Chapter One

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Hey guys just a few quick things. Thank you so much for reading my story it really means a lot to me. Next if your reading this there are going to be times when you may not completely understand a word and that's my mistake, I can't spell for shit. Also read at your own discretion, I may put something in here that may offend someone of a surtin race or religion. And I do not hate any enthic group. Enjoy!

My name? Oliver. You don't need to know my last name. I am 17 years old. My life is miserable. I have no one. No friends, no girl friend, no family who cares, and I'm chronicly depressed. Also I'm an alcoholic. I tried being happy once, I couldn't do it. This is my depressing story.

It was a Friday, I had just woken up. I had am awful hang over from the night before. I went to take a shower, got dressed, grabbed a bottle of my favorite drink(which is vodka by the way) and walked out the door. I rode my skate board to school, like I do every day, and walked in to my first period class. "Damn it I forgot to shave, I really look like an alcoholic now" I muterd to my self.

I am a decent student I mostly get b's and c's. Then I noticed the new person standing at the door. She was smiling at me. I didn't want to be rude, so I slapped on a plastic smile and pulled out my things. "Students, you have a new class mate. I expect you to be nice and welcome her to our school. Her name is Debra. Debra why don't you take your things and sit next to Jason over there." Said my science teacher Mr. Morgan. Mr. Morgan was probably my favorite person at this school, but I wouldn't call us friends. I have no friends.

Jason how ever was my least favorite person at this school, I almost hate him as much as I hate my father. No one really notices me exempt him and he's always had a dislike of me for some reason.

After the bell rang Debra walked up to me and said"Hi, I'm Debra." "Oliver" I responded. " umm I'm new here and I was hoping to make some friends" I walked out of class as she followed. I looked at her and said " listen I'd be willing to show you to your classes if you need help, but you'd be better of not talking to me." She looked confused. "Shure man, what ever you say" "you look like an alcoholic btw"

I got my flask out and filled it with vodka from the bottle I had brought. "What are you doing?" She asked in a yelling whisper. "I don't remember asking you a god dam thing!" I said then puting the bottle away in my back pack and taking a drink. She had a hurt and offended look on her face."I'm sorry, I have a hang over right now" I said swallowing. " here's you next class, I'll see you around" I just walked away taking another drink.

At lunch I was drinking alone like I normally do, when debra walked up and said "Hey where's your friends?" I said slightly drunk "Oh all 3 of us are here! Yeah meat me, myself, and I."I took another drink realizeing that it was empty, shaking it. "Good you don't need any more" said Debra in a offended tone. As she said that I pulled out the half empty bottle and re filled the flask. "God damit!" She yelled taking my flask and throwing it. "What the fuck Debra!" I went and picked it up.

Jason walked up to Debra and said "Hey pritty lady. Why are hanging out with this sad sack of shit?" He had that stupid fucking grin on his face that he knows I don't like. "You want me to brake that other arm jason?" I said in an intense voice. He rubed his left arm and then focused his attention on Debra. "Why don't you and I go out on a date some time? I'll show you a good time?" "Thanks but no." She tried to walk away, but he grabbed her by the arm and said to her "Hey don't walk way from me when I'm talking to you" she struggleed "Let go of me!" She demanded.

I walked up to Jason and placed my hand on his shoulder "Let her go" I said with anger in my face. He showed his fear for only a second, but quickly covered it up with false confidence "what are you gonna do about it? Yeah you broke my arm, but that was four years ago. Let's see it you still got it" Just after he said that he let go of Debra and faced me. I took my right foot and put it behind his and pulled back with it, while pushing him on his right shoulder forcing him to the ground. While we was on the ground I kicked him in the ribs three times. I stoped for a second and asked "Had enough yet? Beacouse by my count there's still 15 ribs I can brake" I kicked him a gain "14" I said he was rolling around and he mutered "Yeah I'm good" He spit out blood ad continued to roll around in pain. And with that I left him.

I went up to Debra "Are you alright? I asked. "Yeah, yeah im good" she said. "Good. Don't waste your time with me, he wasn't lieing I am a sad sack if shit. So do your self a favor and go have a good life. Me? I'm no good." She said in reply "If your such a sad sack of shit then why'd you smile at me this morning?" She said in a "got him" tone. "You smiled at me. I was just trying not to be rude" basicly every thing I say is in a low, sad mono tone. "What ever" she replied bushing. "I'm gonna go" I said "don't try and look for me, you won't find me" and with that I left her.

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