Chapter 3

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Vegeta always loved it when the first sun rose in the purple sky, the aesthetic was extremely pleasing to him this way. He had woken up pretty early that day, and he decided that it would be a great time to make himself a cup of tea and stare at the sky through the huge windows of the mansion. It felt silly at first, but Vegeta let himself warm up to the idea, and he stared off into space until he heard a door open upstairs. He looked up and saw the Prince emerge, rubbing his green eyes and yawning. His nightclothes had grown wrinkly from his long slumber.

Kakarott headed downstairs, and Vegeta suddenly felt self-conscious. But the young Saiyan only gave him that sweet smile with a "Hi, Vegeta" as usual.

"Good morning, my Master. My apologies for not having your breakfast prepared yet, but--"

"Save the excuses, it's alright. The sky can really be beautiful sometimes." He felt the Prince's ki grow lower as the male drifted off with his thoughts. "Hey, is it OK if I sit with you, Vegeta?"

Vegeta felt himself stiffen unconsciously, and he struggled to hide it. "Master, you don't need my permission. If you wish to do something, the choice will ultimately rest on your shoulders." He didn't like this. He was just a butler, not someone with Kakarott's level of status.

"Will you stop saying that already? I know I'm a prince, and I have authority to ask for your permission to sit with you under a beautiful sunrise, alright? Just think of it like that if that's what you prefer." Kakarott snapped.

"Um..." Vegeta didn't know how to respond, he didn't want to upset the Prince even more, "OK, my apologies Master..."

"Hey now, you know I didn't mean to snap at you. I'll grab us a couple of teas and we can stare at those damn suns as long as you like, OK?" Kakarott walked into the kitchen, and Vegeta tried his best to not say anything about it. The whole thing just felt so wrong. A prince making tea for him and his butler? Unheard of; and it was getting worse than usual. He was almost afraid of what Tien and Krillin would say about it because even though they weren't Saiyan, they followed the government's rules like textbooks.

Kakarott entered with a tray of teas, and Vegeta almost shot up to help before remembering the Prince's obvious discontent with that behaviour. "Here, I made us both some tea with the remaining Oolong. And I don't want to hear any complaints from you all day, I'm a prince and I can serve you if I want to."

Vegeta nodded minutely.

He grabbed a cup and held his pinkie finger up before taking a sip. He was amazed that Kakarott even knew how to make this drink, let alone make it good. "Master, you made this yourself?"

"Haha yeah, I've had Bulma teach me a thing or two about cooking before she started nagging me about being sexist by asking her about cooking instead of someone like Yamcha. Totally worth it though." He picked up a cup. "Is it really that good?"

Vegeta found himself nodding frantically, and forced himself to stop. "It is, Master. Forgive my possible offensive language, but I didn't think you even knew what Oolong was."

"Whaaaat? Of course, I do! There was a lot of that stuff at Kanassa when I was there, what are you even talking about? Silly!" Kakarott laughed at the pet name and slapped Vegeta on the shoulder.

"Apologies, my Lord, I didn't mean--"

"You're being extra uptight today, Vegeta." Kakarott's tone suddenly turned velvety, dripping with attraction. "What you really need is a good fu--"

"Prince Kakarott...?"

Vegeta immediately turned around to face Tien and Yamcha coming out of their quarters. He inwardly cursed at himself for allowing Kakarott to serve them, it looked so inappropriate.

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