Chapter Five

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Hey I know I'm late, but um, I don't really have an excuse, I'm just lazy. But here's the next part, vote and follow, or don't, I have no control over you, never the less, I hope you enjoy.
Oliver's POV
I stepped out of the shower, and started to dry myself off, "should I shave?" I asked myself, reaching for my straight razor. "I probably should, I'll be going out soon." I finished shaving then I dried myself off, then brushed my teeth. You would think an alcoholic like me wouldn't even own a toothbrush, but I like having teeth so I do. I went to my room and decided on what to where, on the door a note, the hand writing was definitely feminine, it was probably Debra, it read, "Thank you for breakfast, it was vary good, but I have to go now, signed, Debra." I took the note and pulled out my favorite zipo and burred it. I stare at the bearning paper, admiring the flame. It burned out and I realized that I stood over a peace of burning paper in the middle of my living room area, watching it burn naked. I finally went into my room to decide what to where. "Grey carhart jacket.." I said pulling out my jacket, "Blue jeans.." Grabbing a pair of pants, "Now what shirt do I where?" I asked myself. "This grey shirt, yeah, it goes with my jacket, slightly lighter shade of grey." I said speaking to myself.
I finished getting dressed, I looked in the mirror one last time, "Wait," I started, "since when do I care about how I look?" I asked myself confused, "Oh fuck it." I looked well enough to go out, and so I did.
I got in my car, my car is one of the few things I take pride in. Its a 1967 Chevy Impala, it's black and all original, I only changed the things that needed fixing. I started off and realized I need to put gas in. There's a gas station 3 miles from here, that's where I'll go. I pulled into the gas station, I got out and put the gas pump into the gas tank and went inside to pay for gas. "30 on 4 please" I said handing the cashsire $30. "Sure thing kid" Said the guy who works the cash register. I went back out to my car, when a three guys came from around the gas station. "Hey you punk!" They yelled at me, "We've been looking for you!" One was carrying a baseball bat. Another with a crow bar. The one who had the bat had a week leg, I could tell because of his slight limp. The one with the crow bar had been hurt recently, when we shook his weapon at me, his shirt came up slightly and had a big bruse on his stomach. The third one looked scared. These people wore too easy to handle.
I continued to my car not agnoligeing there exsitense. "Hey, asshole!" Crowbar yelled, "I'm talkin to you!" He continued, he put his free hand on my shoulder and said, "Hey ass wipe I'm talking to yo-" As he continued to just spout none sense, I quickly grew tiered of him being continuous. I quickly turned around and nocked his hand off of me. As he was off balance I punched him in the stomach four times in the same spot. Right, left, right, left. He fell to the ground, I knew he was going to get back to his feet, but at the moment he wasn't a concern. I walked toward baseball bat, when I was within reach he swung is bat at me, I ducked under it as he swung at my head, and when he was at the end of his swing, I kicked his leg, the one he liped on. He screamed in agony, I love it when they do that. He feel to his knees, and so I roundhouse kicked him in the face. He was still holding on to the bat, and he was still continuous, as he lay on his back. He griped the bat harder, but I just stepped on his wrist with my boot and he screamed again. He let go of the bat, and I steped on his throat, just long enough to render him unconscious. Just as I turned to the last one, who was paralyzed in fear, I heard crowbar getting up behind me, I walked toward the last one, as if I didn't here him behind me. As I was almost apon the scared one, crowbar swung his crowbar at me in a downward motion, like he was hammering in a nail. As he swung, I spun around him, I was behind him at this point, I raped my arm around his neck, pulling him down in a rear naked choke, but he was strong and resisted, I kicked the back of his knee, making him buckle, rendering him off balance, making it easter for me to knock him out. He struggled the whole way through, squwerming and trying to scream. "Shhhhhhh, don't struggle" I said to him. He didn't take my advice, but it didn't matter, he still passed out. I let him go after he passed out and walked over toward the last guy. He still stood there, but he was no longer paralyzed in fear, he was trembling now. I put my hands on his shoulders and said too him, "now here's how this is going to go, are you paying attention?" I asked. He nodded his head rapidly, "I'm going to ask you questions, whether or not you choose to cooperate, well that doesn't really matter because you will tell me what I want to know, no matter what" he looked confused, but I think he got the basic jist of what was happening. "Ok, who sent you?" He spoke with a stutter, "J-j-jason, it was Jason" "good boy, now can you be so kind enough to do me a favor?" I asked him, he nodded his head again. "Could you deliver a message to Jason for me?" "Y-yes, w-w-waht do you want me to tell him?" "I want you to tell him exactly what happened to those two over there, and tell him that if he wants to hurt me, next time he should send special forces." He looked even more frightened, but he just nodded his head. "Ok, you may go now." As soon as I said that he took off sprinting.
I walked back to my car, pulled out the gas pump, and got in and started off. Today has been rather eventful and I haven't even gotten to where I'm going yet.

Hey guys, I know that this was a bit late I apologize, but here's the chapter, I through in some references so shout out to supernatural, I'm a huge fan, but I will post again next week, I sincerely hope you enjoyed and have a good rest of your day.

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