Chapter 14

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The sound of brewing coffee had woke me, and the strong scent of liquor. I never knew when Alex was sober, considering she drank all the time. As soon as she wakes up, to the minute she falls asleep, she's had a drink. I feel bad that her lifestyle has come to this, but I also understand.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up on my elbows then looked over, noticing my phone on the window sill. I smiled to myself, remembering our conversation last night. Soon after I got used to the sun shining through the window, I climbed down the ladder to make myself a cup of warm tea.

While I was adding one teaspoon of sugar to the tea, my phone rang. I stopped stirring to quickly answer, before I added a bit of milk to help cool it down and make it somewhat creamy.

"Hello?" I answered, taking a sip of my tea, feeling it slowly go down my throat, due to it being warm still.

"Good morning, love." Thomas replied. A smile formed on my lips, and I immediately got the eruption of butterflies in my stomach, once again.

"Morning Sangster. How was your sleep?" I asked while taking a seat in my desk chair.

As Thomas started to answer my question, he got interrupted by no other than my roommate, Alex.

"Ooo, who's that Kensie? Your boyfriend perhaps!?" She yelled at me, even though she was standing no more than five feet away, clearly trying to get his attention.

I heard Thomas chuckle at the other end of the line.

"Yes! I am actually!" He said back, even though she couldn't hear him. I figured he was just joking, but that didn't stop me from blushing like a mad man.

"Thomas, shut up." I giggled.

"How was your sleep?" He asked, changing the subject with a chuckle clear in his voice as he spoke.

"Amazing. You singing to me to sleep really was the icing on the cake." I said honestly, spinning my tea cup on the table with my fingertips.

"Awe, isn't that sweet?" He replied in a teasing manner, happiness shining through his voice. Of course, the way he said that, caused me to blush yet again.

"Yeah, I guess." I said, not really sure what to say after that comment.

"So, what are you up to today?" I took another sip of my tea before replying.

"Well, I have some studying to do today then I have to go into work, and make some pizza. Yay!" I cheered sarcastically, obviously not looking forward to it.

"Ahh, that sounds fun. I totally wish I could be doing that right about now. Unfortunately, I'm not."

Laughing, and shaking my head, I got up to get some grapes from the mini fridge.

"Yeah, I know right. Be jealous." I calmed down my laughter, settling to a soft giggle before I popped a grape in my mouth, munching quietly.

"Well, actually, I'd rather do that. I have to go get my things at the apartment today. Wish me luck." He sighed heavily.

"Hmm.." I said as I was finishing up the grape. "Good luck. You'll be alright. Why so late in the day though?" I popped another green coloured grape in my mouth.

"Trying to avoid it." He chuckled. "But that's impossible. And thanks Kens, I'll call you later then? I have to take a quick shower before I go."

"Oh." I laughed. "Alright, have a good day. Bye bye Thomas." I replied before hanging up the phone. I wasn't ready for what today had to offer.

After I finished studying for an hour or so, it was time for me to get ready for work. I guess no shower today, I thought.

Quickly, I put my hair in a long, somewhat messy ponytail after spraying on some dry shampoo to maintain the grease. I began my makeup, starting off with foundation first then some concealer. When I do my makeup, I like to go all out. Not like a drag queen of course, but I don't think it's a bad thing to wear what makes you comfortable.

Soon after I finished applying my mascara, I changed into my usual work day clothes. It was a part time job at the pizzeria, just to get me by. But one day, I'll be a fashion designer. It's my dream to create new fashion trends, and show the world what clothes really are about.


Work was coming to an end, thankfully. I've been working since 3:00pm and it's already 9:00. I need to get to my dorm and hit up the cafeteria for dinner and then head out to the pub nearby. I needed a drink desperately. Working for six hours straight is exhausting, especially when you're practically the only one on the job.

It's time for the night to begin.

ⓒ Lex

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