Chapter 2

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Author's Note: Hey All thank you for reading "My Angel Eyes- Watching Over me".

I have placed lyrics of my favorite songs at the beginning of each chapter.

I will be uploading every chapter on Saturday with hope you are enjoying it. Please do provide your kind comments.


Artist: Manhattans

Honey, you are my shining star

Don't you go away

Wanna be right here where you are

Until my dying day

So many have tried

Tried to find a love like yours and mine

Girl, don't you realize how you hypnotize

Make me love you more each time...yeah, baby

Honey, I'm never gonna leave you lonely

Give my love to you only

To you only

To you only

Feels so good

When we're lying here next to each other, lost in love...yeah, baby

Baby, when we touch--love you so much

You're all I ever dreamed of...yeah, baby

Honey, I'm never gonna leave you lonely

Give my love to you only

To you only

To you only


Watching the sun set along the horizon Ralf felt alive and was able to relax for the first time in a very very long time. Moving to Cape Mendocino was one of the best decisions he had taken. The beauty of this place was mesmerizing and the drive under the shadows of the redwood trees was breath taking with amazing light formations caused ny the sun light trying to reach the earth through the dense trees. The house he had purchased was at the end of the Shelter Cove town with beautiful sea side view with access to private beach down a steep winding one lane dirt road. This place had retained its old charm and it was biggest compulsion for him move.

After many ages Ralf was able to close his eyes and instantly fell in deep slumber. He didn't know if it was this place but he was up in morning in happy mood which had been very rare in past few years. There was always an air of doom surrounding him and the constant responsibilities plagued him suffocating with no way out. But now it was new start, new place, new life and he was very much looking forward to it. He showered and got ready to visit the town to get acquainted with locals and to purchase supplies. His grumbling stomach told him it was time to head out soon as he couldn't cook his breakfast for lack of basic kitchen supplies in his new house.

Ralf drove down the scenic single lane road out his property onto the main road leading to the town center. Parking his Hummer along the side lane he got down and took note of the small but beautiful town with shops bustling with locals in their Sunday best. And just then he suddenly felt a pull on the left side of his chest making him walk the next few blocks until he reached the Church across the road. He was amused at what caused such intense emotions to land him at the doors of the god, and that's when he saw most enchanting beauty he had ever laid eyes upon. She was wearing a sundress complimenting her tanned skin and beautiful midnight black long hair twisted in half knot. The few rebellious tendrils had come loose in curls framing her angelic face. From his position Ralf couldn't see her face and in hurry to do so he bumped into a frail looking old lady who was anything but frail when she dressed him down for his clumsiness. Ralf was a charmer and in no time had the old lady blushing like a teenager on her first date while helping her into her grandson's car wishing them well.

He turned around to see her looking at him and he could see the blush creeping on her cheeks for being caught like a small child with her hand in the cookie jar. The air stirred pushing her hair away to reveal a beautiful face he had ever seen. She was of South Asian decent with hint of Scottish features.

Ralf couldn't control his strides as it took him towards this magical creature. He was so engrossed with her, he never realized Father Smith standing with his beauty along with another lady who looked in her middle age. Father Smith immediately recognized Ralf from their previous acquaintance back home and excused himself to walk towards him and both the ladies walked in opposite direction of him. Ralf wished to run behind her to know who she was but Father Smith greeted him and enquired about his family and about his trip to Shelter Cove. Ralf was not expecting that his arrival to this remote town was known to others. He realized it must have been his father's doing.  To be polite Ralf accompanied Father Smith as he introduced him to town council and other members of the Cove but he was thinking "he would rather be chasing the tanned beauty just to know her name. But he will have to wait for another time. After all this was a small town and their paths should cross soon enough."  After the introductions and warm welcome from towns' residents Ralf finished his first tour of the town and headed home with his purchases. He was sure he would see her again in town and when he saw her walk into the bistro with another lady, he couldn't take his eyes of her. He got up to talk to her but she immeditely left the coffee shop as soon as she saw me. "I scared her off". Thats all he could think and was dumbstruck not knowing what to do next and so with heavy heart headed home.

Once home he unpacked his purchases and put everything in shelves. There were still few hours before sunset and he decided to explore the beach along his property. The cold evening wind blew across his hair tossing it bringing a smile on his lips. "This is the place which I could call home with its beauty to match the heaven. A god's own paradise on earth".  

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