Period day

701 6 5

Your POV

I wake up with a sharp pain in my stomach. I immediately walk into the bathroom. I check if I'm on my lady cycle. I grab a pad and put it on. Thank goodness I'm out of school so I don't have to deal with gym class anymore. I shower and change into my red sweatshirt, black sweatpants, and my hair in a messy bun. I grab my heating pad and put it under my red blanket. Henry walks in and looks at me with worry.

"Hey babe? Why didn't you come down? We've been waiting for you and Ava's starting to pace around," Henry says, "Are you okay?!"

"No! I didn't come down because I was sleeping and showering!" I exclaim.

"Are you on your lady cycle?" Henry asks.

I nod and groan due to my cramps in my stomach. Henry walks over to me and picks me up bridal style. I hiss and lean my head on Henry's shoulder as we get downstairs. Ava is eating her waffles, Jasper has his arm around Ava's shoulders, and Jackson and Charlotte are making out.

"Hey guy-ssss owwww!" I hiss in pain.

"Hey y/n, are you okay?" Jasper asks with concern.

Henry sets me on the couch and I groan due to the horrible cramps.

Charlotte pulls away from Jackson and Ava looks at me with concern.

"Lady cycle?" The girls ask.

"Yes...." I nod.

"Okay, how about I go to the store and get you the stuff you need," Henry smiles.

I groan and lean my head on Jaspers shoulder.

"Yes! Please!" I exclaim.

Henry smiles and walks out of base.

"Jasp, how do you deal with Ava when she's on her monthly?" I ask.

"Well I always get her stuff, I cuddle, give her whatever she needs and I take care of her," Jasper grins.

"Yes he does, I do get aggressive on my period but Jasper and I like to wrestle with each other," Ava giggles.

I groan and Charlotte comes over and feels my head.

"Honey, do you want your heating pad?" Charlotte asks.

I nod and she walks upstairs to the bedroom that Henry and I share except he slept on the couch last night since I wasn't feeling well due to feeling like I had a fever.

I hold my stomach and Ava strokes my hair.

"I know, it's painful, sweet girl," Ava says, stroking my hair, "I know your pain, it just prevents pregnancy,"

(I believe that's the reason. Don't tell me in the comments though because I'll google it)

Henry walks in with two baskets and sets them down next to me.

"Here you go Princess, I got you all your favorite candies , ice cream, and your favorite movie," Henry smiles, "I made these into baskets for you,"

"Here you go Princess, I got you all your favorite candies , ice cream, and your favorite movie," Henry smiles, "I made these into baskets for you,"

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"Aww thanks Hen," I smile and he sits down next to me, "You're too sweet,"

Ava and Jasper scoot over and cuddle. Henry puts on (favorite movie) and snuggles up next to me.

"I love you Princess," Henry says. "I love you too!" I smile back. We cuddle and snuggle together.

I grab the Kit Kat and open it up and I hand Ava and Jasper some twizzlers.

Ava and Jaspers cuddling position just they're not sleeping:

Ava and Jaspers cuddling position just they're not sleeping:

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Your cuddling position:

End of chapter! I'm sorry it's so short :( but I hoped you liked it :D 

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End of chapter! I'm sorry it's so short :( but I hoped you liked it :D 

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