Chapter 4

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Sadly, it was my time to head home since the movie had ended. The limo was still waiting for me out front, and that wasn't the only thing waiting. I will probably get a rough beating tonight from my father, considering I didn't tell him where I was going tonight. He had no idea about the premiere. It would probably be worth it though. I mean, I did get to hold Thomas Sangster's hand, that's pretty sweet.

"So I guess this is it, huh?" I said in a sad tone. Hopefully it wasn't too noticeable for Thomas.

"Yeah, I guess so.." He said quietly. "It was nice getting to meet you Kensie." And with that, he left the theatre. I just sighed to myself and wished we could've left on a better note than that.

On my way out of the theatre I had noticed that the limo was no longer there. I didn't have any money on me, which was completely stupid of me not to bring any, and I didn't have anyone to call. I couldn't call my dad, he'd kill me. I couldn't call a friend, because I didn't have many, nor did I have their numbers. So I just decided to sit down on the curb, and hope, someway, somehow, I could get a ride home. Cars were driving by in a fast pace, and just my luck, it started to rain. Of course it would, it's New York for crying out loud.

I sat still as the rain came pouring down and drenched me completely. My hair was flat, most likely not curly anymore, and my mascara was probably running.

When I started to stand up, a car zoomed by, causing a puddle to splash all over me. I stood there for a couple minutes before I started to cry. I knew I had already passed my curfew, it was my last time to ever see Thomas, and my whole outfit, including my face, was ruined. How could I not start crying? But then that's when I heard a car roll up slowly. I looked up, not to see a car, but a limo, with Thomas poking his head out.

"Hey, love, would you like a ride? It's pouring buckets." He said whilst being in the limo, all warm and dry. I quickly nodded, so glad that I get to see him at least one more time and to get out of this weather.

He opened the door as I got inside and ended up taking a seat next to him, taking in a deep breath.

"Aw, no, you're soaked." He said softly, shutting the door, trying to look around for something.

"Yeah, that's what happens when a car zooms right by in a puddle and it splashes all over you." I giggled lightly, as he handed me a shirt with a pair of sweatpants.

"Here, you can change into these if you'd like. They're mine, but you need them more at the moment. I'll turn away." He said as he turned around slightly, doing the best to his ability while being in a seat, and covering his eyes with his hands.

I sighed in relief and smiled before I got up and changed down on the floor of the limo. Mind you, it was difficult since we were still moving.

Once I had finished, I got up, tied my hair up in a bun to get it out of the way and gave Thomas a gentle hug. I didn't keep myself in his arms for too long, only because I didn't want him to be weirded out.

"Thank you. You didn't need to do this, I appreciate it." I said with a genuine smile, which was showing my straight teeth, with a feeling of happiness that warmed my heart.

"It was my pleasure Kensie." He smiled back before grabbing a cloth and placing his finger under my chin, tilting my face up slightly. "Here." He said as he gently wiped away my mascara and tears, cleaning off my face.

I blushed while he continued and kept my eyes shut until he said, "All done!"

I opened my eyes and giggled, embarrassed that I most likely look like the ugliest human on the planet at the moment. There must be smears all over my face. I just looked down to my hands, trying to avoid any eye contact, so he couldn't see me.

"I'm sorry." I said faintly, not looking up, only because I was nervous to do so.

"Sorry for what?" I heard him say. I could almost sense that his eyebrows were furrowed, and when I looked up to have a peak, they were.

"For looking like such a mess, for having to borrow your clothes, wrecking your cloth that you wiped my face with, the makeup is just going to stain it. Not to mention that now you have to wait even longer to get home because you stopped to pick me up, and now you're taking me home. I'm just sorry." I said sadly, feeling like the biggest piece of shit.

"Hey, sweetie.." He said as he took my hand gently, "don't think that way. I stopped because I wanted to pick you up. It's pissing rain out there, and you looked upset. If anything, I would want to talk to you more, so I might as well pick you up. Don't worry about the clothes either, I want you to have them. So you can have a memory of me. And who bloody cares that the cloth is wrecked? I have plenty more. Now, just relax, okay? There's nothing to be upset about." He said kindly, as he gently massaged the palm of my hand, which calmed me down. Man, this guy is such a sweetheart.

I smiled at him softly, wishing I could kiss his cheek, but I left it.

"Thomas, you're amazing. Thank you so much. How could I ever repay you?"

"Hmm, how about you just give me your number. That seems like a fair trade, I think." He said with a cheeky smile. I couldn't help but look at him in shock, with my cheeks probably being even more rosy than they were when I was outside in the cold rain.

"S-seriously?" I stuttered as he chuckled and nodded. I couldn't help but do a happy dance, only mentally of course or else he'd think I'm a freak.

"Yeah, I can do that." I said with shock still present in my voice, blinking a few times till I grasped onto what was happening. I took the piece of paper and pen Thomas handed me, and wrote down my number.

ⓒ Lex

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