Chapter 38

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Hey Fellow authors

Here comes chapter 38 if my novel My Angel Eyes. I was planning to make this the final chapter, but as I wrote ideas kept flowing so here it is. Hope you enjoy reading this chapter



Even after my refusal, Solange sat next to the girl helping Assiel to ensure the girl’s fever came down. Seeing she was engaged, I asked Uriel to meet me at the dining area. I noticed Uriel to be very protective of the girl and not ready to let anyone close to the girl. But the need to save her overrode and he let Assiel, Solange to care for her.

“You wanted something from me, my prince?” Uriel asked hesitatingly as he stood in front of me

I opened myself to understand what was troubling him through our blood bond; all guardians were linked to each other. But he had gone silent not letting his thoughts known to anyone. Respecting his wish, I didn’t probe and instead decided to ask him straight out. “What is it about this girl that is bothering you my friend? You know she is responsible for attack on us and needs to go in front of the council for the same.”

Uriel stood silent for so long, that I didn’t expect him to give me an answer, but then he said “My prince, please allow me few days. I know the girl is responsible for the attack on my lady and my brothers, but she is but a child and doesn’t know the consequences of her actions. Hecate and Melissa have taken advantage of her.”

“How can you be so sure of it? How can we assume the girl is innocent and didn’t know what she was doing?”

“My prince, I do not have answer to your questions.” Said Uriel


“Ralf, you are a good friend of mine, before you’re my prince. I request you on this friendship to give me some days to understand why this girl is important to me.” Said Uriel and anguish on his face made me realize that my dear friend had been keeping things from me. Things he was not yet ready to share, but I knew I would stand by him just as I know on my life that he would stand by my side. Nodding that he may take some days before we can bring the girl in front of the council I walked to the barracks to check on Solange. As I entered the barracks, she smiled at me and walked with her hands stretched coming into my embrace. “The girl, she is but a child. I don’t know how Hecate can use her so ill for her selfish needs.” Said Solange looking at the girl lying on the bed

“You forget my dear; Melissa my sister who was so dear to me is also responsible for the hell on this poor child. I wonder if only I knew what was happening; maybe I could have saved Melissa from this fate and hateful life.”

Taking my hand, Solange walked out the door towards the high platform that overlooks the gorge. “Raphael, no one is responsible for this situation we all are in, expect Lucifer and his deviousness. We will not let me him win. I want this battle to end so that we can go home.” Holding her close, I promised to myself to keep her safe and away from situations that would soon arise. I could feel the black smoke that was rising from gorge which was spiraling upwards with greed to engulf everything in its path.

Somewhere underground just beneath the mountains:

Hecate was in one of her worst moods, screaming at the loss of girl. Melissa couldn’t stand it any longer and walked away. But suddenly she found herself pinned along the wall of the underground caves. Her voice was gone and something suddenly yanked on her hair pulling some of it away from her scalp. As lifted her head for the force that held her, she saw Hecate’s body along the opposite wall.

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