Chapter 17

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"How does this look?" I asked Alex, doing a slow spin.

"Fantastic!" She grinned. "He's going to love it." I blushed and giggled slightly before sitting back down on my bed.

Alex came over about an hour ago with some clothes for me to choose from. I'm not necessarily allowed to leave the hospital unless a parent can sign me out, since I am doing well. But since my father, I was told is dead, and my mother is in a home, that won't be likely unless I have an other guardian that looks after me.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Alex? I can really only trust you, since you say we're roommates and all."

"Of course it's a good idea! Don't be silly Kens. This guy clearly likes you, and he's been in your life for awhile. Trust him, okay? If you liked him before, what's stopping you now?"

The last thing she said really hit me. If you liked him before, what's stopping you now. It may be scary since, to me, he's practically a stranger now, but if I didn't like him before he still wouldn't be in my life. He must obviously be a good person.

"You know what, you're right Alex. I'm still kind of scared though. I don't think he's going to hurt me or anything, but I guess I'm just nervous. It's like meeting someone for the first, y'know? And I also feel like shit for not remembering him, it's gotta hurt him to know that I remember nothing of our past together."

"It hurts me too Kens. I know you don't really remember me either since you can only remember things from way back. But he'll get used to it. I am. I know you can trust me more than him since we live together and all, but one day it won't hurt him anymore. Time heals." She gave me a comforting smile and I returned it.

"So, let's do your hair, yeah?" I nodded and smiled, watching as she went to her bag and pulled out a curling iron. I don't remember how to do my hair with a hot tool, since I only learned how to use one a few years ago. I also can't do my makeup as good anymore. Apparently I used to be almost an expert at it, according to Alex.

"Ready?" She smiled, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded and watched as she opened up the clamp and took a small chunk of my long blonde hair. It didn't take long for the appliance to heat up. I wonder how long I was sitting there thinking for, I thought.

After a few strands later, we got a knock on our door.

"Come in!" Alex chirped. I looked over to the door as it opened and there stood Thomas, a bouquet of white roses and lilies in hand. My heart skipped a beat and I blushed, knowing that those must be for me.

"Hi Thomas." I smiled warmly, as did he.

"Hey Kensie. These are for you." He sat down across from me in the rickety chair, and handed them to me. I took them gently and stuck my nose above the flowers, taking in a huge whiff.

"Wow, they smell so beautiful." I smiled. "Thank you."

"It's no problem. I know they're your favourite." He gave a quick wink and I giggled, feeling my heart flutter once again.

"All done!" Alex exclaimed.

"Yay!" I slightly laughed and gave her a quick hug before I stood up. "Thank you so much."

I walked over to the small bathroom in my room and turned on the light to look at my hair. I smiled at what I saw, and I gently placed some curls in the front, leaving the rest behind me. I admired the floral romper I was wearing and I smiled at myself in the mirror, feeling kind of pretty. Alex was luckily able to conceal my dark circles and bruises with some makeup and she just added some mascara to the look. My face looks very natural but I'm happy.

I walked out of the bathroom and turned off the light before standing a few feet away from Thomas.

"You ready?" He asked and I nodded while smiling, and then my face perked up with realization.

"Hey, Alex? Could you get the nurse to put the flowers in a vase or glass for me? Thanks." I quickly said before exiting the room with Thomas, waving goodbye.

"So, what coffee shop are you taking me to?" I asked, and then soon realized I don't even remember any coffee shops in town. I'm already somewhat knew to this area, and now that I can't remember anything, I'm going to have to start from the beginning.

"Well, I remember a couple years ago when I visited you, you said there was a cute coffee shop you'd always go to. So, I'm taking you there." I smiled, and that's when I realized how sweet he really is. He really takes things into consideration and he obviously cares about me or he wouldn't do this for me.

"Thank you so much for today Thomas. I know the day isn't over yet and we've just begun but really, thank you. It means a lot to me. I can see how much you care about me, and one day, I'll feel the same way, again." I looked over to him and contemplated on whether or not I should do this, but I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

He started to blush, as did I and slowly a smile followed. I gently took his hand, and slightly squeezed it but before I could pull away, he intertwined our fingers. I looked out the window, trying my best not to grin like a goof as the butterflies erupted within me.


The waitress made her way over and placed both our hot beverages down on the table.

"One caramel macchiato and one chai tea latte." She smiled and then gave a quick wink towards Thomas before walking off. I noticed her hips sway a bit, obviously trying to get his attention. Mentally, I just rolled my eyes and stirred my tea quietly.

"Everything alright, love?" I heard Thomas ask, and I looked up to meet his eyes and gave him a quick, fake smile.

"Yeah. Of course. Why wouldn't I be? It's not like she just tried to get your attention or anything." I shrugged and took a sip of my tea.

He smirked and raised a brow, slowly leaning forward across the table. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

I scoffed. "Me? Jealous? Pft, no way." I waved my hand off like it was nothing, but I could tell he was onto me. Was I really jealous?

"Hmm, really? 'Cause I think you are. So, if I were to get up right now and go give that waitress my number, you wouldn't say anything?" He cocked a brow.

"Nope." I shook my head, pursing my lips slightly. "You have every right to give your number to the pretty girl. Who's stopping you?"

"You." He said immediately after I asked.

"You're stopping me, because you're all that matters to me okay? Not some girl that has her tits perked up right to her chin. You're stopping me because I like you, no one else. No one can make me think otherwise. You have my heart."

My eyes widened a little as my cheeks started to burn. I gulped and looked down, starting to feel shy.

"Wow.." I whispered, feeling extremely flattered.

"I'm sorry.." He sighed. "I didn't meant to scare you or be too forward, it's just the truth. Please don't be mad at me."

I giggled slightly and then stared into his pleading eyes. "I'm no where near scared. I'm flattered. And yes, I was a little jealous." I admitted.

He chuckled and his eyes relaxed as he took my hand. "Well it's nice to know that you feel the same." He winked before taking a sip of his macchiato.

Blushing, I did the same.

ⓒ Lex

A/N: Finally an update that I'm sure you all have been waiting for (maybe). I'm not going to promise that I will update often, but I will be updating. It just depends on when I'm able to. But the book is back, and I'm going to continue it. My apologies for the long and confusing wait. I also will not be writing any author's notes on the chapters unless necessary, like this time for example; so you guys won't have to ignore my words when there won't be any. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this long overdue chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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