Chapter Thirteen

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Oliver's POV
I wake up in the tree with my neck in the nuce, my body laying on a branch. My phone goes off, it's a news report, Debra just got released from the hospital. I slipped my head out of the nuce, got out of the tree and went back inside. I grabbed a bottle of scotch, got in my car and drove, I have some business to attend to.
I drive down this lonely rode, taking a drink from my glass, singing along to the heavy metal and classic rock I have playing. I pull up to the beat down aprtment building, sit in my car, finish my glass, then focus. I control my brain and how it functions, I no longer feel emotion, and I am ready for this deal. I step inside, go up to the second floor, then walk into the third door on the left. This place is a shithole, the paint is chipping, junkies are jonesing in the hallways, it's a mess. God knows what'd you'd catch if you took a step bear foot in here. There he is, traves, my local arms dealer. "Hello traves" I say greeting him. "Wuss'sup" he returned. "I need a new Walther, ppk, just like the last one." He opened his suit case and pull one out. I cocked it back "Is it clean?" I asked looking at the inside. "Man you know I ain't be selle'n dirty shit" he replied. "I know, I just need to make sure it won't trace back to me." I said calmly. "Iss all good baby, that all?" He asked. "Just some amo for it as well" I awnsered. "Aight, das 397" I paid him in cash loaded it, attached it to my gun sleave, and went back to my car.
I returned to sanctuary, I popped open another bottle and drank it watching whatever bullshit was on tv. Bottle after bottle I drank and drank and kept on drinking. Then there was a nock at my door "Yeah" I said through the door, Debra came in. "It smells like alcohol in here" she sounded offended. "That-" I hiccuped "is the smell of my childhood" she walked over to where I was sitting and picked up one of the empty bottles. "Jesus, how many bottles did you drink today?!" She asked angraly "I looked at the pile of bottles I had sitting there "Oliver!" She yelled at me "Well I'm sorry ok? It's kinda hard to count right now, now will you please tell that second you to go get me another?" She put her face in her hand then looked back up at me "No, not another bottle" she said sincerely. "How are you?" I asked her curious "I.. I'm fine" she said holding herself in her arms. "Debra, you can like to everyone else, hell you lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me. Even if I believe you, I'll find out if you lie, so don't bullshit me. Ever." I said offended, I hate to be lied to, I'd be less pissed off I'd you just punched me in the face instead of lieing to me. She sat there in silence "Well if you'll exuse me, I need to go puke up number 3" I ran to the bathroom to go do just that.
I was gone a while, when I came back she was looking at bottle of whiskey, staring into it, as if it wore speaking to her, calling her. I know that call and it's dawnting "I wouldn't do that if I wore you" I said form behind her. She jumped and dropped the bottle, it didn't break, just made a loud noise. "But.. you do do it" she said confused. "I also murder people, you gonna start doing that too?" I asked her sarcastically. She just looked at me. "Come on" I said grabbing my coat, she looked confused "What?" She asked. "Were going out and doing something, you need it." She looked tiered and exusted "can we just stay hear and burn a few down?" She asked obviously not wanting to go. "No, we're going, I will carry your wight ass out of here let's go" I said playfully. "No, and no you probably couldn't" she said laghing. "Umm, yes I could, come on I'm totally shit faced, you don't want me carrying you" I said jokeing with her. She just sat there laghing. "Alright, but if I run you into a wall you were warned" I said. I picked her up and she yelled "Holy fuck! Ahhh!" She said yelling and laughing, as I stumbled and tried to keep my balance. "Fuck" I muttered as I ran into a wall, she conected head first "ow!" She yelled at me "Come on man!" She said still laughing, holding her head now "Hey your not the one carrying a person while drunk, ok? You got yourself into this, you could have just gotten up but noooo, pikachu knows everything" I said in my stearotype Mexican voice.
I finally stumbled out the door and fell on the ground with Debra in hand. "You good?" I asked speaking into the ground, laghing. "Yeah... I'm alright" at this point I don't think she could breath she was laughing so hard. I stood up and went over to her, holding my hand out to help her up. She took my hand and I pulled her up, attempting to pick her up again. "No no no, I'm good, I'll walk now" she said laghing "Alright, it's about time, get in the car" I said
We got into the car and I started it up. "Daamn..." She said impressed "67 Impala" I said both drunkenly and proudly. "Your dad's got a nice car." She said mistakenly. "It's mine, I bought it with my money and I fixed it!" I said offended. To think, he ever did anything good, let alone anything for me. There was silince. "I'm sorry oliver" she said. "It's fine" I said gruffly. "Let's just go" I said putting on led zeppelin as we started off.
There was a bitter silince in the car; the song ended and so I decided to try and break it. "What kind of uh, music do you like?" I asked uncomfortably. "Country and 50's and 60's oldies" she returned. "You uhh, ever liten to any slipknot?" I asked her curious to hear her awnser. "No, what's that?" She asked intregued "My favorite band, there a heavy metal group from Iowa." I awnsered. "I'd like to hear some, I'm not too big into the mettle scene." She said. "Alright here, liten to this" I said putting on Vermillion Part 1. It's not there heavyest song so I think she'll like it more. I bob my head to the music, lightly singing along. The song ended and Vermillion Part 2 started playing; I could tell she was integrated by Cory Tailor's lyrics and voice. The song wasn't even over and she said "I really like this so far!" She said exitadly.
We continued driving, litening Slipknot and just having a good time. Finally, we pulled up to the drive in movie theater in the town north of where we're from. I bought us our tickets and parked the car; she got us snacks. "What are we watching?" She asked when she came back "The wedding singer" I replied. She got excited and started to jump up and down and clap "That's my favorite movie!" She said loudly. "I know" I returned. "How did you know?" She asked confused, tilting her head. "I have my ways" I replied with a grin. "Do I even wanna know?" She teased. "Probably not" I replied laghing. "What the hell man?" She said laghing.
The movie started and we stopped jokeing around. "Hey ollie?" She asked shyly "Yeah?" I asked. "Could you walk me to the bathroom, I'm too scared to go alone" she said with shame in her face and voice. "Of course" I awnsered. "Really?" She asked "yeah, why not?" I awnsered her. I walked her over there "here" I said fixing her clothes, slipping a knive up her sleave. "Just in case" I winked at her then she went in; I waited outside of the bathroom for her, standing gard. She came out and we started walking back to my car. As we were walking I noticed a shady chatichter following us. I muttered lowly to Debra "eyes forward, I've got something stuck to my shoe" she gave me a confused look. Just then the man grabbed my shoulder and I pined him against a car next to us. "Что ты здесь делаешь?!" I asked him what he was doing here. "она позволяет деньги" makeing money he said. "почему вы за нами ?" I asked him why he was following us. "Вы мир головоломки вместе мудак" Well that wasn't vary nice... I broke his right middle figure and yelled "ответы!" Which means I want answers. "Мой работодатель хочет говорить с вами" he said his employer would like to meat me. "На кого ты работаешь?!" I asked him who he works for. "Nikolai Jakov!"

To be contiued...

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