Chapter Twenty One

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Oliver's Pov
   "Jackov! I will give you your money right now just please don't let this guy hur-" Nikolai and I interupted him at the same time but with different responses. I said "it's too late for that" while Jackov said "glad you could see reason". No, he doesn't get off that easy. "Hey, you can let him go now" Jakov said through the phone. "I sure can, but I won't" I unloaded on the poor bastered. Punch after punch, raining down fists on his face and body. After a solid minute of taking a beating he finally attempted to defend himself, he struck me in my face. "Come on bitch, harder!" I yelled at him. He hit me again "You hit like a bitch!" I threw a haymaker and knocked the son of a bitch out cold. I dragged him back to my car and duck tapped his hands together and put a strip over his mouth as well. He woke up screaming but unable to scream. Heat of the moment was playing on my car's radio. I slapped him on his face, belittling him. "Rise and shine Sammy" I said as I took a swig out of the whisky I had brought. "You want some?" I asked him calmly. "Here" I said as I walked over to him and he screamed into the ducked tape. I pulled him out of my car and on to the street next to it, then I opened the bottle and poured some onto his face "drink up little buddy" I said as the brown liquid flows over his face and he gets the sensation of drowning. "Yeah, I bet that alcohol feels real nice on thoes open cuts huh jessy?" I closed the bottle and went to put it back it my car. "Drowning in whiskey, that's how some men want to die, but I bet not you, huh jessy?" He shook his head rapidly. "Yeah I bet not, do me a favor sit up, you look pathetic like that" He sat up as quickly as he could. "Good boy" I said patting him on the head. "Now jessy..." I started. I pulled out my karambit and put the sharp tip to the tip of his nose. "If you ever miss another fucking payment again I sware on your life I will come back for you and we'll play got your nose. Ps, I'm very good at it" I said starring into his terrified eyes. He nodded rapidly and I pressed the knife harder and he began to cry. "I'm not joking jessy, I will make you look like Michael Jackson, do you fucking understand me? You whore." He nodded even quicker. I lingered and stared into his eyes for a moment longer. "Good, then we're done here" I put away the knife, he had a confused yet relived look on his face. "Here, take this, you look like shit" I gave him a box of band aids and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. "You take care jessy, I would say arivoir but since that means until I see you again and I do not wish to ever see you again I say to you good day sir." I got in my car and drove away.
   I called jakov on my phone. "I can pretty much grantee that Mr. Smith will never miss another payment" I told him. "Jesus kid, what did you do to him?!" Nikolai said sounding both outraged and scared. "Check you balance" I told him. He took a moment then said "my god". "Yeah, like what you see?" I asked him. "He payed what he owed me and interest and next month's payment!" He said supprised. "You're welcome, now how many jobs do I have left to do? I'm a criminal as it is, I don't need mob ties to add on to it" I said to him. "Hmm" He thought for a moment. "At the rate your getting things done? I say two more jobs and we're square" two more jobs, two more jobs until I'm free. "I have school Monday through Friday, I will be unavailable during this time" I told him pulling into the driveway of sanctuary. "Jesus, such cruelty and pain, coming from someone who tells me they are still in school..." He said sounding more and more scared. I hung up the phone and went inside.
Debra's Pov
   I looked over at the clock as Ollie left, 7:54. I wonder what he dose for a living, nothing legal though I'm sure. Can I still love him if he's a professional criminal? What if he's a hitman? Or if he runs a group of mercenaries?  Or maybe he goes all Highsenburg and cooks meth? Ever since I met him my life... everything I've ever known has been flipped upside-down. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? No escape from reality is right... I threw myself onto the couch and pulled out my phone. Board I took a joint, put it in my mouth and smoked. I smoked the joint as I browse YouTube, just trying to find something to intertain myself. Nothing, nothing worth watching anyway. I decided to check social media instead. I first went to twitter, since it's my favorite platform. At first I saw all the ushal things, updates from my favorite YouTubers, a couple tweets from some celebrity's I follow, but then I saw the tweets from people that go to my school... "that awkward moment when you get raped and like it #slut #youahoe #kys" and that wasn't all. It had a picture of me and I was tagged in it, and it wasn't the only one either. There must have been hundreds... calling me a slut, a whore, awful, nasty things they called me. I thought it ended in that alley. I thought that once Jason and his men wore.... done with me, it'd all be over. Humph, done with me... like all I am is an object, I'm more than that, aren't I? I'm not sure who was worse, the girls or they guys. The girls wore relentless, calling me all those nasty things and implying that I enjoyed it. Enjoyed it? How could anyone enjoy that? The guys wore just as bad, if not worse... my DM's wore full of... dick pics... with captions like "I showed you mine, show me yours" and... and... I can't, I can't think about this anymore. I threw my phone across the room and broke out into tears. I guess I'm not worth more than that...
