Chapter 18

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Author's Note:

Hi All

Solange finally reaches the beautiful city of Empyrean and meets Ralf’s mother. Check out the novel to see what happens.

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Thank you and Enjoy ^_^



As I watched Ralf and Uriel set up camp fire for the night, I remembered the time I saw Ralf at the church. It was like a lightening had struck me and I could see the beautiful colors of nature in a different light. But since then we had been facing new problem everyday and never had a chance to actually know each other. Watching Ralf I wished I had the courage to walk up to him and talk about this attraction. I wanted to know if it was only me or if Ralf too has feelings for me.  Few minutes later I slid out of the tent and walked towards Ralf not knowing what I would say to him. Before I could say anything Ralf said “Angel, I know this entire journey has been tiring on you. I suggest you to eat dinner and rest. Uriel and I will keep watch for the portal and the black-ones.”

“Will black-ones come here too?” I asked praying they wouldn’t find us so soon.

“We hope not but we need to be careful.” Said Ralf offering me a plate filled with tropical fruits and cold turkey sandwich.

“Thank you. I didn’t know you had time to pack dinner?”

“Not me. Neal had packed few cold sandwiches along with water. Fruits were Uriel’s hunting in and around the hong.”

Thanking both I sat on the log set across the camp fire and enjoyed the cool breeze coming from the ocean taking small bites of fruits.


Uriel and I had set up the temporary camp of single tent for Angel and started a camp fire to keep the chill away. I felt her look at me and I turned to find her looking away embarrassed at being caught staring. Taking a plate I served dinner for her and walked towards to the tent to find her walking to me. Her eyes held questions and she was biting her lower lip as if stopping herself from asking something. But she didn’t know her eyes expressed all her questions. These feelings and attraction we felt towards each other. I didn’t have answers for her and I had no idea how to explain to her that she was my mate for life. Will she accept me as her mate knowing what I had done in my past? Things I was not so proud of. Not having courage to face her I placed the dinner plate in her hand and explained the night watch duty. She took the plate and sat comfortably eating her dinner. The breeze lifted her black shiny hair away from her face and the moonlight gave her a pixy appearance. A fairy lost in her thoughts and I wanted to know what was running through her pretty mind.  

Few minutes later Angel settled in for the night in the tent and Uriel next to camp fire in the only sleeping bag we had managed to pack. Taking up my watch next to tent I sent out a mild energy to sense any presence of black-ones. Finding none I walked to the cave and checked for changes in its energy. Finding no change I walked back towards the camp and sat on the log praying for courage to tell my true feelings to my sweet Angel and to keep her safe.

Towards the early morning Uriel took over watch and I would have hardly shut eyes for fifteen minutes when I felt  Uriel saying that the portal was opening. Immediately running towards it I saw in fact it was opening and we had ten minutes before it would be fully active for us to travel through. Returning to camp we gathered our belongings and woke Angel informing her it was time to leave.

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