Chapter Fifteen

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"Truth or dare? Are you in middle school?" I said trying to make a joke to steer her away from that. "Come on I'm serious" she said whining. "I'm no good anyway" I said "will you please?" She said still trying to convince me "No thank you" I said still resisting. "Your no fun" she said lighting another joint. "Alright, I'll just take my tools of boring back, I'll take back my weed and I need you to get out of the car" "what?!" She exclaimed "Well I was the one who introduced you to weed so if it's so boring give it back, also get out" I continued "fine, your some fun" she said defeated. "That's what I thought" "You know your being a cock?" She said offended "You know you could shut your dick holster?" I said mocking her offended tone. "Alright, not gonna lie I just got rosted" she said lightly laghing.
The next few hours wore pretty quite, just back and fourth conversation about nothing, each other mostly, some about whatever shitty movie was playing and such. "Aww, do we really have to go?" She asked as the last movie ended. "I'm afraid we do Debra, it's alright, my place is nicer anyway" I said putting the car into gear. "You and I have different definitions of nice" she said makeing fun of me. "Alright, I disserved that" I said laghing along.
I eventually got back to sanctuary and went inside along with Debra. "Well, tell me, how'd I do for a guy who's never been on a date?" I asked her playfully. "You've never been on a date?" She asked me suppised "No, why are you so suprised?" I asked her curiously. "Well I'd just think that someone as good looking as you would get lots of attention from girls" she said taking off her jacket. "Are you kidding? I'm a ghost at school, the only people who know I exist are my teachers and even they forget sometimes." I said laghing. "I know you exist" she said seriously. "Well that doesn't count, if your dabateing with someone you don't get to use yourself as an example" I countered "Fair enough" she said throwing herself on the couch. "You didn't answer my question" I said leaning against a wall, giving a light smile. "You did alright, even if we wore adults you wouldn't be getting any, mabye a kiss tho" she laghed and winked at me; I felt my face flush and heat up as did her's lightly. "Hey you have any more weed?" She asked gigleing. "Uhh, yeah, I'll go get you some" I said walking away awkwardly. "Thanks boo!" She said sarcastically, laghing after she had said it.
I came back with a new bag and threw it to her. "Can you teach me how to do stuff with this?" She said curiously, holding up the bag. "Like what?" I asked. "You know, roll joints, how to hit the bong, how to make edibles, how to grow it, sell it, you know? Do things with it." She explained. "What are you planning to take over the game?" I teased. "Hmmm" she thought for a moment "nah, just you never know where you'll end up in life and what you'll have to do to survive." She explained. "Fair enough," I returned "Let's get started then" I said.
"Alright, weed 101..." I started "What is the active compound in weed that gives weed it's effect?" I asked her like teacher asks student. "I'm not sure..." She stated "the compund your looking for is THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol" I said plainly. "The more nutrients and such that weed needs, the more THC you'll get, thus giving you a better high" I explained. "Hmph" she went. "But we're getting ahead of ourselves, need to walk before we can crawl. Let's teach you how to roll a joint" I said pulling out some papers and some zigzags "now you can use any paper really, but zigzags are made for this and as such are a little easier" I explained to her "ok, let's start with regular paper because I'm never gonna use thoes" she said referring to the zigzags "Alright, now the first thing you'll want is to make sure you've got the right shit, this..." I said holding up a little ball of weed "is for bong rips, you can use it with paper, but it's harder and doesn't look as good" I showed her "I see..." She understood "What you want for paper is this..." I held up the bag I had tossed to her a moment ago "see how it's grownd up and looks like arregano? That's what you want" I said teaching. "So what we're gonna do is take something you can cut paper with, scissors, a knive, ect. Then your going to cut a strip of this paper, now you don't want it thin because then it will be small and you don't want it too wide because then you'll be smoking joints the size of tampons" I said laghing "Yeah I don't want that" she laghed with me "No one does, so go ahead and give it a try" I told her "are you sure?" She asked "yeah no, go ahead, practice makes perfect" I sated. She decided to go for it "damn" she said after messing one cut out up. "It's alright, just try again, it doesn't have to be perfectly straight, just how thin or wide you want it" I said reassuring her. After several trys she got it. "Nice, great work, alright, now what we're gonna do is spread some of this good stuff all over this paper you've cut out" I told her "ok, so like this?" She asked doing it "Yeah man, perfect. So this is where it gets a little hard, so what you want to do to roll it is, we're gonna start at the corner" I gestured to her as she put her finger tips on the corner of the paper. "Now at an angle, roll it across diagnally" I said slowly so she understood. It took her a couple of times but she got it. "I did it!" She exclaimed exitedly "What do I do now?" She said worried of messing up all the work she had already done. "So to close it I need you to unroll it, just a little so that the edge of the whole thing is showing" she did as I asked "good?" She asked "yeah, now lick that end like you would to seal an envelope" she again did as she was told and ended up with her vary own joint "Fuck yeah! I'm the Queen of rolling joints!" She said standing on the wooden coffee table I had made in wood shop. She fell back on to the couch and we both laughed.
