Chapter 1

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Kakarott elegantly sipped his cup of tea, napkin in his lap, and laid his cup down for Vegeta to fill it again. Earl Grey was his favourite, and he had insisted that Vegeta make some more for him and his visitor, Gohan.

"Kakarott, how are you doing with the increase in your kingdom population?" Gohan asked, flexing his pinkie up to take a sip.

"We've been expertly keeping it in balance with slightly higher taxes and keeping our birth rate in balance. Our demographics haven't been better!" Kakarott laughed, still careful not to spill a drop on his white suit.

Polite slurps filled the air until Nappa said, "I'm going to go spend a penny, please excuse me gents." The bigger man stood up and walked into Kakarott's lavoratory. No one made a sound until they heard the door close.

"Phew!" Kakarott held the cup up in the air and drank the whole thing in a single gulp, almost eating the cup before Vegeta intervened, grabbing it from Kakarott and explaining for the millionth time that you can't just eat a cup because one, your tongue will get millions of cuts in it, two, its not polite to do, and three, you just don't eat cups in front of guests!

"I can't help it Vegeta!" Kakarott whined, rubbing his unfulfilled stomach. "I'm starving. How do other aliens manage to eat so little!? I've only drunk tea and eaten a few crepes, how am I supposed to be satisfied with just that!?"

Gohan sighed. "Kakarott, you're hopeless. I told you that lowering your ki helps lower your appetite for a while."

"But Gohaaaaan~" Kakarott was always such a whiner.

"No buts, lower your ki and you'll see how much your hunger lowers too."

"Hmph. Fine." He flicked some bright blonde hair from his forehead and closed his eyes, relaxing his muscles and breathing slowly. Eventually, Gohan couldn't even detect that Kakarott was in the room.

"Good. Now, do you feel better?"

"I do feel better, thanks, little bro!" Kakarott was about to jump over the table to rub Gohan's black hair until he heard a door click open. He immediately took his sitting position and focused on keeping his ki lowered. The most embarrassing thing would be Nappa hearing his stomach growl.

"Hello chaps, though I do hate running out of another man's house without staying a proper amount of visiting time, I received an urgent call from my banker that I need to come quickly, so although I would love to stay longer, I must bid you two adieu." Nappa kissed Kakarott and Gohan on the cheek and took off to Planet Aropus. They watched as his space cruiser took off in the blink of an eye.

"Master," Vegeta summoned, "you have an extra hour before Gohan must go back with Chi-Chi. What would you like to do, for the time being, sir?"

"Hmm..." Kakarott tapped his chin for a while, thinking. "I wish to go to Miss Bulma's so she can meet Gohan. Meanwhile, do you mind cooking a big supper for me? I've eaten less than I should, and I feel as though I'm going to pass out."

"Yes my lord. I'll prepare your favourites for you." Vegeta bent down to smile at Gohan, who stuck his tongue out and turned away. The older Saiyan sighed and turned away to prepare the next meal.

He flew as fast as he could towards the mansion, fondling into his jacket and pulling out his watch. The first sun would be setting soon, so he increased his ki a little to boost his speed. He hoped that Krillin and Tien hadn't fucked anything up with setting up the supper table, those two always got something wrong. Not to mention Yamcha, he was almost a hopeless case.

"Everyone!" Vegeta clapped his hands as he arrived at the mansion. "Forward march!" The three immediately ran and halted in front of Vegeta. He excused their tardiness because they were not of Saiyan blood, they were mere humans, incapable of having the extreme strength and speed of a Saiyan.

"Tien, how is the yard work going?"

"Good sir, absolutely good sir."

"And the appetizers, Krillin?"

"Good, very good sir!"

"What about you, Yamcha? How is the house cleaning?"

The male blushed upon being called upon. "Y-Yes sir, all is well."

"Then I shall check." Vegeta made his way into the living room, only to grunt in anger. All the China was broken, the armoire toppled over. In the kitchen, soups were spilling onto the countertops. And finally, outside the yard was cut into zig-zags all around.

The three slowly tried to tip-toe away, but Vegeta's senses were keen enough to pick up on them. He turned around and gave them a glare that could scare off even a Super Saiyan. "You guys are hopeless, completely hopeless! I ask you all to do simple tasks around the house so I can fix supper and this is what you call helping!? I should have you all fired!!"

They lowered their heads in shame, but only Yamcha stood up to talk. "We're all terribly sorry, Master Vegeta. We tried our best, honest we did!" Krillin and Tien giggled, they knew that Yamaha's hero worship of Vegeta had escalated to something more.

Vegeta was about to retaliate, but he just ended up sighing again. "Alright, you're all forgiven." He walked towards the kitchen and tied an apron around his waist. He turned around and yelled, "BUT THIS BETTER NOT HAPPEN AGAIN," before storming off.

The three servants all sighed in relief, wiping imaginary sweat from their faces. Krillin laughed and slapped Yamcha on the back. "Haha, nice going there, Yamcha! If it wouldn't have been for you, we would have had our asses kicked out for sure!"

"Yeah, all because you're in love with Master Vegeta." Tien chimed in, not missing the fun of teasing the youngest.

Yamcha blushed heavily and turned away. "S-Shut up you guys, I'm not in love with him. He's just...interesting." He said quietly.

"Yeah, sure! Hahaha!" Krillin slapped Yamcha again, and they all went out to their quarters to dress up for dinner.


"...and then we can finally make a working model!"

"Wow, that's great Gohan! I'm impressed, you're a real genius in the making aren't you?"

"W-Well..." Gohan rubbed the back of his head, "I'm not really a genius..."

"Oh come on, you totally are, don't deny it!"

Suddenly an alarm started buzzing, and Kakarott picked his scouter from his pocket. It was a message from Vegeta, saying that supper would be ready by the first moon's sunset and that he was advised to head back to the mansion.

"Alright," Kakarott spoke softly to himself. "Bulma, I have to go, Vegeta is going to have supper done soon and I don't want to miss that!"

"Haha OK Goku, you're welcome here anytime," Bulma said, using Kakarott's nickname. They both hugged, and Kakarott called his Flying Nimbus and took off with Gohan, flying towards the Ox Kingdom. It was where Gohan's older sister Chi-Chi resided.

When they finally arrived at the Ox mansion, Kakarott whispered, "OK, jump off the cloud and get in before Chi-Chi can see me. Got it?"

"OK, got it." Gohan quickly hopped off and dashed for the entrance just as Kakarott took off. He sighed in relief when the mansion was finally out of sight. He didn't want to see Chi-Chi and her guilt provoking face, not today. Besides, his ki was no longer being suppressed, and he suddenly felt as if the wind had been knocked out of him. I'd better get home soon, don't want to pass out on the way there!

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