Chapter 11

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Looking at the cold, black, metallic wall, shackles on his wrists and ankles, he wondered for the millionth time how he had gotten here.

He remembered the assailant. They were wearing a black cape with the hood over their head, rope tied to their neck. He remembered them throwing ki blasts at him. He remembered the feeling of fear for what he was, an animal like his ancestors, blood on his hands...he remembered finally getting knocked out and panicking before his sweet release from reality. He remembered really thinking he was going to die.

The dry room smelled of misery when he inhaled. Vegeta was about to desperately try to find factors that could determine what the person looked like so he could identify them, but he suddenly heard a door creak open and close. Boots slapped against the soft floor. He looked up and saw what he presumed to be a feminine male or a female with a masculine body. They had a long, green braid, jewelry covering them around their head, wrists, and ankles, along with adorning arm warmers and thigh highs. But they were wearing battle armor, which Vegeta found odd. Only people in the military bases wore those, or those sent on missions to other planets. What was a military person doing kidnapping him? How did they know of his past? They weren't Saiyan either, he did not know the species of this person on the other side of him.

He recognized that slippery, vile voice though. "Hello, Prince."

Vegeta cringed. "Don't call me that."

"But that's what you are. Well, you were at probably don't even remember that well."

He knew what was coming. "I think I know pretty fucking well what my past was like."

"Oh, my my, no need to speak in your fake low class accent. It seems that you need a refresher to what your place really is." The person crouched down, giving Vegeta a sickly view of their crotch, and said, "Remember your precious daddy? And Tarble?"

Vegeta gritted his teeth. "Stop it."

"And remember how he would blow up all those planets like they were nothing? The King even blew up my own. Good thing I had a high power level, I was allowed to live, that's all you dirty Saiyans care about, how strong someone is."

"Stop it."

"And remember how you and Tarble would experiment together, touching each other's--"

"STOP IT, FUCKING STOP!" Vegeta covered his ears and kneelt down. Memories were haunting him, he didn't want to relive any of that stuff anymore.

"Hmm, I suppose you're already broken enough. I'll leave you be. When we get to Frieza's spaceship, he'll be the one that breaks you." They walked away, the door creaking open again. Before they left, they said, "My name is Zarbon, and if you must know, I'm not a female."

The door slammed shut, and Vegeta held his head down in his knees. He felt ashamed that all this was true. Yes, he was the old Prince of Vegeta-sei, yes his father was the ruthless king, and yes he and his brother used to spend their nights experimenting what each others bodies were for and other improper things. He felt like he had swallowed poison and he needed to throw up to get this feeling out of his system.

For the first time since his endeavor, he actually missed Kakarott. Sure he had missed the male's presence and all, but that was just homesickness. Now he felt like he was a corpse of a person. A ridiculous need to be with Kakarott suddenly filled him up, and he almost screamed at how fast that feeling drowned him. It felt like turning into a Great Ape, when you feel your instincts take over and all hell breaks loose. He was confused and very sad so fast that he started crying silently. It had been a long time since he had cried. The last time he cried was when he had met Turles, the burly 16 year old who took him in when Vegeta was barely six. Tears dropped onto the floor as his lower lip wobbled and, yes, he was crying. He didn't dare let a sound escape from from him though, he knew that this Zarbon would exploit his weak state. Instead he laid down and let the tears drown him endlessly until he grew exhausted and fell asleep.

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