A tale of two Ava's Part 2 (S5 E24)

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Previously and a bit of a spoiler in this chapter

Future Ava is currently trying to keep present Ava safe. There will be a bit of war going on until Ava's mother, who turned into Dark Shadow, will find out that she needs to stop being so evil. Noah and Taylor realize they find their parents being they're being held hostage and mind controlled. Sadly, they won't be able to stay in the present because they have an important role in the future.

Your POV

Henry, Ava, Jasper, and I are hiding in my closet. Future Ava is fighting the Dark shadow. I'm hoping all this war and horrible things will end soon. Ava is the most worried out of all of us. I'm scared for her and also grossed out that I'll have my wedding kiss with Jasper in the future.

"Jasp, I'm scared, I don't want bad stuff to happen in the future." Ava says and Jasper holds her to his chest and strokes her hair.

Future Ava's POV:

The Dark Shadow arrives with Noah and Taylor. 

"Hello Ava, I see you've escaped, Noah grab her, Taylor, use your gas to make her unconscious.

Taylor used her gas to make me unconscious. I fall to the ground and everything goes black.

Third POV

Ava, Jasper, Henry, and Y/n are still hiding. Ava's hands start to glow bright blue.

"Should we go to Schwoz about this?" Ava asks her friends and boyfriend.

"Yeah, your hands are glowing, take these gloves and let's escape through this window," y/n says, gesturing to the window.

Ava jumps out along with Jasper, Henry, Ray, and Y/n.

Man Cave

Jasper is holding Ava's hand as Schwoz examines her body. Charlotte, Y/n, and Henry are busy locating down Ava's mom. They realize that if the Dark Shadow dies, then Ava's mom will too.

"Ava, you are starting to develop your powers, you need to wear these special gloves, they'll help you in the fight against the Dark Shadow." Schwoz explains and hands her some gloves.

"Yeah, we gotta stop her before anything happens to me," Ava says.

Schwoz does a few more tests and Ava then stands up.

"Here, this is gum you'll need, you'll need it only once," Schwoz says, handing her some gum.

"Why?" Jasper asks.

"It's for the big fight against the Dark shadow, sure she'll have millions of minions but Y/n and Ava can use their ice powers to stop them," Schwoz explains.

Ava grabs the gum and blows it. She is dressed in a blue outfit with some gadgets, a braid and a Ninja star shaped like a snowflake and freezes someone whenever it hits something. She has a laser lipstick that shooters icicles, some rope that turns you to ice and a sword that freezes the ground whenever it hits it.

 She has a laser lipstick that shooters icicles, some rope that turns you to ice and a sword that freezes the ground whenever it hits it

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