Chapter 4

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Two weeks passed. Every day Zihao grew restless that the gem had not been returned. After all, the media was still covering its disappearance and the police expanded their search. He contacted Momo every few days to inquire about the item and then remind her of the money. It grew annoying, forcing the thief to not answer some of his calls. She had other clients to deal with and this situation wasn't so simple. Zihao knew that. Bijou was under closer surveillance now after the theft and trying to sneak back inside would not be so easy. Whoever Shredder was really frightened Zihao and he wasn't a man so easily terrified by an individual. She tried looking up who this person was, but received no information. It was most likely an alias, someone who worked behind the scenes. And not knowing about a potential threat was all the more terrifying.

In all honesty, Momo could have returned the gem a week ago to its rightful place. But it would have been extremely risky. Of course, word had spread and other thieves were interested in the item and began to search the streets for the culprits. To try and take it for themselves. While none were stupid enough to get close to Bijou to look for those leads there were other ways to extract information. Instead the young woman locked it away in a safe place and decided to revisit it later. Taking another job from one of Zihao's contacts on the other side of town. She needed a change of scenery.

Slipping in and finding the prized pearl necklace on display, while the guard was dozing off in a chair towards the front of the building, she hacked into the system shutting down all the cameras and disarming the alarms. After picking the back-door lock Momo slipped inside the shadows, locked it behind her, and moved through the rows in inventory boxes before coming to the case. Without making a sound she managed to turn the lock in place to snatch up the item and moved into the employees' quarters once more. Checking over the find to be sure it was the actual object and not a cheap replacement on display, Momo confirmed the loot and tucked it into the hidden compartment in the outfit. Hoisting herself up to a roof access duct it was as if she had never been there to begin with. The cool night air hit her upon opening the hatch and closing it quietly behind her. Momo didn't rush off, not like she normally would, eyes scanning the surrounding rooftops. A feeling had settled over making her senses on edge and aware of every noise. Someone was watching.

For a second she wondered if it was the thieves from Bijou and internally cursed herself that she had snagged another item of theirs that they had been interested in. That is until Momo's eyes landed on the opposite roof making out the half circle shape peaking over the ledge. Even if it was completely still it looked out of place.

Instantly she threw herself backwards pressing into the shadows as the brick wall scratched at the material of the shirt. Something dropped in from above off the very surface she was pressed against lunging to the right into a cartwheel before landing in a low crouch and sliding to a halt. She'd recognize the silhouette anywhere with its towering frame, curved back, broad shoulders, and Japanese styled weapons in hand. It was those mutants she assisted in the alley nearly a month ago.

"You're quick," he spoke in a gruff tone, sais held at the ready for another attack. This one she had yet to face, a red do-rag covering the top half of his face, with an intimidating stature.

Her brows narrowed when the other three joined his side, one wearing an orange bandana. He came from the exact spot she had been staring at moments ago. While he appeared to be the smallest, that didn't mean he was to be taken lightly.

"You went in for something," the blue one stated, walking forward a few steps. "Hand over what you came out with."

She gave him a look expressing that that was not going to happen. No way were the turtles taking her prize. Whether they wanted it for themselves or to return it to its rightful place.

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