"Can I smoke this?" She asked me eagerly "I don't care, do what you like with it" I stated calmly. "Alright" she said putting it behind her ear. "I can teach you to hit the bong if you like" I said "sure, I'd like to try that" she said intregued. I reached over and pulled out my bong "I personally prefer paper but this is more concerted" I stated "What you wanna do is put some fresh water in the bong" I said handing her a bottle of water "don't put a lot but too little will mean you'll have to keep on adding water so" she opened the bottle and poured decent amount of water in. "That's good, now, load your weed into the chamber" I said pointing at the little chamber on the side of it, handing her some weed balls. "Dose this work with the ground stuff?" She asked loading it "Yeah, but this kind is for the bong so" I explained to her. "Right" she agreed "now?" She asked "Your done, just put your mouth on the hole you put the watter in, burn what's in the chamber and breath it in" I told her. She did it and imidetly started coughing "That's stronger than I expected it to be" she said her eyes watering. "Stop laughing at me" She said laughing at herself asked I laghed as well. I took the bong from her and took a long rip "Damn dude" she said in amazement. I laghed out the large cloud of smoke as she laughed as well.
We spent the next half hour taking turns taking rips, talking about whatever, eating snacks, doing stoner stuff I guess. "Can you go get us some more?" She asked gigleing "Yeah let me go get some" I went to the back room where I keep my shit. Empty. Fuck me, it's empty. "Hey uh, Debra?" I yelled through the wall "Yeah?" "We've gotta make a trip across town" I said. We got in the car and drove off. "So where are we going?" She asked half stoned, still gigleing a little. "We've uhh..." I got quite. "Hey man are you ok?" She asked concerned. "Yeah just that uhh... just this is gonna be hard for me." I said trying not to show how hard it already is. "Ok, I'm hear for you" she said simpatheticly, putting her hand on my arm.
I pulled into the driveway of the old, run down house. I get out of the car and make my way to the front door; as I got there I felt the numbers to the address next to the door. 805 it said in big bold letters. I took a step inside, Debra at my heals. "Welcome to paradise" I said as we stood there. "This is your home?" She asked getting the reference. "This is where I grew up, yeah" I said taking a step forward, looking around. "It's awfully quite" she said sadly, the mood of the house rubbing off on her. "It wasn't always, I used to beg for the silence, it's wird actually getting it." I said walking and looking around. I went into my old room to get some of my things, more weed mostly. "Hey, come on, I've got someone for you to meet" I said more alive; taking her hand in mine. "Who is it?" She asked as I lead her down the hall. "My mother, mom this is-" I stopped as I came into the room. "What? Come on let me see her" she said playfully shoving me out of the way. She screamed once she had done so.
I aproched her slowly as Debra stay frozen in shock. I pressed my fingers to the side of her cold neck.
Debra's POV
He untied the belt and lay her down on the floor slowly. He put on a pair of black lether gloves and pulled out a flash light, lifting her eyelids, shining the light into her cold, lifeless stare. He stood up tall and took off the gloves "Oliver?" I said as softly as possible. He said nothing. He took out his phone and pressed three buttons vary slowly. He put the phone to his head and said so calmly, it was scary. "911? My mother just comited suicide"

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