Chapter Three

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   Hey guys, I really don't have anything to say this time around. So uh yeah I understand that this is a romance novel and there hasent been much of that yet. If any thing this has just been dipressing. But just give me time. That's all enjoy.
Oliver's POV
   I went home after school which is my least favorite part of my day. I got to the door and reached out for the handle, but hesitated for a second, then I opend the door. "WHO IS IT" yelled my drunkin father. "WHO ELSE WOULD IT THE FUCK WOULD IT BE, ITS ME ASSHOLE" I yelled back. I don't ever yell. I'm always calm, but when my dad acts like an asshole, I act like one two. I walked into the living room. "Well where the fuck have you been?" "Brakeing ribs" I replayed my dad just smirked "where's mom?" "I don't fuckin know" "what ever" and I just walked into my room. I did my home work, and waited to be called to dinner. That is my second least favorite time of day. "COME EAT YOU SCRONY LITTEL PRICK!" "FUCK YOU, ILL BE RIGHT THERE!" I went to the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Hi mom" "hey" she replied. I could sense the hatred emiting from my father. I could also smell the wisky off of him, even from across the room. He was more drunk than ushulle. "Well look at you, you fuckin pics of shit" my mother just looked down at her food. "Fuck you asshole, you fuckin cock muncher" I said to him. He slammed his hand on the table hard "YOU BETTER FUCKING LISTEN Oliver! I WILL FUCK YOU UP!" I could feel the tears behind my eyes, but I couldn't show him that he had hurt me. "Frank please" my mother said. I saw him reach up behind his head to hit her. I had seen it a million times before, but I couldn't do it again, I'm not even sure that I can live like this any more. Just as his hand was behind his head, I had thrown my throwing knife and just barely missed his hand. He looked at me like I was crazy "Who... the fuck... DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" "Im the kid who's not going to watch this happen ever again." "Oh yeah and how are you going to do that?" He asked in  are you serious tone. "like this" I got up and punched him in the soler plexus. While he couldn't catch his breath I had injectied him in the neak with a dose of M99. And told my mom "he's not coming back with me" she just noded her head and looked at the ground. I took my dad and put him in the back of his car. I took him to a place only I know about. I had a room rapd in plastic. Like Dexter. I draged my father and unclothed him, the put him on my table, and wrped him in plastic.

   I waited until he was awke. When he finally woke up he said "wha, what the fuck! SOMEBODY HELP ME AGGGG! HELP!" "AGGGG SOMEBODY HELP HIM! you could scream all you want no one will here you." "Oliver? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I ran up to him and put a large number of cotten balls in his mouth. "Listen to me Frank, you are going to die, I am going to kill you. Then I'm going to cut you up into peaces and throw you into the ocean." He spit out the cotten balls and laughed "you always wore a disappointment, little basterd. I grabed my knife and heled it above my head, then he started crying. We looked at each other  in the eyes one last time and at the same time said "I hate you" Then I brought down my knife into his heart.

   I cleend up his body and dropped it into the ocean. I went back to that secret place. I like to be there. I sort of made it my home. I had electricity so I had a fridege stocked with vodka, I had a TV with my Xbox hooked up to it so I could watch Netflix and YouTube on it and PC so I could play WoW and LoL. I also have a micro wave. I call this place sanctuary. I have two places like this, but I like this one the beast. Sanctuary also had a tree nearby, next to a lake. Some times I like to just go out there and think, and drink, and cry. I sat down on the couch and cryed for an hour and a half. I decided I wanted a drink so I got up and grabbed a bottle. But I also wanted a hit. So I grabbed my stash of weed but didn't light up yeat. I went out side and sat down in the chair I had placed in the half of a shak that was still standing by the lake. I took out my phone and plugged it in to the portable speaker I had in there. I put on "40oz to freedom" by sublime. And started drinking and singing along. At one point I had stoped the music and just cryed for a minute. I had decided I didn't want to live anymore. I got up and walked to the tree. I had a nose there in case I wanted to do this. I tiead the noose to the tree and got my chair and was crying one last time. Just as I was crying, I had heard a vibration noise. But I pretended that I didn't here it, i walked around the tree. I waited for who ever was following me to turn the corner. As a person tured around the tree, I quickly pind them to the tree. It was Debra.

   I let go of her. "Debra? Why wore you following me. I told you to leave me alone." Were you just about to kill your self?!" I could see the rage In her eyes. Why did she care about me? I got up on my chair and put my neak in the nose. "Actually yes, so I'm assuming that your going to call the police, once you call them it will take them three minutes to get here. So, you have two options, A you leave an anonymous tip about my body and get the fuck out of here, B you stay here and wait for the police and do a ton of paper work and interviews." I tightend the noose to my neak, then looking down at her. "I'm not going to let you kill yourself!" "Oh pleas, there is nothing that you can say or do to stop me" I said so cocksure. It was true, I am traind in advanced Brazilian jewjistue. I am also vary fit. I don't play any sports, I just keep in shape. She turned red in the face. "I think I have a crush on you" she got even reder. I stopped and turned to her. I swallowed hard (that's what she said) I raised my eyebrows before saying "umm come again?" At this point her skin had started to became pale again. She looked at the ground, then back at me "I think I have a crush on you." Fuck.

   I began to untie the noose. Shit. The last thing I need is some one who cares about me, when I have given up. God damn it. She couldn't have come along like 14 years ago? I left the nose in the tree. I'm totally using it later. She didn't look away from me, I just keept stairing at the ground. It was too early to make a plan, I'll have to wait a minute and see how this plays out. I went to the half of a shack, put on 40oz to freedom sat down and picked up my bottle. She aproched me caushuasly. Looking at me as if I was insane. I opens up a new bottle, took a swig, and took out my bag. Now I want to light up. I started to roll a joint, then the song need. So I put on "smoke 2 joints" by sublime. As I finished rolling it, it occurred to me, technically she was in my home. I hadint offered her anything yet. "Umm do you want something to drink?" She looked at me discussted, that's what I'm used to. "No" "I don't just have vodka, I even have a few nonalcoholic drinks" "do you have Arizona iced tea?" "That I do, but I only have pint glasses, sctotch glasses, and wine glasses. So which do you want?" "Pint" she awsered. I got her drink and came back and gave it to her. I light my joint. I asked her "you wanna hit?" "No" she replied quickly  "ok" returned.

   I turned to her and said "can I ask you something?" Blowing out smoke. "Sure" she awsered. "Why? Why do you like me in that way?" Her face was red, "Your attractive" she said sheepishly. "But I'm not, and I'm an alcoholic a depressed one at that, and I get stoned a lot. Soooo attractive" I stated. "Can I ask you something?" She asked. She was up to something, I could here it in her voice. "Yes" "why are you so depressed all the time? You were just about to kill your self." "I don't want to awser that" I said angrily.

Hey guys, ummm so um going through some actual depressing shit right now so I'm gonna cut this chapter short. But thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.


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