Chapter Fourteen

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AN: just a quick note, if you run what I write in another language, for example Russian, into Google translate you'll get the exact translation, as aposed to a brief summary in the following sentence. Also I hate this chapter so, sorry if you do too.
Oliver's Pov
..."Nikolai Jakov!" He yelled; I released him from the pin I had him in. "Head of the kjb? Like.. from Archer?" Debra asked. "No, he's the head of the Russian mob here in this state." I said over my shoulder. "Я прошу прощения за вашей фигуры, вы не можете быть слишком осторожны в эти дни" I apologized for breaking his finger. He gave me a matchbox and said "meet here, three days from now" in a thick Russian acient; he walked away into the night.
"Well that was... interesting." Debra said. "Who was that guy?" She asked curious. "No idea, but he's not what's important, you've gotta look at the bigger picture." I answered "Okayyyy... you speak Russian?" I laghed lightly at her and kept walking back to the car. She ran up to catch up to me "Well at least now I know you can protect me if I need you to." "That I can do" I replied surely. We got back to the car and got in; I like this movie, it's got a good sound track. We sat there in silence, watching the movie. "Oliver?" She looked up at me from her half laying down half sitting position. "Yes?" I returned. "Is this a date?" She asked; I felt my hands begin to twitch and shake in the bucket of popcorn. I took out a bottle of booze and started chugging it as fast as I could, holding up one finger. I got halfway through the bottle and said "if you want it to be, now I could handle that" my shakes stopped and I really just stopped caring about anything. She looked at me confused. "Look.. your really pretty, and a girl, and you talk to me, and you like me. Sober me couldn't handle that, hell, even when I'm shit faced it's still kinda hard to talk to you." I said both drunkenly and shamefully. "Aww, that's sweet... I think" she giggled into her hoodie selves and huged me. "I'm still unclear though, is this a date or not?" I asked her "Sure, your not getting laid tonight though" she laughed. "Then why the fuck am I here?" I got out of the car and walked away; even from outside I could hear her laghing at me. I went back in the car and sat next to her. "Your funny" she said taping the tip of my noes. "No, I'm incredibly drunk, there's a difference." I said, or more or less, slurred. "I have no response" she returned.
The movie contiued on as ushal, nothing preticlar really happend; minus one thing. When Adam Sandler sang his song somebody kill me I felt a presure in my chest and throat; it moved up into my eyes and I felt the tears stream down my face. I relate to this song, I want to die, I feel betrayed and melecholic all the time. Debra didn't notice at first, growing up in the house I did, I mastered the silent cry and am capable of crying without makeing a sound. However she did notice because she felt the tears fall on her. "Ollie what's wrong?" I looked at her and smiled, still crying "I'm fine" she grabbed hold of me and held me. As the last lyrics came around I quietly muttered along. "Oh somebody kill me please, somebody kill me please. I'm on my knees, pretty pretty please, kill me. I want to die. Put a bullet in my head" I felt Debra's grip around me tighten, and the flow of tears gain weight, streeming down my face like a river of dispare and sorrow.
I reached for my bottle when debra said "Please don't" she sat up looking at me "No more hun, you've had enough" she took my hand. "If I had enough my heart wouldn't still be beating" she looked me in the eyes and said nothing. "Will you please tell me what happened to you?" I felt the spark, the heat in my stomach rise up into my chest; I could see it in her face, she knew she had hit a nerve, like she could see the blazing fire in my eyes. I was gonna let her have it, but my... other half found it would be.. shall we say.. unwise. I got out of the car and I ran away from there. I sit behind a brick wall and punch myself in the head and arms. I pull out my knife and stare at it and that's when I saw him, my father. "Do it" he commanded me "Do it" he repeated. "Your dead" I responded "Do it" he said louder now. "I killed you" I said half stuttering half crying. "Do it" he said louder than before. "Your not real!" I said loudly as well "Do it!" he said even louder "stop" I said quietly "Do it!!" He said vary loud "Shut up!" I said crying "Do it!!!" He said yelling now "Shut up Shut up Shut up!" I said trying to pull myself together. "DO IT!!!" He said screaming into my ear "DO IT!!!"
