Chapter Six

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No one reads this I don't need an excuse

Emma's POV
I called up Debra to see how she was doing, Jake had told me she seemed interested in a guy last he talked to her, I need details damn it!
"Hello?" Debra awnsered her phone in a tiered voice "Hey! Why so tiered, long night I bet with your new boyfriend." I teased deb a lot, she's one of my friends, its what we do. "He's not my boyfriend, and I'm starting to regret likeing him in the first place, wait, how did you know about that?" "Jake told me, now answers!" "Okay, okay, its just, he drinks a lot, he smokes, what I can only assume is vary strong weed, and he's insanely damaged." I strangthend my voice a little "Debra, just because someone is damaged doesn't mean you shouldn't give them a chance, plus there is rehab for that sort of thing, drinking and smoking I mean" she quickly responded "He almost killed himself, on purposes." "What!" I responded, practically yelling "Why would someone WANT to do that?!" "I might have an idea" she said distantly "look I have to go, but rally the troops, we need to hang out again" "yeah no definitely, I'll see what everyone wants to do, Kay bye!" I hung up. I wonder what she ment when she said she had an idea, the thought still baffles me, to take your own life, damn.

Oliver's POV
Jack Mallory, he's the leader of the boys choir here in town, he arranges where they play, completely controls there schedules, he also molests them, sometimes he kills them after, other times he doesn't have to.
I've been watching him for weeks, before I was interrupted by my father, making sure he's guilty, that he is worthy of my table. He is. I stike tonight, I need this kill. He isn't the first, nor will he be the last, tonight is the night, and its going to happen again, and again, has to happen. I'll wait in the back of his car for him, that's where I'll start.

Debra's POV
Ive been fallowing him, he doesn't know, but I need to see what he's like, who he is, character is how you act when no one is looking, I need to see his character. He's in the back of a man's car, he's been sitting there for an hour, I don't understand what he is doing or what he is waiting for. Another 30 minutes has gone by, a man is getting in the car, he's driving somewhere, I will continue to follow.
They have stoped at an old abandoned shack, what the hell is he doing?
After 25 minutes of waiting for him to come back out, I decided I'll try and see if I can see what he is doing. I circled the shack and found a hole in the wall, not vary big, but big enough for me to see what was happening. The room was covered in plastic, which made it hard to see, but things wore still visible, barely. The man was restrained to the table some how, I noticed paintings or pictures of some sorts on the wall but couldn't tell what they wore. "You've done a lot of bad things, haven't you Jack?" He started, completely calm. "What? Where am I? Someone get me out of here!" Oliver grabbed his face, smushing it "Yes, someone help! Beg for your life! It won't get you out of here, or a quick death, but it brings me pleasure" "Who the fuck are you?!!!" He pulled out a large knife "Oh me? Don't worry about who I am, let's talk about you. Jackson Mallory age 37, wife's name is Abigale Mallory age 35, child Zachery Mallory age 8. You organize the boys choir here in town and you MOLEST thoes boys!" He spoke with such rage, I felt fear deep inside me. "Look at what you did, look!!!" The man moved his head to the pictures, now sobbing in tears "please.. You have to understand, I couldn't help myself" "Oh believe me, I do understand, you see, I just can't help myself either, but children, that's something I could never do, you and I are monsters, but different kinds" He grabed a smaller knife, cut the mans face, took his blood and put a slide in his pocket. He returned to his bigger knife, raised it above his head, and brought it down into the man's chest, then he looked to the ceiling, with this look of relive, as though he could breath again. Is this guy fucking crazy?!?! What the shit!!? He just killed a man!!!
He cleaned up after himself, cutting the mans limbs off and putting them in trash bags. I knew something was off about this guy. I don't know why, but I keeped following him, I'm scared shitless but I continue on with him. What the fuck is wrong with me?! He drove back to his, I don't know what to call it, lair? He went to the tree where he went to hang himself yesterday, and he just stood there, I continued on foot to get closer.
"You know, right over there" he turned his head to the little burned down shack he was sitting in yesterday "is where I made my first kill, that was 3 years ago, I was sloppy, as all new comers to the craft are, but I learned quickly." I came around from the dark corner I was hideing from. He turned to me, slowly, with simpathetic eyes "I feel something towred you, not just a phisicle attraction, but an emotional one as well." He continued "You only see what I want you too, minus the scars, I'm simply used to being alone, I knew you wore on me the whole time." "Why didn't you say anything?" "For you to see, why I disserve that nouce" he turned and looked at the rope he had in the tree from the day before "Am I crazy for still liking you" I began to cry "Possibly, but that doesn't matter" "why not?" I awnsered confused "because you will die" he injected me with a needle if something and I went out.

I am bored and finally signed back into this app so I'll probably be posting more, but no one reads this so yeah, all so I'm just not even gonna promise anything anymore, I'll write when I feel like it, or, when people read this, anyway, hope you enjoyed, if you exist, and yeah, later.

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