Chapter 9

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I kept myself cuddled up to Thomas as we were still watching "The Client", one of my favourite movies, when Thomas gripped my waist a little too tightly, causing me to groan slightly and wince. I mentally cursed at myself, knowing he might have noticed that.

"You alright, love?" He asked me softly, while looking over to me. I nodded and kept my lips pursed, smiling faintly.

He furrowed his brows, grabbing the remote control, pausing the movie.

"I'm fine Thomas." I forced a giggle, shaking my head, not wanting him to be curious about it.

"You don't seem fine." I felt his hand gently grip my waist again and I couldn't help but scrunch my face in pain.

"Well, I am. Okay?" I mumbled, as I avoided making any eye contact with him.

"Kensie, look at me. Would you?" He asked me, grabbing ahold of my face, turning it towards him. The strength of his hand caused my cheeks to be squished with my lips forced into a "fishy" type of face. I kept my eyes down, not connecting them with his.

"Damn it Kens, I said look at me!" He raised his voice slightly. I flinched, not expecting that kind of outburst from him. He wasn't necessarily mad at me, but he wasn't thrilled. I then flickered my eyes up to him.

"Sorry." I whispered, apologizing. He sighed and let go of my face, pulling me into his arms, rubbing my back gently.

"Are you not telling me something?" I heard him quietly ask. I just buried my face into his shoulder as my eyes welled up with tears. I closed them, trying to hide the sadness.

"I promise you Tommy, I never would lie to you." I said with a shaky voice. I tried to hide it, but I couldn't. I broke down in his arms, trembling.

I held onto his shirt. My knuckles were turning white from keeping a tight grip, and my throat began to feel dry.

"Shh, it's okay.. It'll be okay.." He kept whispering in my ear, trying to reassure me. I wished I could believe him, but no matter how many times I've told myself that, it never was true. I opened my eyes and kissed his cheek gently.

"Thanks, Thomas." I spoke softly. I watched as he just stared at me sadly with his kind brown eyes.

"I just want you happy. Will you tell me what's really wrong now?" He said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I couldn't help but blush slightly.

"I don't feel comfortable talking about it right now. Can we just watch the movie?"

I didn't want to be rude, but I can't tell him. I just, can't. It's not good for him, and it won't be good for me. He could get hurt if my dad knew he knew.

He nodded his head, understanding I wasn't comfortable talking about it at the moment.

I moved closer to his chest for warmth when he ended up comforting me with another loving hug.

We finished the movie around 7 o'clock at night and I was already tired. Thomas was staying the night considering Isabella was out of town to see her parents back in England.

"You can just take my bed Thomas, I don't mind sleeping on the floor. You're company." I smiled at him as I laid down a few blankets on the floor before I placed the sleeping bag on top, to make it more comfortable.

"No no. I'll sleep in the sac. It's your bed." He gave me a small smile and I just sighed, too tired to argue any further.

When I finished brushing my teeth and applying on my face cream, I walked up to my bed, turning off the light. I knew Thomas had already fallen asleep due to his cute little snores.

"Goodnight Tommy." I whispered even though he couldn't hear me. I closed my eyes, breathing deeply, wanting to have a good sleep for once.


I felt something rub up my thigh slowly. I didn't know what it was, but I tried to ignore the feeling, so I could continue sleeping.

I felt the feeling progress up to my lady part, as there was more pressured applied there. Instantly, I woke up with my eyes wide in fear, seeing my father just a few inches above me, covering my mouth with his large wrinkly hand.

"Shh baby girl. We don't want your little boyfriend to wake up, now do we? It would be very unfortunate for him, if he did." So I stayed silent, knowing he would hurt Thomas if he ever found out. I let him continue the rubbing with his thumb, on my core. I hated when he did this. Ruin my sleep, make me feel even more worthless than I already felt before. It's sickening what he does to me. The worst part is, I can't tell anyone. I've tried and it's caused dangerous situations. I also tried to get away, and many times I have failed. So I can't do anything, but let him have the satisfaction. I don't know if I'll ever be able to open myself up to someone, thanks to my dad.

I kept avoiding eye contact, and made sure Thomas wouldn't wake up.

His free hand roamed up my shirt and started groping my left breast. I gulped as I could see how much my father was enjoying it. It was disturbing how he got amusement out of this, and how he didn't care. He doesn't even earn the entitlement to be called a father or dad. He's not even close to being one.

I let him continue his dirty deed before I heard rustling coming from the sleeping bag. Thomas better not be awake, I thought. I tried to focus my eyes on Thomas, to see if he did awake, but there was no movement. My disgusting piece of shit father pushed his hand harder on my mouth, to keep me silent as he pumped his fingers faster inside of me. I then heard a groan and saw him being fulfilled with pleasure. I should be feeling that, but NOT from my father.

More rustling ended up coming from the corner of the room, and it was so dark now, I could barely see the filthy man above me. He was now thrusting inside of me, and it hurt so bad. I tried to keep my eyes open so I could see if Thomas was moving but I couldn't help it any longer. I let out a small scream against my father's hand, as tears started to fall down my cheeks. I shut my eyes tightly as they continued to pour out, and then that's what I heard the one and only person, I've grown to adore, Thomas.

"What in the bloody hell--?!"

My eyes opened widely and I stared at him as he charged at my dad, knocking him off the bed, and gripping his neck in a chokehold. It all had happened so fast, I just stared at them.

"What in the fucking hell is wrong with you?!" My dad choked out, throwing a punch at Thomas. Thomas barely budged until my dad was able to knee him in the crotch.

"What the hell is wrong with me?! You're a bastard!" Thomas yelled back in clear pain, while holding onto his balls. I could tell his eyes were watering.

I immediately got up, panicking and covered myself in a blanket.

"Stop it!!" I yelled, not wanting my father to hurt Thomas anymore. I ran over, trying to stop my dad from beating him any further.

Thomas toppled on the floor when my dad attacked him and threw punches towards him violently.

He started to cough out blood and a bruise was already visible around his eye. I started crying and I screamed as loud as I could, before I shoved my dad off him with all the strength I could possibly muster.

Thomas eventually got ahold of himself and was able to beat him until he was unconscious and even then, he didn't stop.

ⓒ Lex

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