Chapter Eleven

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Oliver's POV
   A day has passed since Debra's attack and Jason's death. Both have been playing on the news nonstop. Some are calling my work justice, some are calling it horendus. It is neither, it is revenge. I step into the steaming streem of water, I know my little "mass murder" happened a day ago, but it feels like only now am I washing the blood off my face and hands. As hoped, it is believed Jason snapped and killed all his own men and himself. The cuts I had made on his wrists only added more evidence, which is why I put them there. Jason wasn't known for being the most stable as it was, now he has his men beat a girl? No one feels sorry for him, but it doesn't make people see what "he" did as right.
   I went to visit Debra in the hospital after school, to my suprise, a bunch of other kids were there around her bed already. They all turned and looked at me, I didn't know what to do, or what to say, I felt my ribs start to shake and shiver, feel it going from there to my hands, trembling in my pokets. One of them stepped forward "They said you were the one who found her, you brought her to the hospital." The small blonde girl huged me and wept softly "Thank you for saving my friend" "p-p-plese g-get off o-of m-m-m-me" I said rapidly, Shoving her off. I walked away from the room.
   About ten minutes later, one of the others came out, she was skinny and had long brown hair "Hey umm, Deb called for you..." She said uncomfortably. I got up and walked to her room, knowing that it was full of people I didn't know. I walked into the room, staying my distance from everyone as much as possible. "Hello Debra" I said shyly. She coughed a few times before saying "Hey ollie, everyone..." She said speaking slightly louder "This is my friend Oliver B-" I quickly cut her off "Please don't" I said ashamed. "Well he doesn't like people to know his last name I guess, but oliver is good right guys?" Everyone said "Yeah" at the same time. My breathing picked up, I was practically panting, I began to pace, playing with my hands so you couldn't tell they were trembling. The girl with the brown hair asked "Is he gonna be alright?" This is my least favorite part of this curse, hearing the impending judgement all around me. "Heeee doesn't take to new people so well." "Shut up, shut up! Shut up!!!" I fell to my knees and broke down. Pathetic. In front of all these people and Debra. Such pethettic waste of life. I fell on my side now, there I am, laying on a hospital floor, holding my head, crying, trembling and shaking. When dose the madnening noise stop? I just want it to stop. Two of the boys went to pick me up Debra knew that wouldn't go over well "No no no no! Don't touch him, you'll make it worse!" They backed off. A few orderlys heard the comotion, came in, saw me, and took me away.
   This next week went by fast, it was rather uneventful, Jason's funeral was on Friday, it was anouced that Jason's hideout was being turned into a memorial for all the lives lost that day on Tuesday. Unbelievable. These guys beat an inocent girl and when they die they all get a memorial? Horse shit. It's Saturday, suppose I should  try this visit again. I go back to see Debra in the hospital, but to yet again see the same people with her. As soon as I saw them I turned around  "Oliver" I heard from behind me, I stopped. "Please stay, I know you don't think much of us, but we weren't talking about you in a bad way the other day, we just weren't sure if you were ok. I'm sorry if we hurt you, we didn't mean to ollie."  "I-i-its alright, I-i-i-i-i GOD DAMN IT!" I through myself against a wall and fell to the ground. The brunette, the one who appligized, came over to me "calm down man, it's alright, just calm down." My shakes, my jitters, even my breathing was more relaxed, not fully relaxed, just better than before. Suddenly two nurses came in with syringes, the brunette got them to back off "hey, hey, hey, it's ok, look. See? I'm calming him, he'll be ok, I'm sorry this keeps happening." They gave me a look of judgement before leaving the room. "You ok?" I just shook my head, it's easier then taking forever to say no. Then Debra spoke up "ollie, these are my friends from my old school, that's Sarah, the one close to you, Emma is the blonde. Jake is the tall, blonde-ish guy, Eli is the guy with the longer brown hair than the other guy with short brown hair, who's name is wyatt  by the way. Cameron is the one with black hair, that's grace over there in the corner with her girlfriend Jane." Everyone said hi to me, I don't like this, I'm not used to getting so much attention. My shakes picked up again, I was trembling and shivering so bad it looked like I was having convulsions. I wept as I shaked and shivered, now I couldn't breath. I gasp for air like a fish flopping on the ground once it's out of water. "Ollie? Oliver?" Sarah said giving me a nudge. "Oliver. Oliver!" I finally muttered the words "C-ca-an't bre-eath" I said gaping for air. "Shit, what do we do?" Said Jake in a panic. I patted myself all over, please tell me I brought it with me. Yes, I did, it was in my left front side pocket. I took a hit or two off my inhaler and my breathing slowly returned. Everyone let out a sigh of relief. I got up off the ground "I-i-i-i-" I stopped myself and took a breath. "I'm s-sorry to br-r-ring this on al-ll of y-you guys, i-i-I'll go." I walked out of there quick, no one tried to stop me, I didn't think they would.
Sarah's POV
   Well that was certainly... intresting. "Hey deb, what's up with your wird friend?" Asked Jake anoyed. "He's got issues, leave him alone okay?" Debra said turning away from all of us. "How ya holdi'n up deb?" Cameron asked softly. "I... I'm fine" she said sheepishly. "Alright, if you need anything, we're all here. Right guys?" All of us responded with "Yeah" a small smile came apon her face "Thanks guys, you're all great friends." And just like that, the smile left her face as soon as it came.
   Some officers came in "Hi gang" one of them said addressing all of us. "Hello officers most of us responded. "Liten, I know all of you want to be here for your friend, but we need to talk to her. We know what little her friend Oliver has told us, but it's not enough, we need to talk to her ourselves." He said to us simpatheticly  "We understand" Emma said "come on guys, let's go get something to eat." We all got up and left the room. "Bye Deb" I said waving as I left the room, I was the last one out. I closed the door behind me.
Emma's POV
   "Well, where do we want to go guys?" Everyone was quite, Sarah finally spoke up. "I say we go to taco bell!" She said enthusiastically, like she always does. "How does that sound to everyone else?" Everyone kinda muttered "sure." Damn, this has been a cappy week. We all walked to taco bell and ordered what we wanted, everyone got vary little, I guess non of them were hungry. Grace and Jane were more quite than ushal, I could see the pain in Jakes face, Eli hardly said a word, I could tell Cam was faking his smile when he showed it, even Sarah looked close to tears and was quite.
   I waited for everyone to be done "Look guys, what happened to Deb was awful but-" "awful?" Jake stopped me "You know, awful is what Bruce smells like. Awful is elder scrolls online. Self harm is awful. So tell me, what is this? Hmm? Do you know the word for it Emma? Because I sure as hell don't." He got up with his tray, through his things away and left. "Repugnant" I muttered to the floor.

Welp, that's the end of chapter 11, hope you liked it, if you did let me know with a comment or even just by hitting that star, see you in chapter 12.

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