Chapter Four

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Hey sooooooo about weekly publishing ... Yeah ummm sorry about that, but I'm back now and uhhh yeah. So enjoy.
Oliver's POV
"I don't want to answer that." I said angerly. I stood up and began to pace the room. Debra slowly stood up, she was scared of me. "Look its ok, I was just curious, you don't have to answer it if you don't want to." I began to drink faster, thus drinking more. She aproched me slowly. "Hey maybe you wanna take it easy on the vodka there rusky." I looked at her with an upset look, I was angery, and drunk, but it took me a moment to realize that I wasn't angery at her, I was still pissed at my father. My angry stare, quickly became a sad, depressed look. I could feel the tears forming behind my eyes. Then my head started spinning, everything was moving all at once in a circle, then it began to move upward, and suddenly, everything came crashing down at once, and I hit the floor.
Debra's POV
Oliver started to drink more and more, I'm starting to get worried. He passed out and feel on the floor, I tried to lift him, but I couldn't do it, so I dragged him instead. As I was dragging him he woke up for a moment to puke on himself. "Well that's just grate" I said frustrated. I was able to lay him on the couch. I was about to go out the door, when I slowly hesitated, I couldn't just leave him here, puke all on his shirt, probably still half drunk, and definitely hung over. I'm gonna stay, just to make sure he's ok.
Oliver's POV
Ugh, god my head hurts. Fuck. What did I do last night? God what's that awful smell? I barely opened my eyes, scanning the room, I always check to make sure its safe. There is a person sitting in that chair, looks to be female, adolescent. She should be easy to get the drop on. I aproched her from behind, just as I'm about to put her in a rear naked choke, I realize who it is, its Debra. Fuck. I remember everything now, I lay back down and pretended to wake up. "Ugh, fuck my head hurts" I said, holding my head, pretending to wake up. "Well you did hit the ground pretty hard." I stood up holding my head. "Man have I got a hang over." I said in pain. "Well that's what you get for drinking so much, you drunken fool." She said, as I was walking to the fridge to cure my hang over. I grabbed some breakfast ham, two eggs, and four slices of sour dough bread. "Is that how you treat all your crushes?" I said prepareing my self breakfast. She just looked at me with angry eyes. "I'm making breakfast, do you want some?" I said "Yes please" she replied softly.
I finished making breakfast, I walked over to the frige, going to get myself a morning drink. "Would you like something to drink?" I asked Debra, trying to be a kind host. "Yes please, I'd like some orange juice." She replied in a polite tone. "You've got it" I poured her a pint and gave it to her. Now, to make my drink. I made myself a pitcher of bloody marys. I sat down, holding my head in pain. I went to pour myself a glass, but I stopped myself midway through. Debra looked at me, "what's wrong? Are you gonna pour that sometime today?" She said teasingly. "No." I replied. "I'm gonna drink the whole pitcher, for I am a sinner, in the hands of an angry god." I bowed my head and closed my eyes and said, "bloody Mary, full of vodka, blesseed are you amongst cocktails, prey for me now, and at the hour of my death, which is hopefully vary soon." And I just drank out of the pitcher. "Oh my god, your an awful human being" she said, histaricly laughing. I stopped and said, "I know, why do you think I tried to commit suicide yesterday?" She got quite, she looked down at her food and just ate. "God what is that awful smell?" I looked around the room. Debra looked at me. I quickly looked down to find puke all down my shirt. "Oh god damn it!" I said upset while Debra was laughing pretty hard. I stood up from the table and walked across the room.
Debra's POV
Oliver stood up and walked across the room. He stopped walking, and facing away from me, he took off his shirt. I bet he's totally trimmed and riped! He got his shirt all the way off, I thought he was gonna be sexy, I was wrong... He had scares all down his back. I walked over to him nervously. "What are those from?" He quickly pind me against a wall and in a voice that sounded like he was gonna kill me, he said "no, you never saw those, you never will again. And if you tell anyone, anything" he let go of me and took a few steps away, then he turned around so fast, I side even realize what happened, he threw a knife and it barely missed my head. "I didn't miss." And with that, he walked away.
Would he ever kill me? No, or would he? He is sertanly capable of it, but will he? I don't think he will, but I won't tell anyone just out of respect. He's taking a shower now, and I'm just finishing my breakfast, after that I'm gonna head home.
Oliver's POV
I leaned against the wall in my shower, just letting the water hit me. I won't hesitate to kill her, but I will give her a quick death, I won't take my time in killing her, hell, I might even make it completely painless. Wait, what am I saying? Why dose she get off easy?

Hey guys, I'm gonna have to end it there, I sincerely hope you enjoyed, I know I said I'm gonna try and update weekly, and that I haven't at all for some time, but I'm back now, and I'll try to keep my promise this time. Thanks, as always, and have a good day.

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