   I look over to where Oliver made that drink, his words echoed through my head "some people drink to escape from all the fucked up shit in this world" I walked to the fridge and slowly opened it up, as though I could get cought at any moment. What am I doing? Why am I doing this? Can I go down this road? I don't care... I took out a bottle of gin, as I pulled it out of the cool refrigerator I could feel the icey glass against the palm of my warm hand. I took off the metallic cap, and took a small sip. It was strong, it felt warm as it glided down my throat and even more so once it reached my chest. Then I took a bigger drink, then another, and another... I finished half of the bottle before passing out on the couch.
Oliver's Pov
   I got out of my car and locked it, I noticed the blood I was covered in, she won't like this... but why should I care? I entered sanctuary but stopped at the living room and saw debra, on the couch. She was lieing on her back, passed out next to a half empty bottle of gin. "Little bitch drank my gin..." I said to myself quietly, holding the bottle as I look at it. I rolled her on her side so she doesn't choke, ironic, isn't it? Not too long ago I had her strapped to my table and now I'm saving her. When did the monster become the savior? No, I'm no savior. Then why am I saving this girl?
   I put the rest of the gin back in the refrigerator and changed out of the suit I was in. There isn't much blood on it, but I'm not happy about the blood there is. Whatever, it's not my favorite one or the most expensive one. I already showered today, no need to take another one. I took a wash cloth and ran it under warm water and washed the blood off my face and hands. After that I went into my bedroom and put on a flannel and sweat pants. I didn't bother buttoning up the flannel and walked back into the living room. I found her phone in the middle of the hall, she must be shit faced. I brought it back to her and placed it next to her. "She had the right idea" I said walking to the fridge.
   I pulled out that bottle of whiskey I had brought with me on the job and finished it off. I pulled out the bong and took a huge rip off it. I looked at debra, passed out next to me. I blew the smoke in her face, she didn't flinch, I've got a feeling she's going to be asleep for the rest of the night. Well shit... I picked her up and carried her to my bed and let her sleep there, on her side of course. I slept on the couch.
Debra's Pov
   Owww... what the hell? Where am I? How did I get here? More importantly what did I do to my head? I slowly start to recognize that this is Oliver's bed, why am I in Oliver's bed? I... thought I was asleep on his couch? I walked out into the living room, something smells, awsome. I can hear a sizzling sound coming from the stove. "How's the hangover?" Oliver asked serving me a plate of ham steak and scrambled eggs. "I hate everything..." I said with my head down. "Well your gonna hate today even more..." He said makeing bloody marrys. "Why?" I said as I looked up at him. "It's Monday" He said handing me the drink. "It's hangover food, it'll soak up the alcohol, the bloody marry is so you don't feel like complete ass, if you really can't hack it, work out like crazy, you'll sweat out the alcohol... or puke it, either way it will be out of your system." I stared back at him with a blank expression. "Come..." He said getting up and going to his room, I followed behind slowly. "You and I are going to work out" He said. No, that sounds horrible right now. "Come on, on the ground" He got down on his stomach and I followed hesitantly.  "Up" He pushed himself up as did I. "Down" You get the picture...
   He worked out intensely, it only felt like I did. We did what felt like every exercise in existence. We finished up and my head felt x100 better. "Good, eat, I'll shower, when I'm done we swap" and we did just that. I ate the ham and eggs and he showered.  He got out as I finished "your turn" He said sitting down at the table. I went over to him before he started eating and sat on his lap. "What are you doing?" He asked pulling away from me. "Thank you ollie" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I went and got in the shower and got ready for school.
   "Let's go" He should grabbing his bag. "Can we swing by my house? I need my backpack." I asked him. "Of course" He said calmly. We got in the car and drove to my house, talking along the way. "I never see your car in the parking lot" I said curiously. "Yeah, I ushaly skate to school" He said focused on the road. I grabbed my bag from my house and got right back into the car. He pulled into the school parking lot and parked his car. This is how the second worst day of my life started.

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