Broken Armed and Dangerous (S5 E8)

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Your POV

We are out fighting Dr.Karate. Jasper, Charlotte, and Schwoz are in the man cave working on stuff. I swing a punch and Dr.Karate chops my arm and causes it to break. 

"Ow!" I exclaim, holding my arm, falling to the ground.

"Girl danger!" Henry exclaims, running to my side as Dr.Karate chops his arm.

"Oww!" Henry says, holding his arm, falling to the ground next to me.

Ray fights Dr.Karate and he gets knocked out. He handcuffs the villain to a pole and helps us up.

"I got you guys, we'll get to the man cave as fast as we can!" He says, holding us and walking to the man van.


3rd Person POV 

"Our number two story tonight, the Playground Pooper has struck again," Mary informs. 

"The playground police suddenly have more duties than usually, because someone or something has been using the Swellview Playgrounds every night as a toilet,"  Trent explains and we all laughed. "The police have piles of evidence, but yet to catch the prankster despite being flushed with clues."

"Has the news always been this funny?" Jasper asks.

The alarm blares and Ray, Y/n, and Henry land in the tubes. y/n in the left tube with ray and henry in the right tube. Charlotte rushes to help y/n to the couch.

"We got a situation here people!" Ray exclaims.

"We know," Charlotte says, setting y/n on the couch, "The playground pooper has struck again." 

"No way, really?" Ray laughs.

"It's a different situation-" Henry says and Ray hits his arm.

"Shhh!" Ray shushes him.

"Ow!" Henry cries and y/n touches his arm with her left hand.

"Shhh!" y/n says softly

Ray unmutes the TV.

"The police have no idea who is doing the dumping, an angry teen, a large baby, No one knows,"  Trent explains.

"It's a real Poo Done it!" Mary adds and they all chuckle.

Your POV

"It's probably Jasper," Ray mentions and I giggle.

"Probably," I agree.

"What?!" Jasper gasps.

"Ewww!" Charlotte says, disgusted.

"It's not me!" Jasper protests.

"I don't know, Jasper," I shrug, "It just smells like something you would do."

They all started arguing as Henry and I groan in pain.

"Alright! Jokes over! y/n and Henry look like they're in pain."  Jasper says.

"I'm not joking though!" Ray says and Jasper gives him a look of disbelief.

"Okay, guys can we focus on what happened to y/n and I?" Henry pleads and I give him a worry look as I hold my arm.

"Ahh! They're talking about you guys!" Ray announces hitting our arms.

"Ow!" I exclaim and Henry cringes.

"In non-funny news, witnesses say Girl Danger and Kid danger while teaming up with captain man to fight supercriminal Dr.Karate, broke their arms this evening," Mary announces and Jasper gasps.

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