Sister Twister Part 2 (S5 EP22)

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I am putting Ava's Outfit up since you're wearing the same outfit like last chapter. I forgot to add her hair but just pretend her hair is in a blonde ponytail.

Your POV

 "Hey, maybe if we blow a bubble, this glitter can come off," I suggest.

"Good idea," Henry says as the three of us, Ray, Henry, and I, get our gum ball tubes out.

We're about to blow a bubble when we see a blonde girl come down the tube. Oh wait! It's Piper!

"OH MY GOSH!!" She yells out in shock.

Henry, Ray, and I are in uniform as we see Piper shocked.

"My brother is Kid Danger and My best friend is Girl Danger!" She exclaims.

"No, I'm not your best friend, I'm sure she's very beautiful! And this one, he isn't kid Danger, he's probably very good looking though," I say, chuckling nervously.

"Who else knows about this?!" Piper asks, "and you must be their boss!"

"Yeah, I'm Captain Man, aka Henry and y/n's boss, make yourself at home, I'll be right back," Ray says.

"No one knows, I promise!" Henry says.

Ava and Charlotte walk out of the gear room with some spare clothes.

"Ava? Charlotte?!" Piper exclaims.

"Piper?!" Charlotte and Ava exclaim.

"You guys said, nobody else knows about this! Do mom and dad know?!" Piper asks.

"Okay, just Ava and Charlotte, nobody else," I explain.

Jasper walks in with his eyebrows shaved off from earlier. I facepalm myself knowing this isn't going to end well.

"Hey guys- Piper?!" 

"Jasper?!" Piper exclaims.

"Oh no!" I mutter to myself.

"You said nobody else knew besides Charlotte and Ava!" 

Schwoz comes down the tube, widens his eyes and goes back up

I sit on the couch, now having a horrible headache. Ava and Charlotte come over to comfort me.

"Who is that? Wait! That looks like the guy that was at our house for Henry's birthday!" Piper says.

Ray comes back with he memory wiper.

"Any last words before I blast this?" Ray says.

"Ray don't! You're  going to hurt my sister!" Henry says, I walk over to him and Piper

The memory wiper starts and Henry quickly grabs Piper and I back.

"You girls okay? Did he erase your memories?" Henry asks the two of us, a hand on both of our shoulders.

"Yeah, I remember who I am, what about you and y/n?" Piper asks us.

"I remember who I am," I say.

"Me too," Henry says.

"Ray, are you okay?" I ask my boss.

"I'm okay," he says and we all smile when he talks again, "but who are you guys?"

I cover my mouth in shock  and Henry holds me close. Ray falls to the ground and All of us share a look except for Piper.

"Oh no," I mutter under my breath.

"Ray got his memory erased!" Jasper exclaims.

I sit down on the couch with Charlotte and Ava.

"Can we just focus that Piper found out that Henry's Kid Danger and Y/n is Girl Danger?! She's going to tell all of social media!" Ava says, pacing around the room.

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