Chapter 15

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As my hand was gripping the steering wheel, I blasted my favourite EDM song throughout the car. The sound system was booming and the bass was extremely loud.

I slowed down as I reached a red light, still belching out the lyrics. The light turned green, instantly I pressed my foot on the gas, zooming through the intersection. I didn't even bother to look both ways before going through.

The loaded semi rammed into the tail end of my car, making my head whip to the side as my body jolted forward. In an instant I was sent flying out my front wind shield right on top of the front of my car, slowly slipping off onto the concrete. I coughed up some blood before my vision turned hazy and I blacked out.

"Alex!!" I shouted as I entered our dorm, tossing the keys on my freshly made bed. "You home?"

"Yeah, I'm right here stupid." She laughed as she exited the washroom. "What's up?"

"Well, since I've been working for a long period of time, I was wondering if you'd maybe want to come grab some dinner with me and then head out to the pub, even a club will do." I shrugged, entering the washroom soon after.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good plan." She smiled. "Just let me get dressed. Good thing I did my makeup in advance." I heard her laugh shortly after.

Once I finished touching up my make up and changed into a somewhat revealing outfit, I grabbed my keys and purse, and headed out with Alex.

She ended up inviting her boyfriend so that they could have a fun time together, but I was hoping to at least stay away from the guys. I'm into Thomas, and even though he may not be into me, I don't want to be sleeping around with other guys. Sure, we're not dating, and he's all the way out in England, but there's no point in me being a sleezeball anyways.

We ended up finishing dinner fairly early, and since I was the one driving, I only had a glass of wine at the restaurant.

"Hey, Kens, can we go to the club instead? The pub's such a downer." Alex whined. I sighed, and laughed it off.

"Yeah, sure!" I put the car in drive and exited the parking lot, making my way to the club. Even though the pub is quieter and more relaxing, which is more of my taste, I decided to agree to Alex's idea. Letting loose a little couldn't hurt, right?

I guess I was right. This place is fucking awesome! That could be the alcohol talking, but I doubt it. I don't usually get wasted off of only three drinks. I giggled to myself at the thought, and then continued to grind against some guy. I think he said his name was Cory? Not too sure, I can't remember.

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, Cory's lips were locked with mine and his hand was groping my ass. At this point in time, I'm too drunk to care, so I decided him and I should head upstairs to the lounge.

His pants already happened to be off, and so did my shirt before realization hit me, I love Thomas. Immediately I pulled away and shook my head, getting off his waist and grabbing my shirt.

"No, no.." I slurred my words, slipping my white tank back over my head. "Sorry, I can't do this." I stumbled out of the room, grabbing my purse and shoes and quickly made my way down the somewhat steep stairs.

I got in the car as quick as I possibly could and put my keys in the ignition. I sighed while sweeping my hair back, then rested my forehead on the steering wheel, gripping either side of it.

"You're so stupid! Dumb Kensington." I slurred as I smashed my forehead against the wheel.

"Ow!" I yelped, rubbing my forehead. "That hurt." I said, pouting as if I was a little child.

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