Part 5

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"Proceeding with caution are we?"

When Horikita told about our plan for the Ridiculous Riddle, Chabashira was honestly impressed. In a test where the rules were tricky and the contents were largely unknown, it was better to proceed with caution.

This couldn't have been expected from Class D of a year before. However, things have changed now and Class D has gotten more powerful and more competent.

"So, let us start right away."

After Chabashira said that we all tore a small piece of paper from our notebooks.

Everyone must have already decided on who to vote as the leader as they immediately finished writing on their piece of paper.

One by one they made their way towards the front and put their piece of paper inside the small box that Horikita had brought.

Ike was busy folding his piece of paper. He had folded it almost ten times making it way small.

Why need to make it that small?

But I didn't have time to keep thinking about that.

I haven't given any thought about whom to vote as a leader. So, I was just twisting my pen in between my fingers.

Then a certain incident happened which shocked everyone in the class.

Rokusuke Koenji had also written down something on a piece of paper and was walking towards the front. He slowly put it inside the box and was about to return to his seat when Horikita called out to her.

Koenji who didn't participate in any class activities was casting the vote of his own accord. It shocked everyone.

"You didn't need to cast your vote, Koenji-kun. Why involve in something troublesome."

There was definitely a hint of sarcasm in her words and everyone caught onto that as well. But Koenji didn't even listen properly much less offer any sort of reaction.

"Ha. This exam just happened to pique my interest, Horikita-girl."

I really envy this man. How he can act so brazenly and without a care in the world?

"Is that so."

When Horikita replied he had already returned to his seat and was lost in his own world.

After a while everyone finished writing, so did I.

Chabashira then placed the box aside and spoke to us.

"I will count the votes here and mail the student whoever is elected as the leader."

So, instead of telling her students directly, she would mail, huh?

This saves her the trouble of going to contact that student directly. If she tries to contact the student covertly, there was always a possibility that someone might see and find it suspicious. It was the right call.

"So, that's decided. I will mail the student who is elected as the leader today. And your test will commence tomorrow after the two hints for finding the class codes is given."

That was it.

After that, the classes ended without any hitch. But not one of the students relaxed at all during the whole time.

They were tensed. One could tell just by looking at their straightened and stiff position on their seats.

They were all anxious. They themselves didn't know who the leader of their class would be and the rules for this test seemed shady.

At first glance, the rules were simple and the test seemed easy but it was going to take some toll of work on everyone.

Let's see how this plays out.


After the classes ended, I returned to my dorms.

I was a bit tired. I had spent more time with the rest of the Ayanokoji group than usual and spent some time with Kei as well.

I don't mean that I am tired of spending time with them though. I enjoy my time with both the members of the Ayanokoji group and Kei. What I was tired of was something unrelated to both of them.

I wasn't getting anywhere.

I decided to stop thinking for a while and have some coffee.

I got up from my bed and fiddling with my phone I went to the kitchen.

On the kettle, the water was boiling. I was just reading some stuff about home appliances. I was planning on getting some new kitchen wares soon.

Just then my phone buzzed.

Someone had mailed me.

I immediately checked the contents.

I see. So, that's what it is.

After thinking for a while, I told her to do something for me.

After hitting the send button, I poured the prepared drink into my cup.

With a cup in one hand and my phone in the other, I went to my bedroom.

I put my phone beside me and turned on the T.V.

I was watching a documentary when my phone vibrated again.

[Why do you want me to do that?]

I just closed my phone and resumed watching the T.V.

I have no intention of explaining any further than this. She should have understood that she won't be getting any answers from me. And I knew full well that she would do what I had told her without any further probing. 

Although she might be a bit suspicious of me, she would do what I had asked no questions asked. She knows that I am not someone who does things without any major objective.

So, all I have to do is wait and see how it plays.


This concludes the Second Chapter!

The third chapter will be a bit of merrymaking and fun and we would be diving into the special test from Chapter 4. Hope you will keep reading and supporting this!

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