Chapter Twelve

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Debra's POV
The two officers took some chairs and sat down at my bedside. One took out a small booklet and said "Alright sweetheart, are you up for this?" Even I didn't know, but it's best to let the police just do there jobs. I nodded to them shyly. "Alright, what happened to you that fateful day?" I took a breath then said "Well I was walking to where my dad picks me up after school, and there was this really big guy in my way, I asked him to move and he did, but when he got out of the way he reviled Jason standing there branishing a knive. I-I." I stopped "Hey hey, take your time, your safe here." I took a deep breath then continued. "I tried to turn around and run, but the big guy from before was blocking the path, he carried me to an ally where Jason and his men proceeded to.. to" I teared up and tried to hold them back, but a single one escaped ans slid down my face. "I'm sorry, it's just, can we do this another time officers?" I couldn't hold back any longer, I cried a steady flow of tears. "Of course we can, we'll be back day after tomorrow, yeah? How does that sound?" One of them asked softly. The officers got up, gave me there condolences and left.
Fast forward a day.
Oliver's POV
Fuck. I need a drink. I'm gonna get fucked up today. I'm gonna get stupid drunk, fucking redicously high, and I'm probably gonna get hurt. Good, I hope I do, I fucking diserve it. Alright, let's get all the prep work done now, roll an enormous amount of joints. Make sure my liquor is stocked. Take out lots of shit for me to eat after I puke from all the alcohol, good, we're ready. Bottle one, time 8:00 am, wisky. Bottle two, burbon, 9:30. Three, four, five six, it doesn't matter if I die, no one will miss me. Sit down, drink. Stand up, drink. Pass out, drink. Wake up, drink. It doesn't matter, I want this to kill me, I want to die. Getting lit in between bottles, some would call this the good life, but there's nothing good about chronic depression or alcholisum. I hurt myself by hitting, I punch myself in the legs, it's where it hurts the most. Bruises run all up and down my legs, front and back. I move the my arms, I leave blue marks on my body, I diserve this. No one wants me around, and no one cares that I'm doing this. Now my head, I don't know if there are marks because of my hair, but I'm willing to bet there are, if you were to shave my head and look at my skull. I got a little carried away and started hitting my face, I left a big bruse on my right cheake bone and gave myself a black eye on the left side. Damn it, hope I don't run into some cops anytime soon. Eh, fuck it, what do I care? Now I'm stupidly drunk, increadably stoned, and marked up, just another day in the life.
Debra's POV
Sigh. Those cops are coming back today, I really don't want to talk about what happened. Suppose I have to, but it hurts to just think about it, damn near brings me to tears. There it was, the knock on my door I had been expecting all day. "Come in!" I said shouting through the door so they could hear me. The same officers came in "How are you this morning Debra" the more talketive one asked. "Could be worse, I mean, I'm alive I guess." If you couldn't tell I really don't want to talk. "Yes, that you are, so, are you ready to continue your official report on..." He cleared his throat. "What happened that day?" He asked as if even he didn't want to know what happened. "They uh, um, Jason and his men all beat me, most with there bear hands but a few used stuff laying around in the ally, pipes and 2x4's and such." I felt my heart in my throat, that wasn't the worst part, and I knew what I'd have to tell the officers. "They ripped my clothes off and they.. they.. they.. they raped me... all of them..." I burst into tears, the officers took off there hats out of respect. I heard the quite one mutter "my god" under his breath. "When they were done with me, they just left me there on the street. Oliver, he found me, bloody, beaten and... and..." I cried harder, today was the first time I admitted to myself what happened. I wiped my eyes saying "He brought me here, he carried me to his car and drove me to the hospital. That's everything officers." I stopped crying, only for a moment, for once the officers left the room, I balled and balled. It seems I've been doing alot of crying lately, to think, just a few days ago I was at a new school, makeing new friends and now, I'm alone and crying in a hospital bed. I don't want broken ribs, I don't want a hairline fracture in my wrist, I want to be out with my friends. I wish this never happened, any of it.
Cameron's POV
Damn, fuck dude. This sucks. Shit. That's all there really is to say, I mean, just fuck man. Poor Deb man, she doesn't disserve this, she's kind and loving, this shouldn't have happened to her. Beat up and left in an ally, that's fucked. Mom asked me to go down to the liquor store and get her a pack of cigarettes. I don't like that she asks me to get them, I hate smoking, it's discusting. I go up to the counter and ask for my mom's brand "pack of Marlboro please" I asked the cashier. "Id" I showed it to him and he gave me the cigarettes after I paid. As I was leaving I heard a slurred voice from behind me, sigh, drunks, hate them. "Sir, I think you've had enough already, why don't you go home n-" the cashier said trying to deal with the man. "Fuck you, this is fucking bullshit." The man yelled. I was gonna turn around and let him have it, but stopped once I saw who it was. "Oliver?" I stopped, as did he "keep the booze" he said then he stumbled out of the store. I followed behind him "Oliver, buddy, you alright?" He kept trying to get away. "Go away Cameron" he said drunkenly. I stopped in front of him "ollie, you don't look so good, let me take you home alright? Where's your car, you shouldn't be driving" I said trying not to offend him. "You touch my car and die" he stumbled into a sweet ass car. "Damn, that's a nice car oliver." I said impressed. "67 Impala" he slurred at me as he drove away. God I hope he'll be alright, he looks the worst of all of us. I walk back home, say hi to my step dad and sis, give my mom her cigs, go to my room, and let music drown out all the noise inside and outside of my head.
I wonder what everyone's doing, how were all holding up. I know oliver isn't doing too well, but how's Deb doing? Jake, Emma, Sarah, wyatt, grace, Jane, Ez- oh, right...
Debra's POV
Wednesday, my parents came a visted me yesterday, they told me how much they love me, and that they are praying for me. There great and wonderful, I love them so so much. But I feel differently, I can't explain it, but I just feel different. I got a knock at my door "Come in!" I said through the door. I wonder who it is. "Hey cam" I said giving him a hug, greating him. "How ya holdi'n up deb?" He asked. "Could be better, could be worse, what are you doing here?" I asked him curiously. "Just came to hang out with you, I bet it gets lonely here" he said. So nice, that's so thoughtful. "Yeah, you know it does. Thanks cam" I replied. We hung out and talked for a while just about various things. We both fell asleep for a while, as I was waking up, I heard the news on the small TV in my room. They were talking about an incident that involved some people at my school. I quickly relized the were talking about me, and what happened in that ally. "Turn it off" Cameron moved, asking in his sleep "what?" "Turn it off, now!" He was more awake and he looked at the screen, they gave out my name. How could they do that? They brodcast my name all over the news. "Teen age girl accuses mass murderer of rape" Was the headline. "Turn if off Cameron!!!" I screamed at him. He quickly reached for the remote and turned the tv off. I sat there in bed crying, my head in my hands, Cameron holding me. "It's ok, it'll be alright, it's ok, it's ok."

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