Chapter 2

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After I made my mom her breakfast and gave it to her in her room, I ate my breakfast quietly while scrolling through Twitter. I saw Thomas' tweet about the premiere and I decided to retweet it, because why the hell not. Then I noticed as I went to go dive my spoon into my cereal, I heard the clink of the bowl, knowing I must've finished. I placed my phone down then cleaned my bowl and spoon, before going upstairs to retrieve my mom's plate.

When I finished with the dishes, I washed my hands and went back upstairs to peer through my closet. I slid each article of clothing to the side, trying to find something pretty to wear. I have to hide my scars, and luckily my calves weren't bruised, so I would be able to wear a dress. I picked out a nice black dress that perfectly hugs my figure with a short black tuxedo jacket, that had a little bit of plaid peeking out at the end of the 3/4 length sleeves.

Soon after changing, I dried my hair and brushed it out. Quickly, I placed my hair out of the way of my face so I could start my makeup. Like every other girl, I started with my foundation first. The beauty of makeup to me is how you can transform your face into something incredible. It only enhances your facial features. It's almost like painting and I find that incredible.

Next, I started to apply my concealer along with my setting powder. Since my eyebrows are naturally structured in a nice position, I left them, and started on my eyeliner. Carefully lining my eyelids, trying to ignore how emerald green my eyes were. Obviously I would do winged eyeliner, only because that's my signature when it comes to doing makeup. Before applying the mascara, came the contouring and highlighting along with a bit of blush.

Eventually when I finished applying everything I could possibly get on my face without looking caked, I took down my hair, plugged in the curling iron and started to curl my hair in thick strands, to give it a wavy affect.

I smiled at myself when I was proud with what I had accomplished and I actually thought I looked pretty, which is a surprise, considering I never see myself anything more than alright. I then slipped on a pair of two inch heels and sprayed a bit of perfume on before I headed out the door with my clutch in hand.

The limo ended up picking me up, so I didn't have to drive myself, which was great since it saved me gas for work on Monday. Damn it, don't ruin your day by thinking of work. I shook the thought out of my head and got out of the limo when it pulled to a stop.

Slowly, I stepped out of the limo and my pink lips parted ever-so-slightly as a small gasp happened to escape. I was mesmerized by all the beautiful lights and stars that surrounded me. The red carpet was gorgeous and the paparazzi was overwhelming. I then saw the cast of The Maze Runner. It was almost too much to handle. Wait, what am I saying?! Of course it's too much to handle! Look at them! Ki Hong Lee's defined arms, Dylan O'Brien's adorable laugh, Kaya Scodelario's beautiful smile, Will Poulter's fierce eyebrows, and of course Thomas Brodie-Sangster in general. I couldn't believe this was finally the night.

Before they had a chance to notice me staring, I decided to head to the theatre, since I wasn't sure when I was supposed to meet the cast. I didn't want to interrupt their pictures and interviews, so I just sat down in the far right corner of the theatre, near the top, alone. It was peaceful, and quite dark too, but I didn't mind. I also heard some creaking and I looked over but it was way too dark to see, so I just looked back down to my hands before I noticed someone come right up to me, and it just so happened to be the Thomas Brodie-Sangster.

"Hello love, what are you doing up here alone? Don't you want to meet the cast?" I heard him say, with his smooth British accent.

I was so shy that I didn't even bother to answer, I just looked at him and admired his features. The small quiff that was formed delicately in place, his deep brown eyes that just made you want to melt and his adorable button nose. I got so lost in his looks that he just chuckled and shook his head.

"Are you just going to stare at me all day or are you going to answer my question?" I blinked a few times, shocked he was even speaking to me. He called me love. What was this?!

"Uh.. Uh.." I stammered like a fool. He then chuckled once more and smiled at me.

"I noticed you came in here after you got out of the limo, so I decided I should come after you to see if you're alright. Are you okay, darling?" I blushed like a mad man, thank goodness it was dark in the theatre.

"I'm alright, thanks for asking. I didn't want to bother you guys while you were doing interviews and such." I said faintly. I watched his 5'10 frame settle down beside me, as our knees were slightly touching, causing my cheeks to burn brighter.

"Oh, don't think that. If anything, you'd do us a favour. It would give us all an excuse to not do the interviews." He chuckled, and I smiled slightly, still extremely shy about the situation. "And you're also more interesting to talk to than answering pointless questions." He added.

I giggled at his remark and looked over to him again, noticing that he was already staring at me.

"Well thank you.." I smiled at him, still blushing like a fool. He returned the gesture before placing his hand out.

"Name's Thomas, you?" He said kindly. I shook his hand gently before nodding, because I already knew.

"Kensington Simmons." I said softly.

Later on, when the whole cast ended up meeting up with Thomas and I, we started to watch the premiere together quietly.

"So.." Thomas started, "what did you think of the movie?" He said as he looked over to me while the credits started to go down the screen. I smiled when the credits rolled, showing "Newt played by Thomas Brodie-Sangster" before I answered his question.

"It was a-maze-ing!" I said cheekily and put on a huge grin, squinting my eyes at him while I heard him chuckle. As I opened my eyes I saw him shake his head slightly.

"Never heard that one before." He said sarcastically while rolling his eyes, still chuckling lowly. I smiled since I was able to make him laugh a bit.

"It was though. I loved it! You do justice to Newt." I smiled at him as he smiled back.

"Thanks, love. So, since you enjoyed it so much, do you think you'd want to watch it again, but only with me this time?" His eyes glistened as the lights started to slowly go on in the theatre.

My eyes widened, surprised he'd even ask a question like that. I quickly nodded with a huge smile spread across my face.

"Yeah, I'd love that!" I said excitedly as he grinned at me. Not just any grin either. It was a real, genuine smile.

I blushed once more, and smiled shyly, as butterflies erupted inside of me.

ⓒ Lex

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