of weapon. She never went for the sharp weapons since the only deadly thing the young woman carried on her was a small switchblade, which she already knew how to use. A bō staff always gave her the option to improve her skills when it came to items found on roofs and streets to use to her benefit. More organic and natural. Like a pipe or other metal bar.

Splinter tested the waters from a jab in the human's direction. She knocked the wood away easily. And then again, the second time he tried it. The third time the rat moved forcefully and accurately. Momo leaned the upper part of her body out of the way, while taking a few steps back to keep her distance. The bō staffs collided with impressive speed and quick attacks. The young woman managed to twist out of the way, the wood circling along the back of the shoulders to protect herself from a hit to the skin.

"Nice!" Michelangelo commented.

Momo's hand snapped out to catch the weapon to hold it in both hands. She took an offensive stance to begin her assault. Splinter redirected each hit before a fist flew towards his face. The rat caught it easily and flipped the thief. She managed to lessen the impact and hit a pressure point in his arm to force him to let go. The human twisted away to give them some distance. Her head ducked to avoid a foot and attempted to catch him off guard from behind. The tail ripped the bō staff from her grip. It went clattering to the ground on the other side of the mat out of Momo's reach. All she had now were her fists, which wouldn't do much against his weapon since he kept her at a distance. In the defensive stance, the young woman tried to find a way around to regain the staff. Or at least force Splinter to do what she wanted.

The rat jabbed the bō staff towards a side and it forced the human to raise an arm. Instead of waiting for it to retract, the thief's limb snapped down around the wood to pin it against her. Every brow in the dojo flew up from the uncommon tactic. Splinter jerked the wood towards him, yet Momo didn't let go. She went along for the ride despite the fact that this was a longshot. The free hand gripped the staff to further secure her in place. The two circled the tatami mat unable to gain or lose distance. Splinter tried to use his tail, but in a head on position and limited movement Momo became able to predict his movements to avoid it. He wasn't about to give up his weapon either to her cause.

With surprising strength, the mutant managed to lift the human off her feet. She went sailing through the air, only to let go seconds before impact against the ground. The decision to do that halfway down threw the thief further. Her back hit the mat rather hard and she continued to roll. A hand wrapped around the discarded bō staff now in reach. Momo managed to halt her movements to bounce back into a crouched position, the tip of the weapon facing her opponent. [song ends]

"Well done," Splinter commented.

"Well, you forced me to get creative," the human breathed out.

"Raphael, please change spots with Momo."

The red turtle stepped up to take on his father next. The young woman wiped the sweat from her brow and retreated to the edge for a drink of water.

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