Chapter 7

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Run. Run. Run. Run. Vegeta felt his legs weakening as he ran as fast as he could, out of the mansion's double doors, past the garden, past security, into the open. He felt exposed. He ran towards the building that houses all of Kakarott's travelling gear for when he had to go on otherworldly conquests. It was easy to get in, he had special access already. After putting his hand on the scanner, he ran inside.

There were three space cruisers, but the other two were too big, so he decided to take the single pod. Fuck, he would be in so much trouble if he returned after this.

He powered it on and opened the roof of the building. He gazed into the dark red sky and flew up, a little unsteady of the comtrols. Kakarott's knew them better than anyone. Once he was above all the trees, he flew away, in the opposite direction of the mansion.

There was a huge forest that was supposed to act as a barrier between Kakarott and the other ordinary citizens. The trees grow bigger the deeper you walked through it, and it was filled with all sorts of lethal creatures. Once you got passed that, then came the village of the Seconds. Middle class people. Their city was almost as big as the one he was trying to go to.

It took hours and hours, according to Earth time. Of course, most of that time was spent flying over the forest, but the City of the Seconds was almost as big. Lots of people looked up at Vegetarian in his pod, wondering what the hell must be going on. They had probably only seen something like that on the telly.

Finally, once his sundial was almost at its opposite end, he found himself flying over the Villages of the Thirds. Of course, there were lots of little villages within, and he needed to find the right one.

Hmm, he wonders, Jirruo? No, Teskyot? No... He couldn't remember the name for the life of him.

Oh wait, now I remember? Yuripida! The name simded so foreign in his mind. He hadn't thought about that place in a long, long time.

Once he recognised the house structures of Yuripida, he decided to land the pod in a big empty space of dirt. It wasn't to close to the village that people would start examining him.

He got out of the pod, terrified. He was in his butler's clothes, which would make him stand out like a stick, and he looked too familiar. Luckily, Kakarott had a big coat already in the pod for when he had to go incognito. Vegetarian gratefully grabbed it from the pod and put it on. With the collar up, it was hard to tell who he was. Even if he still looked odd.

He started walking into the village. A few people gave him odd looks, but generally they just kept doing their duties. Then he started getting into the poor residential area. Houses bundled together stood before him with only a dirt road separating the two halfs. He walked, trying to remember the address. Was it 526? Or 810? He couldn't think, he was scared and nervous about anyone following him.

Vegeta couldn't explain why he had ran. He had felt a collection of emotions swelling in him, guilt, but also this fear that he had made Kakarott believe he loved him, when Vegeta didn't. He liked Kakarott, not loved. When Kakarott was about to confess his feelings again, Vegeta had panicked. Didn't want to face it. He had ran away for fear of facing the truth, and although he knew he was a coward for that, he tried to keep that fact out of his brain for now.

He suddenly remembered that the house he was looking for would have a red blotch on it; he had helped the homeowner, his old friend, paint the house himself. That red spot had been a mistake with coloring. He suddenly remembered all of this and felt out of place.

Finally he found the house; 810 had been the address after all. He took a deep breath and steeled himself. Knocked twice. Hollered loudly. After five minutes, Vegeta assumed his friend was asleep, as usual, and was unable to hear him. He stuffed his hand in his pocket, found the long-lost spare key, and opened the door.

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