New life and Bullies

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No POV: You move away from your hometown to Swellview because your parents are always fighting and you live in an apartment alone. You needed to get away from stress. Your parents are awful now. You arrive at your place and unpack. 5 hours later you look for a job and find a place called Junk'N Stuff.

Your Pov

I was starting at Swellview high school tomorrow so i decided to go look for a job. I go to this place called "Junk'N Stuff". I walk in and see a bunch of stuff. I look around and then run into a blonde-haired boy who wore a grey sweatshirt and jeans with vans. I drop my binder that I have my notes in. He is a bit taller than me.

"Sorry didn't see you there," I say, picking up papers

"It's ok," The boy says.

You guys then stare into each other's eyes.  Another handsome older-looking man walks in. He is taller and talks to the boy.

"Buddy, Time to go to the stock room in the basement." He says

"Do you know where I can get a job here? I just moved here and  saw you needed part-time help." I say, asking the brown-haired man.

"Well, If you are interested in being a helper along with the cashier, you are hired." He says.

"Thanks, My name is Y/N," I greet.

"Henry is mine and this is Ray." The blonde boy says.

"Nice to meet you guys," I smile.

"Let me go get our cashier," Ray says.

"Actually I'll be starting at Swellview High school so I have to go see the principal," I explain.

"Oh well, I go to that school too. I'll see you maybe Tomorrow Y/N." Henry smiles.

"See you," I say with a smile then walk out the door.

The next day

I wake up to the iCarly theme. I check my phone and see if my old "best Friend" Jessica sent me messages. She acted fake until I moved so she sent me like 1,000 messages yesterday. They all ask if they can come visit or hangout. I reply no to them and put my phone down. Today is my first day and I'm kinda nervous. I grab a striped crop top and a black tank with ripped jeans and vans. I set my clothes down and take a shower. Then I after I get changed, I comb my hair and leave it down. I make myself some toast and walk out the door with my things to wait for my bus. I am not driving myself to school right now.

At School

I walk in and loo nervous. I look at my phone because i got another message. I suddenly bump into a tall-looking boy and drop my book.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaim.

"It's ok!" The boy says.

"Wait aren't you?" I say

"Yes, I'm Henry! You are YN!" He says smiling.

"Oh yeah. Listen can I get your number? I just need to since we'll be working together" I say, handing him my notebook.

"Sure," Henry says, Smiling.

Then a straight-haired, brunette boy comes to Henry with a dark-skinned girl.

"Henry! Guess What!" says the straight-haired boy. "Ooh, who is this fine lady." He smirks.

"I'm Y/N," I greet.

"Jasper and this is charlotte." He says, gesturing to the dark-skinned girl.

"Nice to meet you!" I say, smiling.

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