Chapter 7

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-A Few Days Later -

Thomas and I have been talking more lately, and my dad has been ignoring me recently. He's staying at work due to longer shifts, which is fine by me. The bruises are slowly healing and they're looking better. The scar on my cheek has now faded to a slight line, barely anything there now. Thank goodness.

I felt my phone buzzing in my hand and I smiled, knowing it must be Thomas, since no one else texts me.

"I was thinking, I'd come pick you up today? I'm filming for The Scorch Trials today, so, if you'd like to come with me, you can." I almost passed out when I read the message.

"I'd love to go! But why isn't Isabella going with you? You two okay?" I sent back, biting my lip, waiting for a response.

It's been a few hours since I replied back to Thomas' message and I still didn't receive a text message. I guess I'm a little worried, but he's a busy boy. Of course he is, he's famous. He's probably hanging out with his girlfriend now. Or fucking her brains out. I shivered at that thought, I don't want to imagine that.

Since there was still no reply from Thomas, I decided to maybe do something that would at least put my brain to use.

I went upstairs with my phone, and threw it on the bed. Opening my closet, and then one of the drawers to a side table, I found a stack of books that I bought years back and never bothered to read them. I guess that time can be now.

As I already had gotten comfortable on the bench beside my window, and cracked open my book "Looking For Alaska" to the first page, I heard the doorbell go off from downstairs. I groaned, and placed my book down before jogging down the stairs quietly. I peeked through the peephole, and, lo and behold, there stood Thomas, wearing a pair of sweats and a comfy sweater.

I was taken back. I didn't expect him to be here, or even remember my address for that matter. I don't even recall getting a text to say he was on his way.

I opened the door and saw him look up and meet his eyes with mine. Gosh, he's so tall and attractive, it's crazy, I thought.

"Well, hello there, look who it is." I said with a smile slowly spreading across my face. I earned a chuckle from him before he asked,

"May I come in?" I bit my lip and looked around the house to make sure it was somewhat tidy.

"I assume so." I said, looking back to him, opening the door a little wider as I moved out of the way for him to come on in. "Why are you here? Don't you have a movie shooting to attend to?" I asked.

"Yeah, but you're coming with me." He said, as he was looking around, almost as if he was suspicious.

"You could've gave me notice at least? I texted you." I was a little angry with how he thinks he can just show up when he feels like it. I look like shit at the moment.

He shrugged and looked back to me, looking me up and down.

"You look fine to me." I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

"Oh really? I look "fine" to you?" I asked, using my fingers as quotations when I spoke.

"Yeah, you look fine." I couldn't help but snicker and shake my head.

"Alright. Well I'm not fine, how about that?" I said before going upstairs to go change into some proper attire, rather than my sleep wear.


We arrived at the location of where they were filming the movie, and it was all overwhelming. The area was so cool, the set and everything. I waited as Thomas had to get his outfit and makeup done so he would be ready for the film. Meanwhile, I talked to Ki Hong, he's so funny. I couldn't help myself from laughing every time he made a comment about something.

The cast and I, except Thomas, danced around the set like a bunch of idiots, as music was playing in the background. Thomas was late, due to picking me up, so we had time to goof around while he was getting in costume. We all danced together, like we've all been good friends for quite awhile. I was having a blast.

Then all of us waited until the guy in the song shouted, "Let's get freaky!"

The beat then dropped and we all lost our minds, doing all sorts of different dances, just laughing. For once in my life, I wasn't worried. I was comfortable in this situation, and it was nice to be myself.

Thomas eventually came up from behind me laughing. I jumped a bit because I was still afraid of what my dad did to me, but I slowly eased into his embrace. He didn't even notice and we continued to dance the day away in between takes.

ⓒ Lex

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