Chapter 13

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My breathing was ragged and I couldn't believe it was him on the other end of the line. The tears began to slowly pour from my eyes, as my eyelids flickered shut. He remained quiet, and I could tell I wasn't the only one crying.

"Oh my gosh.." Is all that was able to came out of my mouth. I was too shocked to say anything more, and my heart was beating rapidly.

I heard a soft yet deep chuckle come from the line, sniffles being included. I missed him so much, and I'm so surprised he still had my number and was willing to call me.

"Gosh, Thomas, I missed you so much. Oh goodness." I said as my quivering lips ached to be on his once more. Roughly, my trembling hands wiped away the tears from my cheeks.

"Me too. Me too love. So so much." I don't think I'd ever be able to get over the sound of his voice. It was exquisite.

"Why now? Why did you wait till now to call me?" I asked, obviously curious as to why he would suddenly call out of the blue in the two years of not seeing me.

"This is going to sound extremely selfish.." He paused as I took a deep breath, nervous to hear what was going to come next, "But, I needed to call you. I.." He stopped once again, before a sob escaped his lips, and tears most likely followed by it.

"Thomas.." I whispered, worried. "What's the matter? Talk to me. Please."

Continuous cries came through the phone, and I instantly knew something must be terribly wrong. I felt like a knife was being twisted inside of my stomach, the sound of him crying was unbearable.

"I caught Isabella... Cheating on me.." He whimpered in despair. My mouth dropped and my eyes widened in shock. I never knew she would do such a thing. She seemed so innocent, and I knew she loved him with all her heart. Clearly, not anymore.

"No, n-no.. How? When? What? She loves you Thomas! It can't be true!" I said a little too loudly, causing my roommate to awaken, as I earned a groggy "shut up" and a pillow to the face. She instantly collapsed back on the bunk underneath mine, falling asleep once again. I removed the pillow from my face, placing it at the end of the bed gently as he began to speak.

"I thought so too.." He sniffled, and then took a deep breath, "I caught her when I walked into our apartment we were sharing together, and there she was, right on the couch. One hand tangled throughout his messy hair, the other roaming down his bare back before gripping his ass to push him further inside her. They were having sex Kensington. Without a bloody condom either!" His loud voice boomed through the phone, causing my left ear to ring a little from his sudden outburst.

Tears began to fill my eyes again, blurring my once clear vision.

"This just happened about three or so hours ago, and I wanted to call you, so desperately. I know it's selfish of me, considering we haven't spoken in two years, but I needed to. I miss you, and I needed someone to talk to. I'm sorry that this had to be the reason for me calling."

"Thomas.." I said, sighing, "Don't apologize. I understand and I'm glad that you still come to me, even though it's been awhile." I smiled, as well did the sound of my voice, which I'm sure he could tell. Even though it was sweet that he needed me, I still couldn't help but feel like a second choice.

"Thank goodness. I didn't want you to be mad at me for this."

Shaking my head, I replied, "Of course I wouldn't be. Don't be silly. So, where are you now?"

"Well right now, I'm at a hotel. Unfortunately, I have to go back to the apartment to grab my things tomorrow. But luckily, she'll be at work, maybe. I don't know if she'll take the day off or not, but I'm hoping she won't."

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