Chapter 5

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Eventually when I got home, I had to say goodbye to Thomas. Even though it upset me to say goodbye, I at least knew he had my number. I doubt he'll use it, only because he's famous and busy, but he also has a girlfriend he needs to dedicate himself to. Not me. Isabella is extremely gorgeous, I could never amount to that. There's nothing beautiful about me. Even if he didn't have a girlfriend, I am far too young for him.

When I got to the door of my house, I took a deep breath while unlocking it, ready to get hit. I didn't hear the limo pull away yet, which meant Thomas could be possibly watching. I don't want him to have to witness this. I don't need sympathy. Immediately when I opened the door my dad grabbed ahold of my shirt, dragging me inside, slamming the door shut.

"Where have you been, you little bitch!" He yelled in my face, already throwing a punch at me.

"I was out! I'm seventeen now! You don't need to babysit me!" I yelled right back, earning another punch from the old man. I scrambled out of his grasp, falling to the ground before getting up and running to my room instantly. I was followed by loud footsteps.

Thomas' P.O.V

I waved goodbye but sadly she didn't even notice, she practically flew into her house, slamming the door. I hoped I didn't do anything to piss her off.

"Bloody hell, Thomas." I mumbled to myself before I started hearing loud yelling and screaming coming from Kensie.

My brows furrowed as I became concerned but it was too late, the chauffeur had already driven away from her house. I decided to pull out my phone and text her to see if she was alright, but there was no reply. I decided to wait it out for a bit, before I get too worried.

Kensington's P.O.V

I slammed the door to my bedroom shut and paced around before he knocked it down, storming toward me. I just took every punch he threw at me, sinking down against the wall.

"What's this!?" He growled as he tugged on my shirt, picking me up then throwing me on the bed. "And why does it smell like a boy?! Are you being a little slut again!?" He yelled at me repeatedly before he got over top of me and pinned my arms above my head, slipping his free hand up my shirt, groping me while a smirk played at his lips.

"You know what happens when you're a bad girl, don't you?" He growled again as I whimpered, keeping my eyes shut, and lips pursed.

"Don't you ignore me baby girl. Look at me!" He yelled, getting angry with me again. I did as he asked, opening my eyes slowly, staring into his fiery blue ones. I couldn't take it anymore, I kneed him hard in the balls.

"Fuck!" He groaned as he grabbed onto his crotch, rolling over onto his back on the bed. I got up almost instantly and made a run for it.

"Come back here!" He yelled. I ignored him and sprinted down the stairs, jumping off the last few before I immediately fell to the floor, being tackled by him. I struggled to get out of his grip but he was a lot stronger than me, being a construction worker and all. He's used to dealing with heavy things, so he's well built. I kept trying and never gave up until he got me on my back, straddling my waist. It was painful considering he was practically on my stomach.

"How far did you think you were going to get missy?" He smirked and flicked out a pocketknife from his back pocket. I stopped moving and gulped hard, staring at how shiny it was under the moonlight that was glowing through the kitchen window.

"It would be a shame to ruin your beautiful face, now wouldn't it?" He said, being a total smart ass. I wanted to punch that smirk right off his disgusting face, but I remained still as he dragged the knife across my cheek gently. If he pressed any harder he'd cut me.

"Speak sweetheart, I want to hear that gentle voice." He said slyly, I just tensed my jaw, forcing down another gulp.

"Awe, come on, don't be that way." He spoke once more before digging the knife in a bit harder, breaking open my skin. I whimpered, and opened my eyes before spitting in his face, which was a mistake that I already regret making.

ⓒ Lex

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