"I haven't been that low in a while" I said to him, still looking at the knife. "Or is that something your just telling yourself because you don't want me to be right?" He asked me "Give in, after all.. have I ever lead you astray before?" He said with a smile on his face.
I didn't want to... I sware.. but I had to give in. I took the knife and slid it down my arm. Again and again I conected it with my skin and let it paint on me; my crimson blood running down my elbow and hand. I promised my mother I'd never let this happen again, I failed her, just as I've failed others. I hug myself so I don't fell so lonely, rocking back and fourth there I sit, holding myself tight. My wrist popped out of place, guess that was too tight. I took out a joint and light it right there in hopes of feeling better. It worked kinda, well enough that I could go back to Debra.
There she was, leaning against the car with a worried look on her face. The moment she saw me she ran up to me and huged me and said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend" I then pulled away "it's ok, let's just enjoy the rest of the movie." We went back inside the car and did just that, we smoked a little, laghed and made jokes and just generally had a good time. "This is your first time being stoned isn't it?" She giggled "Yeah, and I love it" she said explosively "Oh boy" I said laghing "Hey it's getting late, don't you need to be getting home soon?" I asked her "Nope, they released me from the hospital earlier than expected, and my family went out of town to visit relieves so I'll be home alone for the next few days, and I was hopeing to spend the night at your place" she winked. I turned a light red "I'm not gonna sleep with you ollie, I'm not that into you or that easy" she said laghing "Oh ok, umm good" I said lightly laghing. "Although..." She started teasingly. "No no no" I said laghing "I'm not saying sex, but let me sleep in the same bed as you, come on, pleeeeeas!" She asked gigleing an laghing. "No, come on man" I said resisting the offer. "Fine, let's make a bet then..." She started "Fine, what do you wanna bet?" I asked puffing out smoke "I bet you that you can't guess my cup size" "Wait what?" I asked her turning red. "Well you've seen me naked, you've already got more of an advantage over most people." She said laghing "Uhhhh... I don't know?" I said uncertainly. "Guess, but if you get it wrong we're sleeping in the same bed tonight" she winked again and continued to laugh. "Hmm..." I looked at her chest as she puffed it out. "I don't know all the cup sizes so I'll make more of an estimate, somewhere in the upper C's." "Nope, I win!" She exclaimed exitedly. "Will you at least tell me how far off I was?" I asked "I'm a D cup." She said half awkwardly half suductively. "Alrighty then" I said laghing along with her. "The uh, next two movies kinda suck, wanna go?" I asked her "nah, we can just talk during these instead, come on, sit up" she said crossing her legs and facing me. I did the same and she said "What's your favorite color?" She asked me "black" I awnsered "black isn't a color" she replied "pick something else" she demanded playfully "racist..." I muttered and she laghed "fine white" I awnsered "That's not a color either!" She said laghing some more "Yes it is, its all colors, as to where black is the absence of color" she stopped and went "hmmph" "there you go" I could see she didn't like that answer "fine then it doesn't count because I asked you what's your favorite color so you basically responded with all of them so just pick one" she comanded. "Fine, like blood read or dark blue I guess. And before you try and argue me it's a tie I'm indecisive, get used to it." She just looked at me and went "are you sure about that?" And I responded "uhh... no?" She laughed at me "so your not indicisive?" She asked me "... I guess? I don't know?" She continued to lagh "What's your's?" I asked her, lighting another joint "purple" she responded surely. "Confident then" I said "what?" She asked. "Purple represents confidence and self asurence" I answered "so your probably a confident person." "Yeah, I think I am" she said blowing out smoke "What's your middle name?" She asked me "I don't have one" I replied "Me neither!" She said enthusiastically. "Who's your favorite band?" I asked her curiously "I don't know, I don't think I have one really." She answered "No?" I asked "Nah" "Let's make this more interesting" she started, taking a hit from her joint. I'm not sure I like where this is going. "How would you like to do that?" I asked her. "Let's play truth or dare" I was correct, I do not like where this is.

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