Chapter 13

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A small twinge of luck tickled Kakarott in the heart; it was a strange feeling, something he hadn't felt in a while, and he didn't quite know how to explain it. 

After visiting his father, Kakarott, Bulma, and Turles all went to the address given to them. Turles knocked quite loudly, apparently unafraid of seeming rude.

"I've seen him and Bardock too many times. There isn't any fake politeness here."

Kakarott felt that somehow, that snarky comment was directed towards him. Everyone was expected to be polite to the Prince, no matter what.

After a few attempts, the door of the small hut swung open. Out came an older man, about Bardock's age, but with black, spiky hair. His eyes were dark, with crows feet dusting the corners. He was dressed better than the other villagers, though. He seemed to brighten up after seeing Turles.

"Hi, my boy! What can I do for you today?"

He cleared his throat. Looking both ways, he made some rapid movements with his hands. Like he was making some sort of signs. Toma responded back, fingers sharp and serious. Kakarott was left very confused at the whole conversation.

"OK." Turles said suddenly. "Let's go inside."

"Wait, what!? What happened there?"

Bulma giggled a bit. "Goku, it's sign language. I didn't know Saiyans knew it! I understood what you were saying."

Turles eyed Kakarott suspiciously. "Make sure she forgets what she saw. This is top secret."

"Hey! I'm right here!"

The three finally went inside, and Kakarott felt squished in Toma's tiny hut. But then he moved one piece of furniture to the side, revealing a lever. After pulling it down, a secret underground basement appeared, along with a staircase leading you below the ground.

Toma motioned for the others to go first. Turles took the lead, brave as usual, then Kakarott, and Bulma worriedly stayed behind. Toma had to stay behind her so she wouldn't chicken out and leave all a sudden.

The underground base was something to be reckoned with. It was a huge expansive room filled to the brim with the latest in Saiyan technology. It palled in comparison to the Nomadic hut above them.

"Holy shit Toma..." Turles spoke, "what is all this!?"

"Haha!" The burly man laughed all of a sudden. "This is one of the most top secret, expensive, advanced military bases we have on Vegeta-sei!"

"So this is where the base is!" Kakarott interjected. "I knew we had this base, but I couldn't detect where it was on the map. I could barely get any signals from here."

"Blame the fact it's in a Third village. But yes, this is it!"

"Do you have any communication with my brother, Raditz?"

"Yes, we talk all the time! Usually he's goofing off, but we've certainly swapped information lots of times."

Toma took a seat on the chair, right in front of the computer with the biggest monitor. "OK. So, Turles told me we need to find Frieza, right?"

Kakarott nodded solemly.

"May I ask why?"

Everyone hesitated. Turles looked at Kakarott, who only shrugged. Then Turles sighed. "Kakarott's butler Vegeta has been kidnapped. I can't tell you why, though. I'm sorry."

"Vegeta? You mean the exiled Prince? Or some other Vegeta?"

Kakarott wrinkled his nose with confusion. "What? Exiled prince?"

Turles sighed again. "OK, look, I had to keep this info a secret! But I thought you knew, Prince Kakarott."

The blonde nodded no.

"Alright. Vegeta is...not your average Third. He was the heir to the original royal family. After being over thrown for putting the lives of Saiyans in unnecessary danger, they were to be executed. His mother, father, and little brother successfully were by Frieza, the real puppetmaster behind the scenes. No one knew it by that time. While everything was in chaos, I took Vegeta in when he was only six. I raised him, pretty much.

"But then...when he grew up, that's when the people realised the real culprit of their suffering was not the royal family, but Frieza, and Great Rebellion started. You and your father won and over threw Frieza. Then you became the Prince. You conquered lots of planets Frieza lost after the Rebellion, including the most precious of them all, Earth. Two years later, Vegeta ran away from me and applied for the job of butler. You accepted, thinking him to be a Third, and thinking you were doing him a favor. There's no need to give me that face, Prince, I know that's why you did it. You wanted to give him a better life. It's admirable, but the truth is, you hired a member of the executed royal family that any space tyrant would love to get their hands on."

Kakarott was just about speechless. All this info about Vegeta's life that he he never knew. It definitely stung to know Vegeta never had, and probably never planned on, disclosing this vital info. And yet...somehow...Kakarott understood why. This was serious business. If word got out that Kakarott had this man as his servant...

"Wait, could that be why he was kidnapped? Frieza wants to discredit me and my empire?"

Toma thought about that. "It's possible. The Saiyans would never trust you again, and may rebel. Then Frieza could swoop in and take control again."

"No..." Kakarott began to panic, "no no no..."

"Even just executing Vegeta could make him look a lot less like a tyrant and more like a good ruler."

"Oh no no no..."

"Well, isn't there anything we can do!?" Bulma said all of a sudden. "I know I'm not all hip with this Saiyan stuff, but we can't just sit around and hypothesise about what could happen. We need to take action!"

Turles smiled at Bulma. "The Earth woman is right. What can we do, Toma?"

The older man thought. "Hmm...there must be a way to do this without rousing suspicion. If only we had some sort of aircraft carrier that could disguise it's signal..."

"Oh!" Bulma yelled. "I have one of those! It's equipped with the technology needed to make sure no radar will see it coming from a mile away!"

"Great idea!" Turles said. "We shall go immediately."

"I know the way back." Kakarott said. "But we came here on Bulma's motorcycle. I don't know if you two would be able to fit as well. I was practically falling off the edge of the seat!"

Toma asked, "Do you have the power of flight, Prince?"

"Yes I do. Why?"

"Perhaps you could fly someone, and Bulma can take someone on her...ah...what was it?"

"Motorcycle." She said.

"Yes, motorcycle! So who can you carry, Prince?"

"Hmm...Turles weighs about the same as me, so he can ride with Bulma. And I should be strong enough to carry you, Toma."

"Then it's settled! Turles, go with the Earth woman, and I'll go with Bulma's. Deal?"

Turles sighed with annoyance. "Deal."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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