Chapter 5

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Author's Note: Dear Reader's

Thank you for your patience. Its been a really hectic few days which didn't allow me enough time to upload the next chapter. But now that I am free I should be able to upload them in shorter waiting periods.

Hope you enjoy it. Do leave your comments. Its appreciated.


Artist: Jason Reeves with Colbie Caillet - Love is Permanent

You liked it so much in the city

You know I could not stand it there

You loved to get lost in the people

And pretend that they really cared

You know you're such a bad imposter

Hiding your wings beneath your coat

I watched your footprints making patterns

Away from me into the snow

Now I don't believe in nothing anymore...

Cuz love is permanent not temporary

And it's driven straight into our chest

And buried much too deep

To just pull out like weeds in a garden

It's permanent

Well I'm sorry

So lately I've been going crazy

Trying to get you off my mind

Cuz thoughts of you hang just like pictures

And gather dust over the time

We hung them up just like real lovers

And drove our nails into the wall

Cuz we thought they'd be there forever

We weren't permanent at all

And it's getting much too hard to see it now...

Cuz love is permanent not temporary

And it's driven straight into our chest

And buried much too deep

To just pull out like weeds in a garden

It's permanent

Well I'm sorry


Chapter 5

"Good morning Professor" I called from the door while entering Dr. Mac's office. "Solange, morning! How was your weekend? I wasn't expecting to see until the end of next week."

"My weekend was very relaxing. Thank you Sir. I actually came to see you about the research."

"Yes, yes how is it coming along? Anything interesting you came across?"

"That's the problem , every book I read and check, all I see is different sentences but same meaning and saying either Angels' are God's creations and have no form or just discarded as myth"

"But you do not think so. Why?"

"I don't know but whenever I think about all the little mysteries which we experience sometime in our lives, I feel there is some mystical power in play and it strengths my belief in Angels".

My Angel Eyes - Watching over meWhere stories live. Discover now